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Copyright (c) 2019-2021 Digital Energy Cloud Solutions LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Author: Sergey Shubin, <>, <>
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
This file is part of Terraform (by Hashicorp) provider for Digital Energy Cloud Orchestration
Technology platfom.
Visit for full source code package and updates.
package decort
import (
log ""
// ""
func (ctrl *ControllerCfg) utilityComputeExtraDisksConfigure(d *schema.ResourceData, do_delta bool) error {
// d is filled with data according to computeResource schema, so extra disks config is retrieved via "extra_disks" key
// If do_delta is true, this function will identify changes between new and existing specs for extra disks and try to
// update compute configuration accordingly
// Otherwise it will apply whatever is found in the new set of "extra_disks" right away.
// Primary use of do_delta=false is when calling this function from compute Create handler.
// Note that this function will not abort on API errors, but will continue to configure (attach / detach) other individual
// disks via atomic API calls. However, it will not retry failed manipulation on the same disk.
log.Debugf("utilityComputeExtraDisksConfigure: called for Compute ID %s with do_delta = %b", d.Id(), do_delta)
// NB: as of rc-1.25 "extra_disks" are TypeSet with the elem of TypeInt
old_set, new_set := d.GetChange("extra_disks")
apiErrCount := 0
var lastSavedError error
if !do_delta {
if new_set.(*schema.Set).Len() < 1 {
return nil
for _, disk := range new_set.(*schema.Set).List() {
urlValues := &url.Values{}
urlValues.Add("computeId", d.Id())
urlValues.Add("diskId", fmt.Sprintf("%d", disk.(int)))
_, err := ctrl.decortAPICall("POST", ComputeDiskAttachAPI, urlValues)
if err != nil {
// failed to attach extra disk - partial resource update
lastSavedError = err
if apiErrCount > 0 {
log.Errorf("utilityComputeExtraDisksConfigure: there were %d error(s) when attaching disks to Compute ID %s. Last error was: %s",
apiErrCount, d.Id(), lastSavedError)
return lastSavedError
return nil
detach_set := old_set.(*schema.Set).Difference(new_set.(*schema.Set))
log.Debugf("utilityComputeExtraDisksConfigure: detach set has %d items for Compute ID %s", detach_set.Len(), d.Id())
for _, diskId := range detach_set.List() {
urlValues := &url.Values{}
urlValues.Add("computeId", d.Id())
urlValues.Add("diskId", fmt.Sprintf("%d", diskId.(int)))
_, err := ctrl.decortAPICall("POST", ComputeDiskDetachAPI, urlValues)
if err != nil {
// failed to detach disk - there will be partial resource update
log.Errorf("utilityComputeExtraDisksConfigure: failed to detach disk ID %d from Compute ID %s: %s", diskId.(int), d.Id(), err)
lastSavedError = err
attach_set := new_set.(*schema.Set).Difference(old_set.(*schema.Set))
log.Debugf("utilityComputeExtraDisksConfigure: attach set has %d items for Compute ID %s", attach_set.Len(), d.Id())
for _, diskId := range attach_set.List() {
urlValues := &url.Values{}
urlValues.Add("computeId", d.Id())
urlValues.Add("diskId", fmt.Sprintf("%d", diskId.(int)))
_, err := ctrl.decortAPICall("POST", ComputeDiskAttachAPI, urlValues)
if err != nil {
// failed to attach disk - there will be partial resource update
log.Errorf("utilityComputeExtraDisksConfigure: failed to attach disk ID %d to Compute ID %s: %s", diskId.(int), d.Id(), err)
lastSavedError = err
if apiErrCount > 0 {
log.Errorf("utilityComputeExtraDisksConfigure: there were %d error(s) when managing disks of Compute ID %s. Last error was: %s",
apiErrCount, d.Id(), lastSavedError)
return lastSavedError
return nil
func (ctrl *ControllerCfg) utilityComputeNetworksConfigure(d *schema.ResourceData, do_delta bool) error {
// "d" is filled with data according to computeResource schema, so extra networks config is retrieved via "network" key
// If do_delta is true, this function will identify changes between new and existing specs for network and try to
// update compute configuration accordingly
// Otherwise it will apply whatever is found in the new set of "network" right away.
