diff --git a/examples/affinity.yaml b/examples/affinity.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..724fcb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/affinity.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# DECORT kvmvm module example
+- hosts: ansible_master
+ tasks:
+ - name: create a VM named cloud-init_example
+ decort_kvmvm:
+ name: affinity_example
+ annotation: "VM managed by decort_kvmvm module"
+ authenticator: oauth2
+ app_id: "" # Application id from SSO Digital Energy
+ app_secret: "" # API key from SSO Digital Energy
+ controller_url: "" #"https://mr4.digitalenergy.online"
+ rg_id: # Resource group id
+ cpu: 2
+ ram: 2048
+ boot_disk: 10
+ image_name: "DECS Ubuntu 18.04 v1.2.3" # Name of OS image
+ networks:
+ - type: VINS
+ id: # VINS id
+ tags: "Ansible cloud init example"
+ aff_lable: "Affinity lable"
+ tag:
+ - key: bd
+ value: main
+ aff_rule:
+ - key: app
+ value: main
+ topology: compute
+ policy: REQUIRED
+ mode: EQ
+ state: present
+ delegate_to: localhost
+ register: simple_vm
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/anti_affinity.yaml b/examples/anti_affinity.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0baa8a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/anti_affinity.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# DECORT kvmvm module example
+- hosts: ansible_master
+ tasks:
+ - name: create a VM named cloud-init_example
+ decort_kvmvm:
+ name: anti-affinity_example
+ annotation: "VM managed by decort_kvmvm module"
+ authenticator: oauth2
+ app_id: "" # Application id from SSO Digital Energy
+ app_secret: "" # API key from SSO Digital Energy
+ controller_url: "" #"https://mr4.digitalenergy.online"
+ rg_id: # Resource group id
+ cpu: 2
+ ram: 2048
+ boot_disk: 10
+ image_name: "DECS Ubuntu 18.04 v1.2.3" #Name of OS image
+ networks:
+ - type: VINS
+ id: #VINS id
+ tags: "Ansible cloud init example"
+ aff_lable: "Anti affinity lable"
+ tag:
+ - key: bd
+ value: main
+ aaff_rule:
+ - key: app
+ value: main
+ topology: compute
+ policy: REQUIRED
+ mode: ANY
+ state: present
+ delegate_to: localhost
+ register: simple_vm
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/cloud-init.yaml b/examples/cloud-init.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4163c0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/cloud-init.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# DECORT kvmvm module example
+- hosts: ansible_master
+ tasks:
+ - name: create a VM named cloud-init_example
+ decort_kvmvm:
+ annotation: "VM managed by decort_kvmvm module"
+ authenticator: oauth2
+ app_id: "" # Application id from SSO Digital Energy
+ app_secret: "" # API key from SSO Digital Energy
+ controller_url: "" #"https://mr4.digitalenergy.online"
+ name: cloud-init_example
+ cpu: 2
+ ram: 2048
+ boot_disk: 10
+ image_name: "DECS Ubuntu 18.04 v1.2.3" #Name of OS image
+ networks:
+ - type: VINS
+ id: #VINS id
+ tags: "Ansible cloud init example"
+ state: present
+ rg_id: #Resource group id
+ ci_user_data:
+ - packages:
+ - apache2
+ - write_files:
+ - content: |
+ Hello World!
+ owner: user:user
+ path: /var/www/html/index.html
+ - hostname: test-apache
+ - ssh_keys:
+ - rsa_public: ssh-rsa AAAAOasDmLxnD= user@pc
+ delegate_to: localhost
+ register: simple_vm
diff --git a/examples/kubernetes.yaml b/examples/kubernetes.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e73050
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/kubernetes.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# DECORT k8s module example
+- hosts: ansible_master
+ tasks:
+ - name: obtain JWT
+ decort_jwt:
+ oauth2_url: "" #"https://sso.digitalenergy.online"
+ validity: 1200
+ verify_ssl: false
+ register: token
+ delegate_to: localhost
+ - name: create a VM named cloud-init_example
+ decort_k8s:
+ state: present
+ started: True
+ getConfig: True
+ authenticator: jwt
+ jwt: "{{ token.jwt }}"
+ controller_url: "" #"https://mr4.digitalenergy.online"
+ name: "cluster-test"
+ rg_id: # Resource group id
+ k8ci_id: # k8s ci id
+ workers:
+ - name: wg1
+ ram: 1024
+ cpu: 10
+ disk: 10
+ num: 1
+ - name: wg2
+ ram: 1024
+ cpu: 10
+ disk: 10
+ num: 2
+ verify_ssl: false
+ delegate_to: localhost
+ register: kube
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/library/decort_k8s.py b/library/decort_k8s.py
index 3e3053b..1ed5d55 100644
--- a/library/decort_k8s.py
+++ b/library/decort_k8s.py
@@ -14,105 +14,247 @@ ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
'status': ['preview'],
'supported_by': 'community'}
from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
from ansible.module_utils.basic import env_fallback
from ansible.module_utils.decort_utils import *
+class decort_k8s(DecortController):
+ def __init__(self,arg_amodule):
+ super(decort_k8s, self).__init__(arg_amodule)
-def decort_k8s_package_facts(arg_k8s_facts, arg_check_mode=False):
- """Package a dictionary of k8s facts according to the decort_k8s module specification. This dictionary will
- be returned to the upstream Ansible engine at the completion of the module run.
