1.5.8-k8s-extnet-branch v1.3.0
stSolo 2 years ago
parent 437841c8dd
commit 84b64b7d80

@ -1,12 +1,39 @@
## Version 1.2.1
## Version 1.3.0
### Bug fixes
### Features
#### Legacy Client
- Created CloudAPI/CloudBroker filtering, sorting and serialization functions for List requests.
- Every handler with present List request has available FilterBy functions. Filtering by ID, Name is common for each handler.
- In case user needs to filter response by uncommon field FilterFunc with user-specified predicate is also available.
- CloudAPI/CloudBroker computes, disks and lb also have specific Filter methods predefined, to name a few:
- computes:
- FilterByK8SID, used to filter computes used by specified k8s cluster;
- FilterByK8SMasters, FilterByK8SWorkers, used to filter master/workers nodes. Best used after FilterByK8SID call;
- FilterByLBID, used to filter computes used by specified load balancer;
- Fixed password and username encoding
- Fixed request params absence in HTTP Transport
- disks:
- FilterByK8SID, used to filter disks attached to computes inside specified k8s cluster;
- FilterByLBID, used to filter disks attached to computes inside specified load balancer;
#### All
- lb:
- FilterByK8SID, used to filter load balancers used by specified k8s cluster;
- Reinvented request validation using go-validator. Made easier to manipulate and add on to.
- Request/Config validation now uses tags instead of hard-coded validation functions;
- Added ability to parse client configuration from JSON or YAML formatted files.
### Bug Fixes
- Fixed SSO_URL trailing slash possibly breaking authentication process.
- Fixed cloudbroker/vins/nat_rule_add request model types.
- Fixed cloudbroker/grid DiskSize field type
- Fixed TasksResult, InfoResult in cloudbroker/cloudapi/tasks/models JSON unmarshalling.
### Tests
- Covered CloudAPI/CloudBroker filters with unit tests.
### Other
- Updated module to new repository

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ Decort SDK - это библиотека, написанная на языке G
- Версия 1.0.x Decort-SDK соответствует 3.8.4 версии платформы
- Версия 1.1.x Decort-SDK соответствует 3.8.5 версии платформы
- Версия 1.2.x Decort-SDK соответствует 3.8.5 версии платформы
- Версия 1.3.x Decort-SDK соответствует 3.8.5 версии платформы
## Оглавление
@ -16,6 +17,10 @@ Decort SDK - это библиотека, написанная на языке G
- [Cloudbroker](#cloudbroker)
- [Работа с библиотекой](#работа-с-библиотекой)
- [Настройка конфигурации клиента](#настройка-конфигурации-клиента)
- [Пример конфигурации клиента](#пример-конфигурации-клиента)
- [Парсинг конфигурации из файла](#парсинг-конфигурации-из-файла)
- [Пример JSON конфигурации](#пример-json-конфигурации)
- [Пример YAML конфигурации](#пример-yaml-конфигурации)
- [Создание клиента](#создание-клиента)
- [Создание структуры запроса](#cоздание-структуры-запроса)
- [Выполнение запроса](#выполнение-запроса)
@ -24,6 +29,10 @@ Decort SDK - это библиотека, написанная на языке G
- [Сериализация](#сериализация)
- [Работа с legacy клиентом](#работа-с-legacy-клиентом)
- [Настройка конфигурации legacy клиента](#настройка-конфигурации-legacy-клиента)
- [Пример конфигурации legacy клиента](#пример-конфигурации-legacy-клиента)
- [Парсинг legacy конфигурации из файла](#парсинг-legacy-конфигурации-из-файла)
- [Пример legacy JSON конфигурации](#пример-legacy-json-конфигурации)
- [Пример legacy YAML конфигурации](#пример-legacy-yaml-конфигурации)
- [Создание legacy клиента](#создание-legacy-клиента)
- [Создание структуры запроса](#cоздание-структуры-запроса)
- [Выполнение запроса](#выполнение-запроса)
@ -93,9 +102,10 @@ go get -u repository.basistech.ru/BASIS/decort-golang-sdk
Алгоритм работы с библиотекой выглядит следующим образом:
1. Настройка конфигурации клиента.
2. Создание клиента.
3. Создание структуры запроса.
4. Выполнение запроса.
2. Парсинг конфигурации из файла.
3. Создание клиента.
4. Создание структуры запроса.
5. Выполнение запроса.
### Настройка конфигурации клиента
@ -110,11 +120,11 @@ go get -u repository.basistech.ru/BASIS/decort-golang-sdk
| SSLSkipVerify | bool | Нет | Пропуск проверки подлинности сертификата, по умолчанию - true |
| Token | string | Нет | JWT токен |
Пример кода:
#### Пример конфигурации клиента
import (
func main(){
// Настройка конфигурации
@ -128,6 +138,47 @@ func main(){
#### Парсинг конфигурации из файла
Также возможно создать переменную конфигурации из JSON или YAML файла, используя функцию `ParseConfigJSON` (или `ParseConfigYAML`) из пакета config.