// Primary use of do_delta=false is when calling this function from compute Create handler.
old_set, new_set := d.GetChange("network")
apiErrCount := 0
var lastSavedError error
if !do_delta {
if new_set.(*schema.Set).Len() < 1 {
return nil
for _, runner := range new_set.(*schema.Set).List() {
urlValues := &url.Values{}
net_data := runner.(map[string]interface{})
urlValues.Add("computeId", d.Id())
urlValues.Add("netType", net_data["net_type"].(string))
urlValues.Add("netId", fmt.Sprintf("%d", net_data["net_id"].(int)))
ipaddr, ipSet := net_data["ip_address"] // "ip_address" key is optional
if ipSet {
urlValues.Add("ipAddr", ipaddr.(string))
log.Debugf("utilityComputeNetworksConfigure: ready to add network type %s ID %d for Compute ID %s",
net_data["net_type"].(string), net_data["net_id"].(int), d.Id())
_, err := ctrl.decortAPICall("POST", ComputeNetAttachAPI, urlValues)
if err != nil {
// failed to attach network - partial resource update
lastSavedError = err
if pfw_rules, ok := net_data["pfw_rule"]; ok {
// fool-proof - port forwarding is applicable to VINS type networks only! And only to
// those ViNSes that have active GW VNF, but here we check for VINS type only, the rest
// will be validated by the cloud platform
if net_data["net_type"].(string) != "VINS" {
log.Errorf("utilityComputeNetworksConfigure: encountered port forward rules specs in network block of type %s for Compute ID %s",
net_data["net_type"].(string), d.Id())
lastSavedError = err
log.Debugf("utilityComputeNetworksConfigure: found port forward rules specs in network block ID %d for Compute ID %s",
net_data["net_id"].(int), d.Id())
for _, rule_runner := range pfw_rules.(*schema.Set).List() {
pfwValues := &url.Values{}
rule := rule_runner.(map[string]interface{})
pfwValues.Add("computeId", d.Id())
pfwValues.Add("publicPortStart", fmt.Sprintf("%d", rule["pub_port_start"].(int)))
pfwValues.Add("publicPortEnd", fmt.Sprintf("%d", rule["pub_port_end"].(int)))
pfwValues.Add("localBasePort", fmt.Sprintf("%d", rule["local_port"].(int)))
pfwValues.Add("proto", rule["proto"].(string))
log.Debugf("utilityComputeNetworksConfigure: ready to add pfw rule %d:%d -> %d proto %s for Compute ID %s",
rule["pub_port_start"].(int), rule["pub_port_end"].(int),
rule["proto"].(string), d.Id())
_, err := ctrl.decortAPICall("POST", ComputePfwAddAPI, pfwValues)
if err != nil {
// failed to add port forward rule - partial resource update
lastSavedError = err
if apiErrCount > 0 {
log.Errorf("utilityComputeNetworksConfigure: there were %d error(s) when managing networks of Compute ID %s. Last error was: %s",
apiErrCount, d.Id(), lastSavedError)
return lastSavedError
return nil
detach_set := old_set.(*schema.Set).Difference(new_set.(*schema.Set))
log.Debugf("utilityComputeNetworksConfigure: detach set has %d items for Compute ID %s", detach_set.Len(), d.Id())
for _, runner := range detach_set.List() {
urlValues := &url.Values{}
net_data := runner.(map[string]interface{})
urlValues.Add("computeId", d.Id())
urlValues.Add("ipAddr", net_data["ip_address"].(string))
urlValues.Add("mac", net_data["mac"].(string))
_, err := ctrl.decortAPICall("POST", ComputeNetDetachAPI, urlValues)
if err != nil {
// failed to detach this network - there will be partial resource update
log.Errorf("utilityComputeNetworksConfigure: failed to detach net ID %d of type %s from Compute ID %s: %s",
net_data["net_id"].(int), net_data["net_type"].(string), d.Id(), err)
lastSavedError = err
attach_set := new_set.(*schema.Set).Difference(old_set.(*schema.Set))
log.Debugf("utilityComputeNetworksConfigure: attach set has %d items for Compute ID %s", attach_set.Len(), d.Id())