+ validated_acc_id = 0
+ validated_rg_id = 0
+ validated_rg_facts = None
+ validated_k8ci_id = 0
- @param arg_k8s_facts: dictionary with k8s facts as returned by API call to .../k8s/get
- @param arg_check_mode: boolean that tells if this Ansible module is run in check mode
- """
+ if arg_amodule.params['name'] == "" and arg_amodule.params['id'] == 0:
+ self.result['failed'] = True
+ self.result['changed'] = False
+ self.result['msg'] = "Cannot manage k8s cluster when its ID is 0 and name is empty."
+ self.fail_json(**self.result)
- ret_dict = dict(id=0,
- name="none",
- state="CHECK_MODE",
- )
- if arg_check_mode:
- # in check mode return immediately with the default values
- return ret_dict
+ if not arg_amodule.params['id']:
+ if not arg_amodule.params['rg_id']: # RG ID is not set -> locate RG by name -> need account ID
+ validated_acc_id, _ = self.account_find(arg_amodule.params['account_name'],
+ arg_amodule.params['account_id'])
+ if not validated_acc_id:
+ self.result['failed'] = True
+ self.result['changed'] = False
+ self.result['msg'] = ("Current user does not have access to the account ID {} / "
+ "name '{}' or non-existent account specified.").format(arg_amodule.params['account_id'],
+ arg_amodule.params['account_name'])
+ self.fail_json(**self.result)
+ # fail the module -> exit
+ # now validate RG
+ validated_rg_id, validated_rg_facts = self.rg_find(validated_acc_id,
+ arg_amodule.params['rg_id'],)
+ if not validated_rg_id:
+ self.result['failed'] = True
+ self.result['changed'] = False
+ self.result['msg'] = "Cannot find RG ID {} / name '{}'.".format(arg_amodule.params['rg_id'],
+ arg_amodule.params['rg_name'])
+ self.fail_json(**self.result)
+ # fail the module - exit
- if arg_k8s_facts is None:
- # if void facts provided - change state value to ABSENT and return
- ret_dict['state'] = "ABSENT"
- return ret_dict
+ #validate k8ci ID
+ validated_k8ci_id = self.k8s_k8ci_find(arg_amodule.params['k8ci_id'])
+ if not validated_k8ci_id:
+ self.result['failed'] = True
+ self.result['changed'] = False
+ self.result['msg'] = "Cannot find K8CI ID {}.".format(arg_amodule.params['k8ci_id'])
+ self.fail_json(**self.result)
+ self.rg_id = validated_rg_id
+ arg_amodule.params['rg_id'] = validated_rg_id
+ arg_amodule.params['rg_name'] = validated_rg_facts['name']
+ self.acc_id = validated_rg_facts['accountId']
+ arg_amodule.params['k8ci_id'] = validated_k8ci_id
- ret_dict['id'] = arg_k8s_facts['id']
- ret_dict['name'] = arg_k8s_facts['name']
- ret_dict['techStatus'] = arg_k8s_facts['techStatus']
- ret_dict['state'] = arg_k8s_facts['status']
+ self.k8s_id,self.k8s_info = self.k8s_find(k8s_id=arg_amodule.params['id'],
+ k8s_name=arg_amodule.params['name'],
+ rg_id=validated_rg_id,
+ check_state=False)
+ if self.k8s_id:
+ self.k8s_should_exist = True
+ self.acc_id = self.k8s_info['accountId']
+ # check workers and groups for add or remove
+ return
+ def package_facts(self,check_mode=False):
+ ret_dict = dict(
+ name="",
+ state="CHECK_MODE",
+ account_id=0,
+ rg_id=0,
+ config=None,
+ )
+ if check_mode:
+ # in check mode return immediately with the default values
+ return ret_dict
+ #if self.k8s_facts is None:
+ # #if void facts provided - change state value to ABSENT and return
+ # ret_dict['state'] = "ABSENT"
+ # return ret_dict
+ ret_dict['id'] = self.k8s_info['id']
+ ret_dict['name'] = self.k8s_info['name']
+ ret_dict['techStatus'] = self.k8s_info['techStatus']
+ ret_dict['state'] = self.k8s_info['status']
+ ret_dict['rg_id'] = self.rg_id
+ ret_dict['account_id'] = self.acc_id
+ if self.amodule.params['getConfig'] and self.k8s_info['techStatus'] == "STARTED":
+ ret_dict['config'] = self.k8s_getConfig()
+ return ret_dict
+ def nop(self):
+ """No operation (NOP) handler for Compute management by decort_kvmvm module.
+ This function is intended to be called from the main switch construct of the module
+ when current state -> desired state change logic does not require any changes to
+ the actual Compute state.
