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Copyright (c) 2019-2022 Digital Energy Cloud Solutions LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Petr Krutov, <>
Stanislav Solovev, <>
Kasim Baybikov, <>
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you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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Terraform DECORT provider - manage resources provided by DECORT (Digital Energy Cloud
Orchestration Technology) with Terraform by Hashicorp.
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package kvmvm
type DiskRecord struct {
Acl map[string]interface{} `json:"acl"`
AccountID int `json:"accountId"`
AccountName string `json:"accountName"`
BootPartition int `json:"bootPartition"`
CreatedTime uint64 `json:"creationTime"`
ComputeID int `json:"computeId"`
ComputeName string `json:"computeName"`
DeletedTime uint64 `json:"deletionTime"`
DeviceName string `json:"devicename"`
Desc string `json:"desc"`
DestructionTime uint64 `json:"destructionTime"`
DiskPath string `json:"diskPath"`
GridID int `json:"gid"`
GUID int `json:"guid"`
ID uint `json:"id"`
ImageID int `json:"imageId"`
Images []int `json:"images"`
IOTune map[string]interface{} `json:"iotune"`
IQN string `json:"iqn"`
Login string `json:"login"`
Name string `json:"name"`
MachineId int `json:"machineId"`
MachineName string `json:"machineName"`
Milestones uint64 `json:"milestones"`
Order int `json:"order"`
Params string `json:"params"`
Passwd string `json:"passwd"`
ParentId int `json:"parentId"`
PciSlot int `json:"pciSlot"`
Pool string `json:"pool"`
PurgeTime uint64 `json:"purgeTime"`
PurgeAttempts uint64 `json:"purgeAttempts"`
RealityDeviceNumber int `json:"realityDeviceNumber"`
ReferenceId string `json:"referenceId"`
ResID string `json:"resId"`
ResName string `json:"resName"`
Role string `json:"role"`
SepType string `json:"sepType"`
SepID int `json:"sepId"` // NOTE: absent from compute/get output
Shareable bool `json:"shareable"`
SizeMax int `json:"sizeMax"`
SizeUsed float64 `json:"sizeUsed"` // sum over all snapshots of this disk to report total consumed space
Snapshots []SnapshotRecord `json:"snapshots"`
Status string `json:"status"`
TechStatus string `json:"techStatus"`
Type string `json:"type"`
UpdateBy uint64 `json:"updateBy"`
VMID int `json:"vmid"`
type InterfaceRecord struct {
ConnID int `json:"connId"` // This is VLAN ID or VxLAN ID, depending on ConnType
ConnType string `json:"connType"` // Either "VLAN" or "VXLAN" tag
DefaultGW string `json:"defGw"`
Guid string `json:"guid"`
IPAddress string `json:"ipAddress"` // without trailing network mask, i.e. ""
MAC string `json:"mac"`
Name string `json:"name"`
NetID int `json:"netId"` // This is either ExtNet ID or ViNS ID, depending on NetType
NetMask int `json:"netMask"`
NetType string `json:"netType"` // Either "EXTNET" or "VINS" tag
PciSlot int `json:"pciSlot"`
Target string `json:"target"`
Type string `json:"type"`
VNFs []int `json:"vnfs"`
QOS InterfaceQosRecord `json:"qos"`
type InterfaceQosRecord struct {
ERate int `json:"eRate"`
Guid string `json:"guid"`
InBurst int `json:"inBurst"`
InRate int `json:"inRate"`
type SnapshotRecord struct {
Guid string `json:"guid"`
Label string `json:"label"`
ResId string `json:"resId"`
SnapSetGuid string `json:"snapSetGuid"`
SnapSetTime uint64 `json:"snapSetTime"`
TimeStamp uint64 `json:"timestamp"`
//type SnapshotRecordList []SnapshotRecord
type ComputeGetResp struct {
