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package k8ci
import (
// Ensure the implementation satisfies the expected interfaces.
var (
_ resource.Resource = &resourceK8CI{}
_ resource.ResourceWithImportState = &resourceK8CI{}
// NewResourceK8Ci is a helper function to simplify the provider implementation.
func NewResourceK8Ci() resource.Resource {
return &resourceK8CI{}
// resourceK8CI is the resource implementation.
type resourceK8CI struct {
client *client.Client
// Create creates the resource and sets the initial Terraform state.
func (r *resourceK8CI) Create(ctx context.Context, req resource.CreateRequest, resp *resource.CreateResponse) {
// Get plan to create resource group
var plan models.ResourceK8CIModel
resp.Diagnostics.Append(req.Plan.Get(ctx, &plan)...)
if resp.Diagnostics.HasError() {
tflog.Error(ctx, "Create resourceK8CI: Error receiving the plan")
tflog.Info(ctx, "Create resourceK8CI: got plan successfully", map[string]any{"name": plan.Name.ValueString()})
tflog.Info(ctx, "Create resourceK8CI: start creating", map[string]any{"name": plan.Name.ValueString()})
// Set timeouts
createTimeout, diags := plan.Timeouts.Create(ctx, constants.Timeout600s)
if resp.Diagnostics.HasError() {
tflog.Error(ctx, "Create resourceK8CI: Error set timeout")
tflog.Info(ctx, "Create resourceK8CI: set timeouts successfully", map[string]any{
"name": plan.Name.ValueString(),
"createTimeout": createTimeout})
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, createTimeout)
defer cancel()
// Check if input values are valid in the platform
tflog.Info(ctx, "Create resourceK8CI: starting input checks", map[string]any{"name": plan.Name.ValueString()})
resp.Diagnostics.Append(resourceK8CIInputChecks(ctx, &plan, r.client)...)
if diags.HasError() {
tflog.Error(ctx, "Create resourceK8CI: Error input checks")
tflog.Info(ctx, "Create resourceK8CI: input checks successful", map[string]any{"name": plan.Name.ValueString()})
// Make create request and get response
createReq, diags := utilities.CreateRequestResourceK8CI(ctx, &plan)
if diags.HasError() {
tflog.Error(ctx, "Create resourceK8CI: Error response for create request of resource k8ci")
tflog.Info(ctx, "Create resourceK8CI: before call CloudBroker().K8CI().Create", map[string]any{"req": createReq})
k8ciid, err := r.client.CloudBroker().K8CI().Create(ctx, createReq)
if err != nil {
"Create resourceK8CI: unable to Create k8ci",
plan.Id = types.StringValue(strconv.Itoa(int(k8ciid)))
tflog.Info(ctx, "Create resourceK8CI: k8ci created", map[string]any{"k8ci_id": k8ciid, "name": plan.Name.ValueString()})
// additional settings after k8ci creation: in case of failures, warnings are added to resp.Diagnostics,
// because additional settings failure is not critical. If errors were added instead of warnings, terraform
// framework would mark resource as tainted and delete it, which would be unwanted behaviour.
// enable/disable of k8ci after creation, warnings added to resp.Diagnostics in case of failure.
temp := utilities.K8CIResourceEnableDisable(ctx, &plan, r.client)
for _, d := range temp {
if d.Severity() == diag.SeverityError {
resp.Diagnostics.AddWarning(d.Summary(), d.Detail())
tflog.Info(ctx, "Create resourceK8CI: resource creation is completed", map[string]any{"k8ci_id": k8ciid})
// Map response body to schema and populate Computed attribute values
resp.Diagnostics.Append(flattens.K8CIResource(ctx, &plan, r.client)...)
if resp.Diagnostics.HasError() {
// Set state to fully populated data
resp.Diagnostics.Append(resp.State.Set(ctx, plan)...)
if resp.Diagnostics.HasError() {
// Read refreshes the Terraform state with the latest data.
func (r *resourceK8CI) Read(ctx context.Context, req resource.ReadRequest, resp *resource.ReadResponse) {
// Get current state
var state models.ResourceK8CIModel
resp.Diagnostics.Append(req.State.Get(ctx, &state)...)
