package requests
import "time"
// ListNodesRequest struct to filter nodes based on given parameters
type ListNodesRequest struct {
// Name of the node to filter by partial matching. Ignored if NameExact is provided.
// Required: false
Name string `url:"name,omitempty" json:"name,omitempty"`
// Exact name of the node to filter.
// Required: false
NameExact string `url:"name_exact,omitempty" json:"name_exact,omitempty"`
// Cluster ID where the node is attached.
// Required: false
ClusterID int `url:"cluster_id,omitempty" json:"cluster_id,omitempty"`
// VStorage cluster ID where the node is attached.
// Required: false
VStorageClusterID int `url:"vstorage_cluster_id,omitempty" json:"vstorage_cluster_id,omitempty"`
// Include nodes that do not belong to any cluster or VStorage cluster.
// Required: false
AddWithoutCluster bool `url:"add_without_cluster,omitempty" json:"add_without_cluster,omitempty"`
// Online status filter (multiple choices).
// Required: false
Status []string `url:"status,omitempty" json:"status,omitempty"`
// Maintenance status filter (multiple choices).
// Required: false
MaintenanceStatus []string `url:"maintenance_status,omitempty" json:"maintenance_status,omitempty" validate:"omitempty,maintenance_status"`
// Agent update status filter (multiple choices).
// Required: false
AgentUpdateStatus []string `url:"agent_update_status,omitempty" json:"agent_update_status,omitempty" validate:"omitempty,agent_update_status"`
// Name of the node’s cluster.
// Required: false
ClusterName string `url:"cluster_name,omitempty" json:"cluster_name,omitempty"`
// Text to search within the nodes.
// Required: false
FilterText string `url:"filter_text,omitempty" json:"filter_text,omitempty"`
// Columns to be used for filtering based on FilterText.
// Required: false
FilterColumns string `url:"filter_columns,omitempty" json:"filter_columns,omitempty"`
// OS type filter for the node.
// Required: false
OS string `url:"os,omitempty" json:"os,omitempty"`
// HA status filter (multiple choices).
// Required: false
HAStatus []string `url:"ha_status,omitempty" json:"ha_status,omitempty" validate:"omitempty,ha_multi_status"`
// HA status in Fenix cluster filter (multiple choices).
// Required: false
NodeStatusInHACluster []string `url:"node_status_in_ha_cluster,omitempty" json:"node_status_in_ha_cluster,omitempty" validate:"omitempty,node_status_in_ha_cluster"`
// Filter by IP address.
// Required: false
IPAddress string `url:"ip_address,omitempty" json:"ip_address,omitempty"`
// Filter by node architecture.
// Required: false
Arch string `url:"arch,omitempty" json:"arch,omitempty"`
// Filter entities created before this date.
// Required: false
CreatedBefore time.Time `url:"created_before,omitempty" json:"created_before,omitempty"`
// Filter entities created after this date.
// Required: false
CreatedAfter time.Time `url:"created_after,omitempty" json:"created_after,omitempty"`
// Include node’s current metrics in the response.
// Required: false
WithMetrics bool `url:"with_metrics,omitempty" json:"with_metrics,omitempty"`
// Include current resource scheduler metrics info.
// Required: false
WithResourceMetrics bool `url:"with_resource_metrics,omitempty" json:"with_resource_metrics,omitempty"`
// Include external resource’s nodes.
// Required: false
IncludeExternal bool `url:"include_external,omitempty" json:"include_external,omitempty"`
// Include nodes with enabled traffic shaping.
// Required: false
TrafficShaping bool `url:"traffic_shaping,omitempty" json:"traffic_shaping,omitempty"`
// List of node IDs to exclude from the listing.
// Required: false
ExcludeIDs []int `url:"exclude_ids,omitempty" json:"exclude_ids,omitempty"`
// Column sorting order.
// Required: false
Sort []string `url:"sort,omitempty" json:"sort,omitempty"`
// Visibility options: "visible" (default), "deleted", or "all".
// Required: false
Visibility string `url:"visibility,omitempty" json:"visibility,omitempty" validate:"omitempty,visibility"`
// Number of the page to return.
// Required: false
Page int `url:"page,omitempty" json:"page,omitempty"`
// Number of items to return per page.
// Required: false
Limit int `url:"limit,omitempty" json:"limit,omitempty"`
// Show SDK license information.
// Required: false
WithLicense bool `url:"with_license,omitempty" json:"with_license,omitempty"`
// Storage status filter.
// Required: false
StorageStatus string `url:"storage_status,omitempty" json:"storage_status,omitempty"`
// List of virtual network IDs to filter nodes by.
// Required: false
VirtualNetworkIDs []int `url:"virtual_network_ids,omitempty" json:"virtual_network_ids,omitempty"`
// List of external storage IDs to filter nodes by. Only READY storages are included.
// Required: false
ExternalStorageIDs []int `url:"external_storage_ids,omitempty" json:"external_storage_ids,omitempty"`