+ """
+ self.result['failed'] = False
+ self.result['changed'] = False
+ if self.k8s_id:
+ self.result['msg'] = ("No state change required for K8s ID {} because of its "
+ "current status '{}'.").format(self.k8s_id, self.k8s_info['status'])
+ else:
+ self.result['msg'] = ("No state change to '{}' can be done for "
+ "non-existent K8s instance.").format(self.amodule.params['state'])
+ return
- return ret_dict
+ def error(self):
+ self.result['failed'] = True
+ self.result['changed'] = False
+ if self.k8s_id:
+ self.result['msg'] = ("Invalid target state '{}' requested for K8s cluster ID {} in the "
+ "current status '{}'.").format(self.k8s_id,
+ self.amodule.params['state'],
+ self.k8s_info['status'])
+ else:
+ self.result['msg'] = ("Invalid target state '{}' requested for non-existent K8s Cluster name '{}' "
+ "in RG ID {} / name '{}'").format(self.amodule.params['state'],
+ self.amodule.params['name'],
+ self.amodule.params['rg_id'],
+ self.amodule.params['rg_name'])
+ return
-def decort_k8s_parameters():
- """Build and return a dictionary of parameters expected by decort_k8s module in a form accepted
- by AnsibleModule utility class."""
+ def create(self):
+ self.k8s_provision(self.amodule.params['name'],
+ self.amodule.params['workers'][0]['name'],
+ self.amodule.params['k8ci_id'],
+ self.amodule.params['rg_id'],
+ self.amodule.params['master_count'],
+ self.amodule.params['master_cpu'],
+ self.amodule.params['master_ram_mb'],
+ self.amodule.params['master_disk_gb'],
+ self.amodule.params['workers'][0]['num'],
+ self.amodule.params['workers'][0]['cpu'],
+ self.amodule.params['workers'][0]['ram'],
+ self.amodule.params['workers'][0]['disk'],
+ self.amodule.params['extnet_id'],
+ self.amodule.params['with_lb'],
+ self.amodule.params['description'],)
+ self.k8s_id,self.k8s_info = self.k8s_find(k8s_id=self.amodule.params['id'],
+ k8s_name=self.amodule.params['name'],
+ rg_id=self.rg_id,
+ check_state=False)
+ if self.k8s_id:
+ self.k8s_should_exist = True
+ if self.k8s_id and self.amodule.params['workers'][1]:
+ self.k8s_workers_modify(self.k8s_info,self.amodule.params['workers'])
+ return
+ def destroy(self):
+ self.k8s_delete(self.k8s_id)
+ self.k8s_info['status'] = 'DELETED'
+ self.k8s_should_exist = False
+ return
+ def action(self,disared_state,started=True):
+ self.k8s_state(self.k8s_info, disared_state,started)
+ self.k8s_id,self.k8s_info = self.k8s_find(k8s_id=self.amodule.params['id'],
+ k8s_name=self.amodule.params['name'],
+ rg_id=self.rg_id,
+ check_state=False)
+ if started == True and self.k8s_info['techStatus'] == "STOPPED":
+ self.k8s_state(self.k8s_info, disared_state,started)
+ self.k8s_info['techStatus'] == "STARTED"
+ self.k8s_workers_modify(self.k8s_info,self.amodule.params['workers'])
- return dict(
- account_id=dict(type='int', required=False),
- account_name=dict(type='str', required=False, default=''),
- annotation=dict(type='str', required=False, default=''),
- app_id=dict(type='str',
+ return
+ @staticmethod
+ def build_parameters():
+ return dict(
+ account_id=dict(type='int', required=False),
+ account_name=dict(type='str', required=False, default=''),
+ annotation=dict(type='str', required=False, default=''),
+ app_id=dict(type='str',
+ required=False,
+ fallback=(env_fallback, ['DECORT_APP_ID'])),
+ app_secret=dict(type='str',
+ required=False,
+ fallback=(env_fallback, ['DECORT_APP_SECRET']),
+ no_log=True),
+ authenticator=dict(type='str',
+ required=True,
+ choices=['legacy', 'oauth2', 'jwt']),
+ controller_url=dict(type='str', required=True),
+ # datacenter=dict(type='str', required=False, default=''),
+ jwt=dict(type='str',
- fallback=(env_fallback, ['DECORT_APP_ID'])),
- app_secret=dict(type='str',
+ fallback=(env_fallback, ['DECORT_JWT']),
+ no_log=True),
+ oauth2_url=dict(type='str',
+ required=False,
+ fallback=(env_fallback, ['DECORT_OAUTH2_URL'])),
+ password=dict(type='str',
- fallback=(env_fallback, ['DECORT_APP_SECRET']),
+ fallback=(env_fallback, ['DECORT_PASSWORD']),
- authenticator=dict(type='str',
- required=True,
- choices=['legacy', 'oauth2', 'jwt']),
- controller_url=dict(type='str', required=True),
- # datacenter=dict(type='str', required=False, default=''),
- jwt=dict(type='str',
- required=False,
- fallback=(env_fallback, ['DECORT_JWT']),
- no_log=True),
- oauth2_url=dict(type='str',
- required=False,
- fallback=(env_fallback, ['DECORT_OAUTH2_URL'])),
- password=dict(type='str',
- required=False,
- fallback=(env_fallback, ['DECORT_PASSWORD']),
- no_log=True),
- quotas=dict(type='dict', required=False),
- state=dict(type='str',
- default='present',
- choices=['absent', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'present']),