if resp.Diagnostics.HasError() {
tflog.Error(ctx, "Read resourceK8CI: Error get state")
tflog.Info(ctx, "Read resourceK8CI: got state successfully", map[string]any{"k8ci_id": state.Id.ValueString()})
// Set timeouts
readTimeout, diags := state.Timeouts.Read(ctx, constants.Timeout300s)
if resp.Diagnostics.HasError() {
tflog.Error(ctx, "Read resourceK8CI: Error set timeout")
tflog.Info(ctx, "Read resourceK8CI: set timeouts successfully", map[string]any{
"k8ci_id": state.Id.ValueString(),
"readTimeout": readTimeout})
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, readTimeout)
defer cancel()
// read status
resp.Diagnostics.Append(utilities.K8CIReadStatus(ctx, &state, r.client)...)
if resp.Diagnostics.HasError() {
tflog.Error(ctx, "Read resourceK8CI: Error reading resource group status")
// Overwrite items with refreshed state
resp.Diagnostics.Append(flattens.K8CIResource(ctx, &state, r.client)...)
if resp.Diagnostics.HasError() {
tflog.Error(ctx, "Read resourceK8CI: Error flatten resource group")
// Set refreshed state
resp.Diagnostics.Append(resp.State.Set(ctx, &state)...)
if resp.Diagnostics.HasError() {
tflog.Error(ctx, "Read resourceK8CI: Error set state")
tflog.Info(ctx, "End read resource group")
// Update updates the resource and sets the updated Terraform state on success.
func (r *resourceK8CI) Update(ctx context.Context, req resource.UpdateRequest, resp *resource.UpdateResponse) {
// Retrieve values from plan
var plan models.ResourceK8CIModel
resp.Diagnostics.Append(req.Plan.Get(ctx, &plan)...)
if resp.Diagnostics.HasError() {
tflog.Error(ctx, "Update resourceK8CI: Error receiving the plan")
tflog.Info(ctx, "Update resourceK8CI: got plan successfully", map[string]any{"k8ci_id": plan.Id.ValueString()})
// Retrieve values from state
var state models.ResourceK8CIModel
resp.Diagnostics.Append(req.State.Get(ctx, &state)...)
if resp.Diagnostics.HasError() {
tflog.Error(ctx, "Update resourceK8CI: Error receiving the state")
tflog.Info(ctx, "Update resourceK8CI: got state successfully", map[string]any{"k8ci_id": state.Id.ValueString()})
// Set timeouts
updateTimeout, diags := plan.Timeouts.Update(ctx, constants.Timeout600s)
if resp.Diagnostics.HasError() {
tflog.Error(ctx, "Error set timeout")
tflog.Info(ctx, "Update resourceK8CI: set timeouts successfully", map[string]any{
"k8ci_id": state.Id.ValueString(),
"updateTimeout": updateTimeout})
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, updateTimeout)
defer cancel()
// Checking for values in the platform
tflog.Info(ctx, "Update resourceK8CI: starting input checks", map[string]any{"k8ci_id": plan.Id.ValueString()})
resp.Diagnostics.Append(resourceK8CIInputChecks(ctx, &plan, r.client)...)
if resp.Diagnostics.HasError() {
tflog.Error(ctx, "Update resourceK8CI: Error input checks")
tflog.Info(ctx, "Update resourceK8CI: input checks successful", map[string]any{"k8ci_id": state.Id.ValueString()})
// Checking that immutable variables have not changed
tflog.Info(ctx, "Update resourceK8CI: starting immutable variables checks", map[string]any{"k8ci_id": plan.Id.ValueString()})
resp.Diagnostics.Append(utilities.K8CIIUpdateVarChecks(&plan, &state)...)
if resp.Diagnostics.HasError() {
tflog.Error(ctx, "Update resourceK8CI: Error input checks")
tflog.Info(ctx, "Update resourceK8CI: input checks successful", map[string]any{"k8ci_id": state.Id.ValueString()})
plan.Id = state.Id
// grant/revoke access for K8CI
if !reflect.DeepEqual(plan.SharedWith, state.SharedWith) {
resp.Diagnostics.Append(utilities.K8CISharedWithUpdate(ctx, &plan, &state, r.client)...)