// ACLs `json:"ACL"` - it is a dictionary, special parsing required
AccountID int `json:"accountId"`
AccountName string `json:"accountName"`
Arch string `json:"arch"`
BootDiskSize int `json:"bootdiskSize"`
CloneReference int `json:"cloneReference"`
Clones []int `json:"clones"`
Cpu int `json:"cpus"`
Desc string `json:"desc"`
Disks []DiskRecord `json:"disks"`
Driver string `json:"driver"`
GridID int `json:"gid"`
ID uint `json:"id"`
ImageID int `json:"imageId"`
ImageName string `json:"imageName"`
Interfaces []InterfaceRecord `json:"interfaces"`
LockStatus string `json:"lockStatus"`
ManagerID int `json:"managerId"`
ManagerType string `json:"manageType"`
Name string `json:"name"`
NatableVinsID int `json:"natableVinsId"`
NatableVinsIP string `json:"natableVinsIp"`
NatableVinsName string `json:"natableVinsName"`
NatableVinsNet string `json:"natableVinsNetwork"`
NatableVinsNetName string `json:"natableVinsNetworkName"`
OsUsers []OsUserRecord `json:"osUsers"`
Ram int `json:"ram"`
RgID int `json:"rgId"`
RgName string `json:"rgName"`
SnapSets []SnapSetRecord `json:"snapSets"`
Status string `json:"status"`
// Tags []string `json:"tags"` // Tags were reworked since DECORT 3.7.1
TechStatus string `json:"techStatus"`
TotalDiskSize int `json:"totalDiskSize"`
UpdatedBy string `json:"updatedBy"`
UpdateTime uint64 `json:"updateTime"`
UserManaged bool `json:"userManaged"`
Vgpus []int `json:"vgpus"`
VinsConnected int `json:"vinsConnected"`
VirtualImageID int `json:"virtualImageId"`
type OsUserRecord struct {
Guid string `json:"guid"`
Login string `json:"login"`
Password string `json:"password"`
PubKey string `json:"pubkey"`
type SnapSetRecord struct {
Disks []int `json:"disks"`
Guid string `json:"guid"`
Label string `json:"label"`
TimeStamp uint64 `json:"timestamp"`
type ComputeBriefRecord struct { // this is a brief compute specifiaction as returned by API rg/listComputes
// we do not even include here all fields as returned by this API, but only the most important that
// are really necessary to identify and distinguish computes
AccountID int `json:"accountId"`
AccountName string `json:"accountName"`
Name string `json:"name"`
ID uint `json:"id"`
RgID int `json:"rgId"`
RgName string `json:"rgName"`
Status string `json:"status"`
TechStatus string `json:"techStatus"`
type RgListComputesResp []ComputeBriefRecord
// Access Control List
type RecordACL struct {
// Account ACL list
AccountACL ListACL `json:"accountAcl"`
// Compute ACL list
ComputeACL ListACL `json:"computeAcl"`
// Resource group ACL list
RGACL ListACL `json:"rgAcl"`
// ACL information
type ItemACL struct {
// Explicit
Explicit interface{} `json:"explicit"`
GUID string `json:"guid"`
// Right
Right string `json:"right"`
// Status
Status string `json:"status"`
// Type
Type string `json:"type"`
// User group ID
UserGroupID string `json:"userGroupId"`
// List ACL
type ListACL []ItemACL
// Main information about usage snapshot
type ItemUsageSnapshot struct {
// Count
Count uint64 `json:"count,omitempty"`
// Stored
Stored float64 `json:"stored"`
// Label
Label string `json:"label,omitempty"`
// Timestamp
Timestamp uint64 `json:"timestamp,omitempty"`
// List of usage snapshot
type ListUsageSnapshots []ItemUsageSnapshot
// Main information about snapshot
type ItemSnapshot struct {
// List disk ID
Disks []uint64 `json:"disks"`
GUID string `json:"guid"`
// Label
Label string `json:"label"`
// Timestamp
Timestamp uint64 `json:"timestamp"`
// List of snapshots
type ListSnapShots []ItemSnapshot