- permanent=dict(type='bool', default=False),
- started=dict(type='bool', default=True),
- user=dict(type='str',
- required=False,
- fallback=(env_fallback, ['DECORT_USER'])),
- k8s_name=dict(type='str', required=True),
- rg_id=dict(type='int', required=True),
- k8ci_id=dict(type='int', required=True),
- wg_name=dict(type='str', required=True),
- master_count=dict(type='int', default=1),
- master_cpu=dict(type='int', default=2),
- master_ram_mb=dict(type='int', default=2048),
- master_disk_gb=dict(type='int', default=10),
- worker_count=dict(type='int', default=1),
- worker_cpu=dict(type='int', default=1),
- worker_ram_mb=dict(type='int', default=1024),
- worker_disk_gb=dict(type='int', default=0),
- extnet_id=dict(type='int', default=0),
- description=dict(type='str', default="Created by decort ansible module"),
- with_lb=dict(type='bool', default=True),
- verify_ssl=dict(type='bool', required=False, default=True),
- workflow_callback=dict(type='str', required=False),
- workflow_context=dict(type='str', required=False),
- )
+ quotas=dict(type='dict', required=False),
+ state=dict(type='str',
+ default='present',
+ choices=['absent', 'disabled', 'enabled', 'present','check']),
+ permanent=dict(type='bool', default=False),
+ started=dict(type='bool', default=True),
+ user=dict(type='str',
+ required=False,
+ fallback=(env_fallback, ['DECORT_USER'])),
+ name=dict(type='str', required=True),
+ id=dict(type='int', required=False, default=0),
+ getConfig=dict(type='bool',required=False, default=False),
+ rg_id=dict(type='int', default=0),
+ rg_name=dict(type='str',default=""),
+ k8ci_id=dict(type='int', required=True),
+ wg_name=dict(type='str', required=False),
+ master_count=dict(type='int', default=1),
+ master_cpu=dict(type='int', default=2),
+ master_ram_mb=dict(type='int', default=2048),
+ master_disk_gb=dict(type='int', default=10),
+ worker_count=dict(type='int', default=1),
+ worker_cpu=dict(type='int', default=1),
+ worker_ram_mb=dict(type='int', default=1024),
+ worker_disk_gb=dict(type='int', default=10),
+ workers=dict(type='list'),
+ extnet_id=dict(type='int', default=0),
+ description=dict(type='str', default="Created by decort ansible module"),
+ with_lb=dict(type='bool', default=True),
+ verify_ssl=dict(type='bool', required=False, default=True),
+ workflow_callback=dict(type='str', required=False),
+ workflow_context=dict(type='str', required=False),)
def main():
- module_parameters = decort_k8s_parameters()
+ module_parameters = decort_k8s.build_parameters()
amodule = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=module_parameters,
@@ -125,112 +267,74 @@ def main():
['app_id', 'app_secret'],
['user', 'password'],
+ required_one_of=[
+ ['id', 'name'],
+ ['rg_id','rg_name']
+ ],
- decon = DecortController(amodule)
- k8s_id, k8s_facts = decon.k8s_find(arg_k8s_name=amodule.params['k8s_name'],
- arg_check_state=False)
- k8s_should_exist = True
- if k8s_id:
- if k8s_facts['status'] in ["MODELED", "DISABLING", "ENABLING", "DELETING", "DESTROYING", "CREATING",
- "RESTORING"] and amodule.params['state'] != "present":
- decon.result['failed'] = True
- decon.result['changed'] = False
- decon.result['msg'] = ("No change can be done for existing k8s ID {} because of its current "
- "status '{}'").format(k8s_id, k8s_facts['status'])
- elif k8s_facts['status'] in ["DISABLED", "ENABLED", "CREATED", "DELETED"] and amodule.params['state'] == "absent":
- if amodule.params['permanent'] is True:
- decon.k8s_delete(k8s_id, True)
- k8s_facts['status'] = 'DESTROYED'
- k8s_should_exist = False
- else:
- decon.k8s_delete(k8s_id)
- k8s_facts['status'] = 'DELETED'
- k8s_should_exist = True
- elif k8s_facts['status'] == "ENABLED" and amodule.params['started'] is True:
- decon.k8s_state(k8s_facts, amodule.params['state'], amodule.params['started'])
- elif k8s_facts['status'] == amodule.params['state'].upper():
- decon.k8s_state(k8s_facts, amodule.params['state'])
- elif k8s_facts['status'] in ["ENABLED", "CREATED"] and amodule.params['state'] == "disabled":
- decon.k8s_state(k8s_facts, 'disabled')
- elif k8s_facts['status'] in ["DISABLED", "CREATED"]:
- if amodule.params['state'] == 'enabled':
- decon.k8s_state(k8s_facts, 'enabled', amodule.params['started'])
- elif amodule.params['state'] == "disabled":
- decon.k8s_state(k8s_facts, 'disabled')
- k8s_should_exist = True
- elif k8s_facts['status'] == "DELETED":
- if amodule.params['state'] in ('enabled', 'present'):
- decon.k8s_restore(k8s_id)
- k8s_should_exist = True
- elif amodule.params['state'] == 'disabled':
- decon.result['failed'] = True
- decon.result['changed'] = False
