package schemas import ( "" "" "" "" "" "" ) func MakeSchemaResourceImage() map[string]schema.Attribute { return map[string]schema.Attribute{ // required attributes "image_name": schema.StringAttribute{ Required: true, Description: "Name of the rescue disk", }, "url": schema.StringAttribute{ Required: true, Description: "URL where to download media from", }, "boot_type": schema.StringAttribute{ Required: true, Validators: []validator.String{ stringvalidator.OneOf("bios", "uefi"), }, Description: "Boot type of image bios or uefi", }, "image_type": schema.StringAttribute{ Required: true, Validators: []validator.String{ stringvalidator.OneOf("linux", "windows", "other"), }, Description: "Image type linux, windows or other", }, "drivers": schema.ListAttribute{ Required: true, ElementType: types.StringType, Description: "List of types of compute suitable for image. Example: [ \"KVM_X86\" ]", }, "account_id": schema.Int64Attribute{ Required: true, Description: "AccountId to make the image exclusive", }, // optional attributes "hot_resize": schema.BoolAttribute{ Computed: true, Optional: true, Description: "Does this machine supports hot resize", }, "network_interface_naming": schema.StringAttribute{ Computed: true, }, "username": schema.StringAttribute{ Computed: true, Optional: true, Description: "Optional username for the image", }, "password": schema.StringAttribute{ Computed: true, Optional: true, Description: "Optional password for the image", }, "username_dl": schema.StringAttribute{ Optional: true, Description: "Username for upload binary media", }, "password_dl": schema.StringAttribute{ Optional: true, Description: "Password for upload binary media", }, "sep_id": schema.Int64Attribute{ Computed: true, Optional: true, Description: "Storage endpoint provider ID", }, "pool_name": schema.StringAttribute{ Computed: true, Optional: true, Description: "Pool for image create", }, "architecture": schema.StringAttribute{ Computed: true, Optional: true, Validators: []validator.String{ stringvalidator.OneOf("X86_64", "PPC64_LE"), }, Description: "Binary architecture of this image, one of X86_64 of PPC64_LE", }, "permanently": schema.BoolAttribute{ Optional: true, }, // computed attributes "id": schema.StringAttribute{ Computed: true, PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.String{ stringplanmodifier.UseStateForUnknown(), }, }, "last_updated": schema.StringAttribute{ Computed: true, Description: "Timestamp of the last Terraform update of the order.", }, "unc_path": schema.StringAttribute{ Computed: true, }, "ckey": schema.StringAttribute{ Computed: true, }, "acl": schema.ListAttribute{ Computed: true, ElementType: types.StringType, }, "bootable": schema.BoolAttribute{ Computed: true, }, "compute_ci_id": schema.Int64Attribute{ Computed: true, }, "cd_presented_to": schema.StringAttribute{ Computed: true, }, "gid": schema.Int64Attribute{ Computed: true, }, "deleted_time": schema.Int64Attribute{ Computed: true, }, "desc": schema.StringAttribute{ Computed: true, }, "enabled": schema.BoolAttribute{ Computed: true, }, "guid": schema.Int64Attribute{ Computed: true, }, "history": schema.ListNestedAttribute{ Computed: true, NestedObject: schema.NestedAttributeObject{ Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{ "guid": schema.StringAttribute{ Computed: true, }, "id": schema.Int64Attribute{ Computed: true, }, "timestamp": schema.Int64Attribute{ Computed: true, }, }, }, }, "last_modified": schema.Int64Attribute{ Computed: true, }, "link_to": schema.Int64Attribute{ Computed: true, }, "milestones": schema.Int64Attribute{ Computed: true, }, "image_id": schema.Int64Attribute{ Computed: true, }, "provider_name": schema.StringAttribute{ Computed: true, }, "purge_attempts": schema.Int64Attribute{ Computed: true, }, "present_to": schema.ListAttribute{ Computed: true, ElementType: types.Int64Type, }, "res_id": schema.StringAttribute{ Computed: true, }, "rescuecd": schema.BoolAttribute{ Computed: true, }, "shared_with": schema.ListAttribute{ Computed: true, ElementType: types.Int64Type, }, "size": schema.Int64Attribute{ Computed: true, }, "status": schema.StringAttribute{ Computed: true, }, "tech_status": schema.StringAttribute{ Computed: true, }, "version": schema.StringAttribute{ Computed: true, }, } }