// Main information about port forward
type ItemPFW struct {
// ID
ID uint64 `json:"id"`
// Local IP
LocalIP string `json:"localIp"`
// Local port
LocalPort uint64 `json:"localPort"`
// Protocol
Protocol string `json:"protocol"`
// Public port end
PublicPortEnd uint64 `json:"publicPortEnd"`
// Public port start
PublicPortStart uint64 `json:"publicPortStart"`
// Virtuel machine ID
VMID uint64 `json:"vmId"`
// List port forwards
type ListPFWs []ItemPFW
// Main information about affinity relations
type RecordAffinityRelations struct {
// Other node
OtherNode []interface{} `json:"otherNode"`
// Other node indirect
OtherNodeIndirect []interface{} `json:"otherNodeIndirect"`
// Other node indirect soft
OtherNodeIndirectSoft []interface{} `json:"otherNodeIndirectSoft"`
// Other node soft
OtherNodeSoft []interface{} `json:"otherNodeSoft"`
// Same node
SameNode []interface{} `json:"sameNode"`
// Same node soft
SameNodeSoft []interface{} `json:"sameNodeSoft"`
// Main information about attached network
type RecordNetAttach struct {
// Connection ID
ConnID uint64 `json:"connId"`
// Connection type
ConnType string `json:"connType"`
// Default GW
DefGW string `json:"defGw"`
// FLIPGroup ID
FLIPGroupID uint64 `json:"flipgroupId"`
GUID string `json:"guid"`
// IP address
IPAddress string `json:"ipAddress"`
// Listen SSH
ListenSSH bool `json:"listenSsh"`
// MAC
MAC string `json:"mac"`
// Name
Name string `json:"name"`
// Network ID
NetID uint64 `json:"netId"`
// Network mask
NetMask uint64 `json:"netMask"`
// Network type
NetType string `json:"netType"`
// PCI slot
PCISlot uint64 `json:"pciSlot"`
// QOS
QOS QOS `json:"qos"`
// Target
Target string `json:"target"`
// Type
Type string `json:"type"`
// List VNF IDs
VNFs []uint64 `json:"vnfs"`
// Detailed information about audit
type ItemAudit struct {
// Call
Call string `json:"call"`
// Response time
ResponseTime float64 `json:"responsetime"`
// Status code
StatusCode uint64 `json:"statuscode"`
// Timestamp
Timestamp float64 `json:"timestamp"`
// User
User string `json:"user"`
// List Detailed audits
type ListAudits []ItemAudit
// Short information about audit
type ItemShortAudit struct {
// Epoch
Epoch float64 `json:"epoch"`
// Message
Message string `json:"message"`
// List short audits
type ListShortAudits []ItemShortAudit
// Main information about rule
type ItemRule struct {
GUID string `json:"guid"`
// Key
Key string `json:"key"`
// Mode
Mode string `json:"mode"`
// Policy
Policy string `json:"policy"`
// Topology
Topology string `json:"topology"`
// Value
Value string `json:"value"`
// List rules
type ListRules []ItemRule
// Detailed information about compute
type RecordCompute struct {
// Access Control List
ACL RecordACL `json:"ACL"`
// Account ID
AccountID uint64 `json:"accountId"`
// Account name
AccountName string `json:"accountName"`
// Affinity label
AffinityLabel string `json:"affinityLabel"`
// List affinity rules
AffinityRules ListRules `json:"affinityRules"`
// Affinity weight
AffinityWeight uint64 `json:"affinityWeight"`
// List anti affinity rules
AntiAffinityRules ListRules `json:"antiAffinityRules"`
// Architecture
Architecture string `json:"arch"`
// Boot order
BootOrder []string `json:"bootOrder"`
// Boot disk size
BootDiskSize uint64 `json:"bootdiskSize"`
// Clone reference
CloneReference uint64 `json:"cloneReference"`
// List clone IDs
Clones []uint64 `json:"clones"`
// Compute CI ID
ComputeCIID uint64 `json:"computeciId"`
// Number of cores