if resp.Diagnostics.HasError() {
tflog.Error(ctx, "Update resourceK8CI: Error grant/revoke access for k8ci")
// enable or disable k8ci
if !plan.Enabled.Equal(state.Enabled) {
resp.Diagnostics.Append(utilities.K8CIResourceEnableDisable(ctx, &plan, r.client)...)
if resp.Diagnostics.HasError() {
tflog.Error(ctx, "Update resourceK8CI: Error enable/disable k8ci")
tflog.Info(ctx, "Update resourceK8CI: resource update is completed", map[string]any{"k8ci_id": plan.Id.ValueString()})
// Map response body to schema and populate Computed attribute values
resp.Diagnostics.Append(flattens.K8CIResource(ctx, &plan, r.client)...)
if resp.Diagnostics.HasError() {
// Set state to fully populated data
diags = resp.State.Set(ctx, plan)
if resp.Diagnostics.HasError() {
// Delete deletes the resource and removes the Terraform state on success.
func (r *resourceK8CI) Delete(ctx context.Context, req resource.DeleteRequest, resp *resource.DeleteResponse) {
// Get current state
var state models.ResourceK8CIModel
resp.Diagnostics.Append(req.State.Get(ctx, &state)...)
if resp.Diagnostics.HasError() {
tflog.Error(ctx, "Delete resourceK8CI: Error get state")
tflog.Info(ctx, "Delete resourceK8CI: got state successfully", map[string]any{"k8ci_id": state.Id.ValueString()})
// Set timeouts
deleteTimeout, diags := state.Timeouts.Delete(ctx, constants.Timeout300s)
if resp.Diagnostics.HasError() {
tflog.Error(ctx, "Delete resourceK8CI: Error set timeout")
tflog.Info(ctx, "Delete resourceK8CI: set timeouts successfully", map[string]any{
"k8ci_id": state.Id.ValueString(),
"deleteTimeout": deleteTimeout})
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, deleteTimeout)
defer cancel()
k8ciid, err := strconv.ParseUint(state.Id.ValueString(), 10, 64)
if err != nil {
diags.AddError("Cannot parsed ID K8CI from state", err.Error())
// Delete existing resource group
delReq := k8ci.DeleteRequest{
K8CIID: k8ciid,
Permanently: state.Permanently.ValueBool(),
_, err = r.client.CloudBroker().K8CI().Delete(ctx, delReq)
if err != nil {
resp.Diagnostics.AddError("Delete resourceK8CI: Error deleting k8ci with error: ", err.Error())
tflog.Info(ctx, "End delete K8CI", map[string]any{"k8ci_id": state.Id.ValueString()})
// Schema defines the schema for the resource.
func (r *resourceK8CI) Schema(ctx context.Context, _ resource.SchemaRequest, resp *resource.SchemaResponse) {
resp.Schema = schema.Schema{
Attributes: schemas.MakeSchemaResourceK8CI(),
Blocks: map[string]schema.Block{
"timeouts": timeouts.Block(ctx, timeouts.Opts{Create: true, Read: true, Update: true, Delete: true}),
// Metadata returns the resource type name.
func (r *resourceK8CI) Metadata(_ context.Context, req resource.MetadataRequest, resp *resource.MetadataResponse) {
resp.TypeName = req.ProviderTypeName + "_cb_k8ci"
// Configure adds the provider configured client to the resource.
func (r *resourceK8CI) Configure(ctx context.Context, req resource.ConfigureRequest, resp *resource.ConfigureResponse) {
tflog.Info(ctx, "Get Configure resourceK8CI")
r.client = client.Resource(ctx, &req, resp)
tflog.Info(ctx, "Getting Configure resourceK8CI successfully")
func (r *resourceK8CI) ImportState(ctx context.Context, req resource.ImportStateRequest, resp *resource.ImportStateResponse) {
// Retrieve import ID and save to id attribute
resource.ImportStatePassthroughID(ctx, path.Root("id"), req, resp)