# generated by https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-docs
page_title: "decort_cb_sep Resource - terraform-provider-decort"
subcategory: ""
description: |-
# decort_cb_sep (Resource)
## Schema
### Required
- `config` (String) sep config string
- `gid` (Number) grid (platform) ID
- `name` (String) SEP name
- `type` (String) type of storage
### Optional
- `access_to_pool` (Block Set, Max: 1) grant or revoke access to pool (see [below for nested schema](#nestedblock--access_to_pool))
- `account_ids` (Set of Number) lift of account ids to have access to sep
- `consumed_by` (Set of Number) list of consumer nodes IDs
- `desc` (String) sep description
- `enable` (Boolean) enable SEP after creation
- `pools` (Block Set) add/delete pools to/from sep (see [below for nested schema](#nestedblock--pools))
- `provided_by` (List of Number) list of provider nodes IDs
- `sep_id` (Number) sep type des id
- `shared_with` (List of Number) list of shared with ids
- `timeouts` (Block, Optional) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedblock--timeouts))
### Read-Only
- `ckey` (String) ckey
- `guid` (Number) guid
- `id` (String) The ID of this resource.
- `meta` (List of String) meta
- `milestones` (Number) milestones
- `obj_status` (String) object status
- `tech_status` (String) tech status
### Nested Schema for `access_to_pool`
- `pool_name` (String) pool name
- `rg_id` (Number) resource group id to grant/revoke access to the specified pool sep
- `account_id_pool` (Number) account id to grant/revoke access to the specified pool sep
### Nested Schema for `pools`
- `access_account_ids` (List of Number) access account ids
- `access_res_group_ids` (List of Number) access res group ids
- `usage_limit` (Number) usage limit
- `name` (String) name
- `types` (List of String) types
- `uris` (Block Set) uris (see [below for nested schema](#nestedblock--pools--uris))
### Nested Schema for `pools.uris`
- `ip` (String) ip
- `port` (Number) port
### Nested Schema for `timeouts`
- `create` (String)
- `default` (String)
- `delete` (String)
- `read` (String)
- `update` (String)