CPU uint64 `json:"cpus"`
// Created by
CreatedBy string `json:"createdBy"`
// Created time
CreatedTime uint64 `json:"createdTime"`
// Custom fields items
CustomFields map[string]interface{} `json:"customFields"`
// Deleted by
DeletedBy string `json:"deletedBy"`
// Deleted time
DeletedTime uint64 `json:"deletedTime"`
// Description
Description string `json:"desc"`
// Devices
Devices interface{} `json:"devices"`
// List disks in compute
Disks ListComputeDisks `json:"disks"`
// Driver
Driver string `json:"driver"`
// Grid ID
GID uint64 `json:"gid"`
GUID uint64 `json:"guid"`
// ID
ID uint64 `json:"id"`
// Image ID
ImageID uint64 `json:"imageId"`
// Image name
ImageName string `json:"imageName"`
// List interfaces
Interfaces ListInterfaces `json:"interfaces"`
// Lock status
LockStatus string `json:"lockStatus"`
// Manager ID
ManagerID uint64 `json:"managerId"`
// Manager type
ManagerType string `json:"managerType"`
// Migration job
MigrationJob uint64 `json:"migrationjob"`
// Milestones
Milestones uint64 `json:"milestones"`
// Name
Name string `json:"name"`
// Natable VINS ID
NatableVINSID uint64 `json:"natableVinsId"`
// Natable VINS IP
NatableVINSIP string `json:"natableVinsIp"`
// Natable VINS Name
NatableVINSName string `json:"natableVinsName"`
// Natable VINS network
NatableVINSNetwork string `json:"natableVinsNetwork"`
// Natable VINS network name
NatableVINSNetworkName string `json:"natableVinsNetworkName"`
// List OS Users
OSUsers ListOSUser `json:"osUsers"`
// Pinned or not
Pinned bool `json:"pinned"`
// Number of RAM
RAM uint64 `json:"ram"`
// Reference ID
ReferenceID string `json:"referenceId"`
// Registered or not
Registered bool `json:"registered"`
// Resource name
ResName string `json:"resName"`
// Resource group ID
RGID uint64 `json:"rgId"`
// Resource group name
RGName string `json:"rgName"`
// List snapsets
SnapSets ListSnapSets `json:"snapSets"`
// Stateless SepID
StatelessSepID uint64 `json:"statelessSepId"`
// Stateless SepType
StatelessSepType string `json:"statelessSepType"`
// Status
Status string `json:"status"`
// Tags
Tags map[string]string `json:"tags"`
// Tech status
TechStatus string `json:"techStatus"`
// Updated by
UpdatedBy string `json:"updatedBy"`
// Updated time
UpdatedTime uint64 `json:"updatedTime"`
// User Managed or not
UserManaged bool `json:"userManaged"`
// Userdata
Userdata interface{} `json:"userdata"`
// vGPU IDs
VGPUs []uint64 `json:"vgpus"`
// Virtual image ID
VirtualImageID uint64 `json:"virtualImageId"`
// Virtual image name
VirtualImageName string `json:"virtualImageName"`
// Main information about OS user
type ItemOSUser struct {
GUID string `json:"guid"`
// Login
Login string `json:"login"`
// Password
Password string `json:"password"`
// Public key
PubKey string `json:"pubkey"`
// List OS users
type ListOSUser []ItemOSUser
// Main information about snapsets
type ItemSnapSet struct {
// List disk IDs
Disks []uint64 `json:"disks"`
GUID string `json:"guid"`
// Label
Label string `json:"label"`
// Timestamp
Timestamp uint64 `json:"timestamp"`
// List snapsets
type ListSnapSets []ItemSnapSet
// Main information about VNF
type ItemVNFInterface struct {
// Connection ID
ConnID uint64 `json:"connId"`
// Connection type
ConnType string `json:"connType"`
// Default GW
DefGW string `json:"defGw"`
// FLIPGroup ID
FLIPGroupID uint64 `json:"flipgroupId"`
GUID string `json:"guid"`
// IP address
IPAddress string `json:"ipAddress"`
// Listen SSH or not
ListenSSH bool `json:"listenSsh"`