for _, runner := range attach_set.List() {
urlValues := &url.Values{}
net_data := runner.(map[string]interface{})
urlValues.Add("computeId", d.Id())
urlValues.Add("netId", fmt.Sprintf("%d",net_data["net_id"].(int)))
urlValues.Add("netType", net_data["net_type"].(string))
if net_data["ip_address"].(string) != "" {
urlValues.Add("ipAddr", net_data["ip_address"].(string))
_, err := ctrl.decortAPICall("POST", ComputeNetAttachAPI, urlValues)
if err != nil {
// failed to attach this network - there will be partial resource update
log.Errorf("utilityComputeNetworksConfigure: failed to attach net ID %d of type %s to Compute ID %s: %s",
net_data["net_id"].(int), net_data["net_type"].(string), d.Id(), err)
lastSavedError = err
if apiErrCount > 0 {
log.Errorf("utilityComputeNetworksConfigure: there were %d error(s) when managing networks of Compute ID %s. Last error was: %s",
apiErrCount, d.Id(), lastSavedError)
return lastSavedError
return nil
//func (ctrl *ControllerCfg) utilityComputePfwConfigure(d *schema.ResourceData, do_delta bool) error {
func utilityComputeCheckPresence(d *schema.ResourceData, m interface{}) (int, string, error) {
// This function tries to locate Compute by one of the following approaches:
// - if compute_id is specified - locate by compute ID
// - if compute_name is specified - locate by a combination of compute name and resource
// group ID
// If succeeded, it returns non-empty string that contains JSON formatted facts about the
// Compute as returned by compute/get API call.
// Otherwise it returns empty string and meaningful error.
// This function does not modify its ResourceData argument, so it is safe to use it as core
// method for resource's Exists method.
controller := m.(*ControllerCfg)
urlValues := &url.Values{}
// make it possible to use "read" & "check presence" functions with compute ID set so
// that Import of Compute resource is possible
idSet := false
theId, err := strconv.Atoi(d.Id())
if err != nil || theId <= 0 {
computeId, argSet := d.GetOk("compute_id") // NB: compute_id is NOT present in computeResource schema!
if argSet {
theId = computeId.(int)
idSet = true
} else {
idSet = true
if idSet {
// compute ID is specified, try to get compute instance straight by this ID
log.Debugf("utilityComputeCheckPresence: locating compute by its ID %d", theId)
urlValues.Add("computeId", fmt.Sprintf("%d", theId))
computeFacts, err := controller.decortAPICall("POST", ComputeGetAPI, urlValues)
if err != nil {
return 0, "", err
return theId, computeFacts, nil
// ID was not set in the schema upon entering this function - work through Compute name
// and RG ID
computeName, argSet := d.GetOk("name")
if !argSet {
return 0, "", fmt.Errorf("Cannot locate compute instance if name is empty and no compute ID specified")
rgId, argSet := d.GetOk("rg_id")
if !argSet {
return 0, "", fmt.Errorf("Cannot locate compute by name %s if no resource group ID is set", computeName.(string))
urlValues.Add("rgId", fmt.Sprintf("%d", rgId))
apiResp, err := controller.decortAPICall("POST", RgListComputesAPI, urlValues)
if err != nil {
return 0, "", err
log.Debugf("utilityComputeCheckPresence: ready to unmarshal string %s", apiResp)
computeList := RgListComputesResp{}
err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(apiResp), &computeList)
if err != nil {
return 0, "", err
// log.Printf("%#v", computeList)
log.Debugf("utilityComputeCheckPresence: traversing decoded JSON of length %d", len(computeList))
for index, item := range computeList {