- decon.result['msg'] = ("Invalid target state '{}' requested for k8s ID {} in the "
- "current status '{}'").format(k8s_id,
- amodule.params['state'],
- k8s_facts['status'])
- k8s_should_exist = False
- elif k8s_facts['status'] == "DESTROYED":
- if amodule.params['state'] in ('present', 'enabled'):
- k8s_should_exist = True
+ subj = decort_k8s(amodule)
+ if amodule.params['state'] == 'check':
+ subj.result['changed'] = False
+ if subj.k8s_id:
+ # cluster is found - package facts and report success to Ansible
+ subj.result['failed'] = False
+ subj.result['facts'] = subj.package_facts(amodule.check_mode)
+ amodule.exit_json(**subj.result)
+ # we exit the module at this point
+ else:
+ subj.result['failed'] = True
+ subj.result['msg'] = ("Cannot locate K8s cluster name '{}'. "
+ "RG ID {}").format(amodule.params['name'],
+ amodule.params['rg_id'],)
+ amodule.fail_json(**subj.result)
+ if subj.k8s_id:
+ if subj.k8s_info['status'] in ("DELETING","DESTROYNG","CREATING","DESTROYING",
+ subj.error()
+ elif subj.k8s_info['status'] == "DELETED":
+ if amodule.params['state'] in ('disabled', 'enabled', 'present'):
+ subj.k8s_restore(subj.k8s_id)
+ subj.action(amodule.params['state'])
+ if amodule.params['state'] == 'absent':
+ subj.nop()
+ elif subj.k8s_info['techStatus'] in ("STARTED","STOPPED"):
+ if amodule.params['state'] == 'disabled':
+ subj.action(amodule.params['state'])
elif amodule.params['state'] == 'absent':
- # nop
- decon.result['failed'] = False
- decon.result['changed'] = False
- decon.result['msg'] = ("No state change required for k8s ID {} because of its "
- "current status '{}'").format(k8s_id,
- k8s_facts['status'])
- k8s_should_exist = False
- elif amodule.params['state'] == 'disabled':
- # error
- decon.result['failed'] = True
- decon.result['changed'] = False
- decon.result['msg'] = ("Invalid target state '{}' requested for k8s ID {} in the "
- "current status '{}'").format(k8s_id,
- amodule.params['state'],
- k8s_facts['status'])
+ subj.destroy()
+ else:
+ subj.action(amodule.params['state'],amodule.params['started'])
+ elif subj.k8s_info['status'] == "DISABLED":
+ if amodule.params['state'] == 'absent':
+ subj.destroy()
+ elif amodule.params['state'] in ('present','enabled'):
+ subj.action(amodule.params['state'],amodule.params['started'])
+ else:
+ subj.nop()
+ elif subj.k8s_info['status'] == "DESTROED":
+ if amodule.params['state'] in ('present','enabled'):
+ subj.create()
+ if amodule.params['state'] == 'absent':
+ subj.nop()
- k8s_should_exist = False
if amodule.params['state'] == 'absent':
- decon.result['failed'] = False
- decon.result['changed'] = False
- decon.result['msg'] = ("Nothing to do as target state 'absent' was requested for "
- "non-existent k8s name '{}'").format(amodule.params['k8s_name'])
- elif amodule.params['state'] in ('present', 'enabled'):
- decon.check_amodule_argument('k8s_name')
- k8s_id = decon.k8s_provision(amodule.params['k8s_name'],
- amodule.params['wg_name'],
- amodule.params['k8ci_id'],
- amodule.params['rg_id'],
- amodule.params['master_count'],
- amodule.params['master_cpu'],
- amodule.params['master_ram_mb'],
- amodule.params['master_disk_gb'],
- amodule.params['worker_count'],
- amodule.params['worker_cpu'],
- amodule.params['worker_ram_mb'],
- amodule.params['worker_disk_gb'],
- amodule.params['extnet_id'],
- amodule.params['with_lb'],
- amodule.params['description'],
- )
- k8s_should_exist = True
- elif amodule.params['state'] == 'disabled':
- decon.result['failed'] = True
- decon.result['changed'] = False
- decon.result['msg'] = ("Invalid target state '{}' requested for non-existent "
- "k8s name '{}' ").format(amodule.params['state'],
- amodule.params['k8s_name'])
- if decon.result['failed']:
- amodule.fail_json(**decon.result)
+ subj.nop()
+ if amodule.params['state'] in ('present','started'):
+ subj.create()
+ elif amodule.params['state'] in ('stopped', 'disabled','enabled'):
+ subj.error()
+ if subj.result['failed']:
+ amodule.fail_json(**subj.result)
- if k8s_should_exist:
- if decon.result['changed']:
- _, k8s_facts = decon.k8s_find(arg_k8s_id=k8s_id)
- decon.result['facts'] = decort_k8s_package_facts(k8s_facts, amodule.check_mode)
- amodule.exit_json(**decon.result)
+ if subj.k8s_should_exist:
+ subj.result['facts'] = subj.package_facts(amodule.check_mode)
+ amodule.exit_json(**subj.result)
+ else:
+ amodule.exit_json(**subj.result)
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/library/decort_kvmvm.py b/library/decort_kvmvm.py
index 3b38b07..d2e9af3 100644
--- a/library/decort_kvmvm.py
+++ b/library/decort_kvmvm.py
@@ -192,6 +192,9 @@ options:
- If I(ssh_key) is not specified, this parameter is ignored and a warning is generated.