// MAC
MAC string `json:"mac"`
// Name
Name string `json:"name"`
// Network ID
NetID uint64 `json:"netId"`
// Network mask
NetMask uint64 `json:"netMask"`
// Network type
NetType string `json:"netType"`
// PCI slot
PCISlot uint64 `json:"pciSlot"`
// QOS
QOS QOS `json:"qos"`
// Target
Target string `json:"target"`
// Type
Type string `json:"type"`
// List VNF IDs
VNFs []uint64 `json:"vnfs"`
type QOS struct {
ERate uint64 `json:"eRate"`
GUID string `json:"guid"`
InBurst uint64 `json:"inBurst"`
InRate uint64 `json:"inRate"`
// List VNF interfaces
type ListInterfaces []ItemVNFInterface
// List compute disks
type ListComputeDisks []ItemComputeDisk
// Main information about compute disk
type ItemComputeDisk struct {
// CKey
CKey string `json:"_ckey"`
// Access Control List
ACL map[string]interface{} `json:"acl"`
// Account ID
AccountID uint64 `json:"accountId"`
// Boot partition
BootPartition uint64 `json:"bootPartition"`
// Created time
CreatedTime uint64 `json:"createdTime"`
// Deleted time
DeletedTime uint64 `json:"deletedTime"`
// Description
Description string `json:"desc"`
// Destruction time
DestructionTime uint64 `json:"destructionTime"`
// Disk path
DiskPath string `json:"diskPath"`
// Grid ID
GID uint64 `json:"gid"`
GUID uint64 `json:"guid"`
// ID
ID uint64 `json:"id"`
// Image ID
ImageID uint64 `json:"imageId"`
// List image IDs
Images []uint64 `json:"images"`
// IO tune
IOTune IOTune `json:"iotune"`
// IQN
IQN string `json:"iqn"`
// Login
Login string `json:"login"`
// Milestones
Milestones uint64 `json:"milestones"`
// Name
Name string `json:"name"`
// Order
Order uint64 `json:"order"`
// Params
Params string `json:"params"`
// Parent ID
ParentID uint64 `json:"parentId"`
// Password
Passwd string `json:"passwd"`
// PCI slot
PCISlot uint64 `json:"pciSlot"`
// Pool
Pool string `json:"pool"`
// Present to
PresentTo []uint64 `json:"presentTo"`
// Purge time
PurgeTime uint64 `json:"purgeTime"`
// Reality device number
RealityDeviceNumber uint64 `json:"realityDeviceNumber"`
// Resource ID
ResID string `json:"resId"`
// Role
Role string `json:"role"`
// SepID
SepID uint64 `json:"sepId"`
// Shareable
Shareable bool `json:"shareable"`
// Size max
SizeMax uint64 `json:"sizeMax"`
//Size used
SizeUsed float64 `json:"sizeUsed"`
// List extend snapshots
Snapshots SnapshotExtendList `json:"snapshots"`
// Status
Status string `json:"status"`
// Tech status
TechStatus string `json:"techStatus"`
// Type
Type string `json:"type"`
// Virtual machine ID
VMID uint64 `json:"vmid"`
// Main information about snapshot extend
type SnapshotExtend struct {
GUID string `json:"guid"`
// Label
Label string `json:"label"`
// Resource ID
ResID string `json:"resId"`
// SnapSetGUID
SnapSetGUID string `json:"snapSetGuid"`
// SnapSetTime
SnapSetTime uint64 `json:"snapSetTime"`
// TimeStamp
TimeStamp uint64 `json:"timestamp"`
// List Snapshot Extend
type SnapshotExtendList []SnapshotExtend
// Main information about IO tune
type IOTune struct {
// ReadBytesSec
ReadBytesSec uint64 `json:"read_bytes_sec"`
// ReadBytesSecMax
ReadBytesSecMax uint64 `json:"read_bytes_sec_max"`
// ReadIOPSSec
ReadIOPSSec uint64 `json:"read_iops_sec"`
// ReadIOPSSecMax
ReadIOPSSecMax uint64 `json:"read_iops_sec_max"`
// SizeIOPSSec
SizeIOPSSec uint64 `json:"size_iops_sec"`
// TotalBytesSec
TotalBytesSec uint64 `json:"total_bytes_sec"`
// TotalBytesSecMax
TotalBytesSecMax uint64 `json:"total_bytes_sec_max"`
// TotalIOPSSec
TotalIOPSSec uint64 `json:"total_iops_sec"`