// need to match Compute by name, skip Computes with the same name in DESTROYED satus
if item.Name == computeName.(string) && item.Status != "DESTROYED" {
log.Debugf("utilityComputeCheckPresence: index %d, matched name %s", index, item.Name)
// we found the Compute we need - now get detailed information via compute/get API
cgetValues := &url.Values{}
cgetValues.Add("computeId", fmt.Sprintf("%d", item.ID))
apiResp, err = controller.decortAPICall("POST", ComputeGetAPI, cgetValues)
if err != nil {
return 0, "", err
// NOTE: compute ID is unsigned int in the platform. Here we convert it to int, which may have
// unwanted side effects when the number of compute instances grows
return int(item.ID), apiResp, nil
return 0, "", nil // there should be no error if Compute does not exist
// This function reads port forwards from a specified compute and returns them (if any) in a
// form of a list of maps of interfaces suitable to be used for d.Set("pfw_rule") on the
// network block, corresponding to the ViNS these rules belong to. To simlify this network
// block identification among multiple blocks of the same compute this function also
// returns the ID of the ViNS associated with listed rules.
func utilityComputePfwGet(compId int, m interface{}) (int, []map[string]interface{}, error) {
// If there is an error either reading portforward rules from the cloud or parsing them, error is
// returned.
// In case there are no portforwarding rules for this compute, err = nil and rule record list is empty.
// Otherwise, both prefix record and rule record list contain meaningful data.
controller := m.(*ControllerCfg)
urlValues := &url.Values{}
pfwPrefix := PfwPrefixRecord{}
pfwRules := []PfwRuleRecord{}
pfwRulesList := []map[string]interface{}{}
urlValues.Add("computeId", fmt.Sprintf("%d", compId))
apiResp, err := controller.decortAPICall("POST", ComputePfwListAPI, urlValues)
if err != nil {
return 0, pfwRulesList, err
if apiResp == "" {
// No port forward rules defined for this compute
return 0, pfwRulesList, nil
log.Debugf("utilityComputePfwGet: ready to split API response string %s", apiResp)
twoParts := strings.SplitN(apiResp, "},", 2)
if len(twoParts) != 2 {
log.Errorf("utilityComputePfwGet: non-empty pfwList response for compute ID %d failed to split into 2 fragments (got %d)", compId, len(twoParts))
return 0, pfwRulesList, fmt.Errorf("Non-empty pfwList response failed to split into 2 fragments")
prefixResp := strings.TrimSuffix(strings.TrimPrefix(twoParts[0], "["), ",") + "}"
log.Debugf("utilityComputePfwGet: ready to unmarshal prefix part %s", prefixResp)
err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(prefixResp), &pfwPrefix)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("utilityComputePfwGet: failed to unmarshal prefix part of API response: %s", err)
return 0, pfwRulesList, err
rulesResp := "[" + twoParts[1]
log.Debugf("utilityComputePfwGet: ready to unmarshal rules part %s", rulesResp)
err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(rulesResp), &pfwRules)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("utilityComputePfwGet: failed to unmarshal rules part of API response: %s", err)
return 0, pfwRulesList, err
log.Debugf("utilityComputePfwGet: successfully read %d port forward rules for Compute ID %d, ViNS ID %d",
len(pfwRules), compId, pfwPrefix.VinsID)
for _, runner := range pfwRules {
rule := map[string]interface{}{
"pub_port_start": runner.PublicPortStart,
"pub_port_end": runner.PublicPortEnd,
"local_port": runner.LocalPort,
"proto": runner.Protocol,
pfwRulesList = append(pfwRulesList, rule)
return pfwPrefix.VinsID, pfwRulesList, nil