@ -2004,21 +2004,44 @@ class DecortController(object):
self.result['changed'] = True
def account_find(self, account_name, account_id=0,
def account_find(self, account_name: str, account_id=0,
resource_groups_params: None | dict = None,
computes_params: None | dict = None,
"""Find cloud account specified by the name and return facts about the account. Knowing account is
required for certain cloud resource management tasks (e.g. creating new RG).
@param (string) account_name: name of the account to find. Pass empty string if you want to
find account by ID and make sure you specifit posisite arg_account_id.
@param (int) ccount_id: ID of the account to find. If arg_account_name is empty string, then
arg_account_id must be positive, and method will look for account by the specified ID.
Returns non zero account ID and a dictionary with account details on success, 0 and empty
dictionary otherwise.
Find account specified by account ID or name and return
a turple with account ID and account info dict.
@param (string) account_name: name of the account to find.
Pass empty string if you want to find account by ID.
@param (int) account_id: ID of the account to find.
@param (bool) resource_consumption: If `True` is specified,
then the method `account_resource_consumption`
will be called passing founded account ID and result of
the call will be added to
account info dict (key `resource_consumption`).
@param (None | dict) resource_groups_params: If dict is
specified, then the method `account_resource_groups`
will be called passing founded account ID
and `**resource_groups_params`. Result of the call will
be added to account info dict (key `resource_groups`).
@param (None | dict) computes_params: If dict is
specified, then the method `account_computes`
will be called passing founded account ID
and `**computes_params`. Result of the call will
be added to account info dict (key `computes`).
@param (bool) fail_if_not_found: If `True` is specified, then
the method `self.amodule.fail_json(**self.result)` will be
called if account is not found.
Returns non zero account ID and account info dict on success,
0 and empty dict otherwise (if `fail_if_not_found=False`).
self.result['waypoints'] = "{} -> {}".format(self.result['waypoints'], "account_find")