- This parameter is valid at VM creation time only and ignored for any operation on existing VMs.
required: no
+ user_data:
+ description:
+ - Cloud-init User-Data, exept ssh module
- Specify the desired state of the virtual machine at the exit of the module.
@@ -548,15 +551,18 @@ class decort_kvmvm(DecortController):
if self.amodule.params['state'] in ('halted', 'poweredoff'):
start_compute = False
- if self.amodule.params['ssh_key'] and self.amodule.params['ssh_key_user']:
+ if self.amodule.params['ssh_key'] and self.amodule.params['ssh_key_user'] and not self.amodule.params['ci_user_data']:
cloud_init_params = {'users': [
{"name": self.amodule.params['ssh_key_user'],
"ssh-authorized-keys": [self.amodule.params['ssh_key']],
"shell": '/bin/bash'}
+ elif self.amodule.params['ci_user_data']:
+ cloud_init_params = {}
+ for ci_param in self.amodule.params['ci_user_data']:
+ cloud_init_params.update(ci_param)
cloud_init_params = None
# if we get through here, all parameters required to create new Compute instance should be at hand
# NOTE: KVM VM is created in HALTED state and must be explicitly started
@@ -595,6 +601,11 @@ class decort_kvmvm(DecortController):
# Next manage data disks
self.compute_data_disks(self.comp_info, self.amodule.params['data_disks'])
+ self.compute_affinity(self.comp_info,
+ self.amodule.params['tag'],
+ self.amodule.params['aff_rule'],
+ self.amodule.params['aaff_rule'],
+ label=self.amodule.params['affinity_label'],)
# NOTE: see NOTE above regarding libvirt "feature" and new VMs created in HALTED state
if self.amodule.params['state'] not in ('halted', 'poweredoff'):
self.compute_powerstate(self.comp_info, 'started')
@@ -641,6 +652,11 @@ class decort_kvmvm(DecortController):
self.amodule.params['cpu'], self.amodule.params['ram'],
+ self.compute_affinity(self.comp_info,
+ self.amodule.params['tag'],
+ self.amodule.params['aff_rule'],
+ self.amodule.params['aaff_rule'],
+ label=self.amodule.params['affinity_label'],)
def package_facts(self, check_mode=False):
@@ -774,6 +790,11 @@ class decort_kvmvm(DecortController):
rg_name=dict(type='str', default=""),
ssh_key=dict(type='str', required=False),
ssh_key_user=dict(type='str', required=False),
+ tag=dict(type='list', required=False),
+ affinity_label=dict(type='str', required=False),
+ aff_rule=dict(type='list', required=False),
+ aaff_rule=dict(type='list', required=False),
+ ci_user_data=dict(type='list', required=False),
choices=['absent', 'paused', 'poweredoff', 'halted', 'poweredon', 'present', 'check']),
diff --git a/module_utils/decort_utils.py b/module_utils/decort_utils.py
index 380fcdf..e08c7ba 100644
--- a/module_utils/decort_utils.py
+++ b/module_utils/decort_utils.py
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ NOTE: this utility library requires DECORT platform version 3.4.0 or higher.
It is not compatible with older versions.
-- python >= 2.6
+- python >= 3.8
- PyJWT Python module
- requests Python module
- netaddr Python module
@@ -1188,6 +1188,47 @@ class DecortController(object):
return True
return False
+ def compute_affinity(self,comp_dict,tags,aff,aaff,label=""):
+ self.result['waypoints'] = "{} -> {}".format(self.result['waypoints'], "compute_affinity")
+ api_params = dict(computeId=comp_dict['id'])
+ self.decort_api_call(requests.post, "/restmachine/cloudapi/compute/affinityRulesClear", api_params)
+ self.decort_api_call(requests.post, "/restmachine/cloudapi/compute/antiAffinityRulesClear", api_params)
+ if tags:
+ for tag in tags:
+ api_params = dict(computeId=comp_dict['id'],
+ key=tag['key'],
+ value=tag['value'], )
+ self.decort_api_call(requests.post, "/restmachine/cloudapi/compute/tagAdd", api_params)
+ if label:
+ api_params = dict(computeId=comp_dict['id'],
+ affinityLabel=label,)
+ self.decort_api_call(requests.post, "/restmachine/cloudapi/compute/affinityLabelSet", api_params)
+ if aff:
+ if len(aff[0])>0:
+ for rule in aff:
+ api_params = dict(computeId=comp_dict['id'],
+ key=rule['key'],
+ value=rule['value'],
+ topology=rule['topology'],
+ mode=rule['mode'],
+ policy=rule['policy'],)
+ self.decort_api_call(requests.post, "/restmachine/cloudapi/compute/affinityRuleAdd", api_params)
+ if aaff:
+ if len(aaff[0])>0:
+ for rule in aaff:
+ api_params = dict(computeId=comp_dict['id'],
+ key=rule['key'],
+ value=rule['value'],
+ topology=rule['topology'],
+ mode=rule['mode'],
+ policy=rule['policy'],)
+ self.decort_api_call(requests.post, "/restmachine/cloudapi/compute/antiAffinityRuleAdd", api_params)
+ self.result['failed'] = False
+ self.result['changed'] = True
# OS image manipulation methods
@@ -2678,7 +2719,12 @@ class DecortController(object):
return ret_k8s_id, ret_k8s_dict
- def k8s_find(self, arg_k8s_id=0, arg_k8s_name="", arg_check_state=True):
+ ##############################
+ #
+ # K8s management
+ #
+ ##############################
+ def k8s_find(self, k8s_id, k8s_name="",rg_id=0,check_state=True):
"""Returns non zero k8s ID and a dictionary with k8s details on success, 0 and empty dictionary otherwise.
