#!/bin/bash # 1. As this file will contain sensitive data (application ID & Secret pair) put this file # in a directory, where only you will have access to it, e.g. your ~/.ssh directory. # 2. Make sure this file is not readable by anybody else (chmod 400). # 3. Paste your Application ID (obtained from DECORT SSO application) to DECORT_APP_ID. # 4. Paste your Application Secret (obtained from DECORT SSO application) to DECORT_APP_SECRET. # 5. Paste DECORT SSO application URL to DECORT_OAUTH2_URL. # # Source this file into shell to prepare environment for running DECORT Ansible module, e.g. # . ~/.ssh/prepenv.sh # # More informaiton on DECORT Ansible module can be found at: # https://github.com/rudecs/decort-ansible/wiki # export DECORT_APP_ID="put your application ID here" export DECORT_APP_SECRET="put your application secret here" export DECORT_OAUTH2_URL="put DECORT SSO URL here" # "https://sso.digitalenergy.online" export ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHEKCING=False