// TotalIOPSSecMax
TotalIOPSSecMax uint64 `json:"total_iops_sec_max"`
// WriteBytesSec
WriteBytesSec uint64 `json:"write_bytes_sec"`
// WriteBytesSecMax
WriteBytesSecMax uint64 `json:"write_bytes_sec_max"`
// WriteIOPSSec
WriteIOPSSec uint64 `json:"write_iops_sec"`
// WriteIOPSSecMax
WriteIOPSSecMax uint64 `json:"write_iops_sec_max"`
// Main information about compute
type ItemCompute struct {
// Access Control List
ACL ListACL `json:"acl"`
// Account ID
AccountID uint64 `json:"accountId"`
// Account name
AccountName string `json:"accountName"`
// Affinity label
AffinityLabel string `json:"affinityLabel"`
// List affinity rules
AffinityRules ListRules `json:"affinityRules"`
// Affinity weight
AffinityWeight uint64 `json:"affinityWeight"`
// List anti affinity rules
AntiAffinityRules ListRules `json:"antiAffinityRules"`
// Architecture
Architecture string `json:"arch"`
// Boot order
BootOrder []string `json:"bootOrder"`
// Boot disk size
BootDiskSize uint64 `json:"bootdiskSize"`
// Clone reference
CloneReference uint64 `json:"cloneReference"`
// List clone IDs
Clones []uint64 `json:"clones"`
// Compute CI ID
ComputeCIID uint64 `json:"computeciId"`
// Number of cores
CPU uint64 `json:"cpus"`
// Created by
CreatedBy string `json:"createdBy"`
// Created time
CreatedTime uint64 `json:"createdTime"`
// Custom fields list
CustomFields map[string]interface{} `json:"customFields"`
// Deleted by
DeletedBy string `json:"deletedBy"`
// Deleted time
DeletedTime uint64 `json:"deletedTime"`
// Description
Description string `json:"desc"`
// Devices
Devices interface{} `json:"devices"`
// List disk items
Disks []InfoDisk `json:"disks"`
// Driver
Driver string `json:"driver"`
// Grid ID
GID uint64 `json:"gid"`
GUID uint64 `json:"guid"`
// ID
ID uint64 `json:"id"`
// Image ID
ImageID uint64 `json:"imageId"`
// List interfaces
Interfaces ListInterfaces `json:"interfaces"`
// Lock status
LockStatus string `json:"lockStatus"`
// Manager ID
ManagerID uint64 `json:"managerId"`
// Manager type
ManagerType string `json:"managerType"`
// Migration job
MigrationJob uint64 `json:"migrationjob"`
// Milestones
Milestones uint64 `json:"milestones"`
// Name
Name string `json:"name"`
// Pinned or not
Pinned bool `json:"pinned"`
// Number of RAM
RAM uint64 `json:"ram"`
// Reference ID
ReferenceID string `json:"referenceId"`
// Registered
Registered bool `json:"registered"`
// Resource name
ResName string `json:"resName"`
// Resource group ID
RGID uint64 `json:"rgId"`
// Resource group name
RGName string `json:"rgName"`
// List snapsets
SnapSets ListSnapSets `json:"snapSets"`
// Stateless SepID
StatelessSepID uint64 `json:"statelessSepId"`
// Stateless SepType
StatelessSepType string `json:"statelessSepType"`
// Status
Status string `json:"status"`
// Tags
Tags map[string]string `json:"tags"`
// Tech status
TechStatus string `json:"techStatus"`
// Total disk size
TotalDiskSize uint64 `json:"totalDisksSize"`
// Updated by
UpdatedBy string `json:"updatedBy"`
// Updated time
UpdatedTime uint64 `json:"updatedTime"`
// User Managed or not
UserManaged bool `json:"userManaged"`
// List vGPU IDs
VGPUs []uint64 `json:"vgpus"`
// VINS connected
VINSConnected uint64 `json:"vinsConnected"`
// Virtual image ID
VirtualImageID uint64 `json:"virtualImageId"`
// Information Disk
type InfoDisk struct {
// ID
ID uint64 `json:"id"`
// PCISlot
PCISlot uint64 `json:"pciSlot"`
// List information about computes
type ListComputes []ItemCompute