This method does not fail the run if k8s cannot be located by its name (arg_k8s_name), because this could be
an indicator of the requested k8s never existed before.
@@ -2700,7 +2746,7 @@ class DecortController(object):
# Transient state (ending with ING) are invalid from k8s manipulation viewpoint
self.result['waypoints'] = "{} -> {}".format(self.result['waypoints'], "k8s_find")
@@ -2708,31 +2754,22 @@ class DecortController(object):
api_params = dict(includedeleted=True)
ret_k8s_dict = None
- if arg_k8s_id > 0:
- ret_k8s_id, ret_k8s_dict = self._k8s_get_by_id(arg_k8s_id)
+ if k8s_id:
+ ret_k8s_id, ret_k8s_dict = self._k8s_get_by_id(k8s_id)
if not ret_k8s_id:
self.result['failed'] = True
- self.result['msg'] = "k8s_find(): cannot find k8s by ID {}.".format(arg_k8s_id)
+ self.result['msg'] = "k8s_find(): cannot find k8s cluster by ID {}.".format(k8s_id)
- elif arg_k8s_name != "":
+ else:
api_resp = self.decort_api_call(requests.post, "/restmachine/cloudapi/k8s/list", api_params)
if api_resp.status_code == 200:
- account_specs = json.loads(api_resp.content.decode('utf8'))
- for k8s_item in account_specs:
- got_id, got_specs = self._k8s_get_by_id(k8s_item['id'])
- if got_id and got_specs['name'] == arg_k8s_name:
- # name matches
- if not arg_check_state or got_specs['status'] not in K8S_INVALID_STATES:
- ret_k8s_id = got_id
- ret_k8s_dict = got_specs
- break
- # Note: we do not fail the run if k8s cannot be located by its name, because it could be a new k8s
- # that never existed before. In this case ret_k8s_id=0 and empty ret_k8s_dict will be returned.
- else:
- # Both arg_k8s_id and arg_k8s_name are empty - there is no way to locate k8s in this case
- self.result['failed'] = True
- self.result['msg'] = "k8s_find(): either non-zero ID or a non-empty name must be specified."
- self.amodule.fail_json(**self.result)
+ k8s_list = json.loads(api_resp.content.decode('utf8'))
+ for k8s_item in k8s_list:
+ if k8s_item['name'] == k8s_name and k8s_item['rgId'] == rg_id:
+ if not check_state or k8s_item['status'] not in K8S_INVALID_STATES:
+ ret_k8s_id = k8s_item['id']
+ _, ret_k8s_dict = self._k8s_get_by_id(ret_k8s_id)
return ret_k8s_id, ret_k8s_dict
@@ -2753,7 +2790,7 @@ class DecortController(object):
if arg_k8s_dict['status'] in NOP_STATES_FOR_K8S_CHANGE:
self.result['failed'] = False
self.result['msg'] = ("k8s_state(): no state change possible for k8s ID {} "
@@ -2772,7 +2809,8 @@ class DecortController(object):
"'{}' was requested.").format(arg_k8s_dict['id'], arg_k8s_dict['name'],
+ if arg_desired_state == 'present':
+ arg_desired_state = 'enabled'
k8s_state_api = "" # This string will also be used as a flag to indicate that API call is necessary
api_params = dict(k8sId=arg_k8s_dict['id'])
expected_state = ""
@@ -2802,23 +2840,27 @@ class DecortController(object):
"state '{}' to desired state '{}'.").format(arg_k8s_dict['id'],
def k8s_delete(self, k8s_id, permanently=False):
self.result['waypoints'] = "{} -> {}".format(self.result['waypoints'], "k8s_delete")
if self.amodule.check_mode:
self.result['failed'] = False
- self.result['msg'] = "k8s_delete() in check mode: delete Compute ID {} was requested.".format(k8s_id)
+ self.result['msg'] = "k8s_delete() in check mode: delete K8s cluster ID {} was requested.".format(k8s_id)
api_params = dict(k8sId=k8s_id,
- permanently=permanently,
+ permanently=False,
self.decort_api_call(requests.post, "/restmachine/cloudapi/k8s/delete", api_params)
# On success the above call will return here. On error it will abort execution by calling fail_json.
self.result['failed'] = False
+ self.result['msg'] = "k8s_delete() K8s cluster ID {} was deleted.".format(k8s_id)
self.result['changed'] = True
def k8s_restore(self, k8s_id ):
"""Restores a deleted k8s cluster identified by ID.
@@ -2838,6 +2880,16 @@ class DecortController(object):
self.result['failed'] = False
self.result['changed'] = True
+ def k8s_enable(self,k8s_id):
+ self.result['waypoints'] = "{} -> {}".format(self.result['waypoints'], "k8s_enable")
+ api_params = dict(k8sId=k8s_id)
+ api_resp = self.decort_api_call(requests.post, "/restmachine/cloudapi/k8s/enable", api_params)
+ self.result['failed'] = False
+ self.result['changed'] = True
+ return
def k8s_provision(self, k8s_name,
wg_name, k8ci_id,
rg_id, master_count,
@@ -2902,3 +2954,104 @@ class DecortController(object):
self.result['failed'] = True
+ def k8s_workers_modify(self,arg_k8swg,arg_modwg):
+ self.result['waypoints'] = "{} -> {}".format(self.result['waypoints'], "k8s_workers_modify")
+ if self.k8s_info['techStatus'] != "STARTED":
+ self.result['changed'] = False
+ self.result['msg'] = ("k8s_workers_modify(): Can't modify with TechStatus other then STARTED")
+ return
+ wg_del_list = []
+ wg_add_list = []
+ wg_modadd_list = []
+ wg_moddel_list = []
+ wg_outer = [rec['name'] for rec in arg_modwg]
+ wg_inner = [rec['name'] for rec in arg_k8swg['k8sGroups']['workers']]
+ for rec in arg_k8swg['k8sGroups']['workers']:
+ if rec['name'] not in wg_outer:
+ wg_del_list.append(rec['id'])
+ for rec in arg_modwg:
+ if rec['name'] not in wg_inner:
+ wg_add_list.append(rec)
+ for rec_inn in arg_k8swg['k8sGroups']['workers']:
+ for rec_out in arg_modwg:
+ if rec_inn['num'] != rec_out['num']:
+ count = rec_inn['num']-rec_out['num']
+ cmp_list = []
+ if count > 0:
+ for cmp in rec_inn['detailedInfo'][:count]:
+ cmp_list.append(cmp['id'])
+ wg_moddel_list.append({rec_inn['id']:cmp_list})
+ if count < 0:
+ wg_modadd_list.append({rec_inn['id']:abs(count)})
+ if wg_del_list:
+ for wgid in wg_del_list:
+ api_params = dict(k8sId=self.k8s_id,workersGroupId=wgid)
+ api_resp = self.decort_api_call(requests.post, "/restmachine/cloudapi/k8s/workersGroupDelete", api_params)
+ self.result['changed'] = True
+ if wg_add_list:
+ for wg in wg_add_list:
+ api_params = dict(k8sId=self.k8s_id,
+ name=wg['name'],
+ workerNum=wg['num'],
+ workerCpu=wg['cpu'],
+ workerRam=wg['ram'],
+ workerDisk=wg['disk'],
+ )
+ api_resp = self.decort_api_call(requests.post, "/restmachine/cloudapi/k8s/workersGroupAdd", api_params)
+ self.result['changed'] = True
+ if wg_modadd_list:
+ for wg in wg_modadd_list:
+ for key in wg:
+ api_params = dict(k8sId=self.k8s_id,workersGroupId=key,num=wg[key])
+ api_resp = self.decort_api_call(requests.post, "/restmachine/cloudapi/k8s/workerAdd", api_params)
+ self.result['changed'] = True
+ if wg_moddel_list:
+ for wg in wg_moddel_list:
+ for key in wg:
+ for cmpid in wg[key]:
+ api_params = dict(k8sId=self.k8s_id,workersGroupId=key,workerId=cmpid)
+ api_resp = self.decort_api_call(requests.post, "/restmachine/cloudapi/k8s/deleteWorkerFromGroup", api_params)
+ self.result['changed'] = True
+ self.result['failed'] = False
+ return
+ def k8s_k8ci_find(self,arg_k8ci_id):
+ self.result['waypoints'] = "{} -> {}".format(self.result['waypoints'], "k8s_k8ci_find")
+ api_params = dict(includeDisabled=False)
+ api_resp = self.decort_api_call(requests.post, "/restmachine/cloudapi/k8ci/list", api_params)
+ if api_resp.status_code == 200:
+ ret_k8ci_list = json.loads(api_resp.content.decode('utf8'))
+ for k8ci_item in ret_k8ci_list:
+ if k8ci_item['id'] == arg_k8ci_id:
+ break
+ else:
+ self.result['failed'] = True
+ self.result['msg'] = "k8s_k8ci_find(): cannot find ID."
+ self.amodule.fail_json(**self.result)
+ else:
+ self.result['failed'] = True
+ self.result['msg'] = ("Failed to get k8ci list HTTP code {}.").format(api_resp.status_code)
+ self.amodule.fail_json(**self.result)
+ return arg_k8ci_id
+ def k8s_getConfig(self):
+ self.result['waypoints'] = "{} -> {}".format(self.result['waypoints'], "k8s_getConfig")
+ api_params = dict(k8sId=self.k8s_id)
+ api_resp = self.decort_api_call(requests.post, "/restmachine/cloudapi/k8s/getConfig", api_params)
+ ret_conf = api_resp.content.decode('utf8')
+ return ret_conf