*См. пример файлов конфигурации ниже и в директории `samples/`.*
import (
func main() {
// Парсинг конфигурации из JSON-файла
cfg := config.ParseConfigJSON("<PATH>")
#### Пример JSON конфигурации
"appId": "<APP_ID>",
"appSecret": "<APP_SECRET>",
"ssoUrl": "https://sso.digitalenergy.online",
"decortUrl": "https://mr4.digitalenergy.online",
"retries": 5,
"sslSkipVerify": false
#### Пример YAML конфигурации
appId: <APP_ID>
appSecret: <APP_SECRET>
ssoUrl: https://sso.digitalenergy.online
decortUrl: https://mr4.digitalenergy.online
retries: 5
sslSkipVerify: false
### Создание клиента
Создание клиента происходит с помощью функции-строителя `New` из основного пакета `decort-sdk`, для избежания проблем с именами, пакету можно присвоить алиас `decort`. Функция принимает конфигурацию, возвращает структуру `DecortClient`, с помощью которой можно взаимодействовать с платформой.
@ -138,8 +189,8 @@ func main(){
package main
import (
decort "github.com/rudecs/decort-sdk"
decort "repository.basistech.ru/BASIS/decort-golang-sdk"
func main() {
@ -302,9 +353,9 @@ type CreateRequest struct {
package main
import (
decort "github.com/rudecs/decort-sdk"
decort "repository.basistech.ru/BASIS/decort-golang-sdk"
func main() {
@ -402,9 +453,9 @@ import (
decort "github.com/rudecs/decort-sdk"
decort "repository.basistech.ru/BASIS/decort-golang-sdk"
func main() {
@ -484,6 +535,52 @@ filtered := resp.
// ....
Также у `compute`, `disks`, и `lb` присутствуют специфические функции фильтрации, отправляющие дополнительные запросы. В качестве параметров принимают:
- context.Context - контекст для доп. запроса
- id (или другое поле, по которому производится фильтрация)
- interfaces.Caller - DECORT-клиент для запроса
Так как эти функции возвращают не только результирующий слайс, но и возможную ошибку - конвейер придется прервать для обработки ошибки.
#### Использование на примере `compute.FilterByK8SID`:
func main() {
// Чтение конфигурации из файла
cfg := config.ParseConfigJSON("<PATH>")
// Создание клиента
client := decort.New(cfg)
// Создание структуры запроса compute/list
req := compute.ListRequest{}
// Запрос
resp, err := client.CloudAPI().Compute().List(context.Background(), req)
if err != nil {
// Фильтрация по id кластера.
// Первый аргумент - контекст
// Второй - ID кластера
// Третий - DECORT-клиент
filtered, err := resp.FilterByK8SID(context.Background(), <k8sID>, client)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal(err) // Возможная ошибка запроса
// Доп. фильтрация и сортировка результата - worker ноды кластера
workers := filtered.FilterByK8SWorkers().SortByCreatedTime(false)
// Доп. фильтрация и сортировка результата - master ноды кластера
masters := filtered.FilterByK8SMasters().SortByCreatedTime(true)
// ....
### Сортировка
Функции сортировки так же могут быть объединены в конвейер:
@ -536,9 +633,9 @@ import (
decort "github.com/rudecs/decort-sdk"
decort "repository.basistech.ru/BASIS/decort-golang-sdk"
func main() {
@ -598,23 +695,61 @@ func main() {
| SSLSkipVerify | bool | Нет | Пропуск проверки подлинности сертификата, по умолчанию - true |
| Token | string | Нет | JWT токен |
Пример кода:
#### Пример конфигурации legacy клиента
import (
func main(){
// Настройка конфигурации
legacyCfg := config.LegacyConfig{
Username: "<USERNAME>",
Password: "<PASSWORD>",
Username: "<USERNAME>",
Password: "<PASSWORD>",
DecortURL: "https://mr4.digitalenergy.online",
Retries: 5,
#### Парсинг legacy конфигурации из файла
Также возможно создать переменную конфигурации из JSON или YAML файла, используя функцию `ParseLegacyConfigJSON` (или `ParseLegacyConfigYAML`) из пакета config.
*См. пример файлов конфигурации ниже и в директории `samples/`.*
import (
func main() {
// Парсинг конфигурации из YAML-файла
legacyCfg := config.ParseLegacyConfigYAML("<PATH>")
#### Пример legacy JSON конфигурации
"username": "<USERNAME>",
"password": "<PASSWORD>",
"decortUrl": "https://mr4.digitalenergy.online",
"retries": 5,
"sslSkipVerify": true
#### Пример legacy YAML конфигурации
username: <USERNAME>
password: <PASSWORD>
decortUrl: https://mr4.digitalenergy.online
retries: 5
sslSkipVerify: true
### Создание legacy клиента
Создание клиента происходит с помощью функции-строителя `NewLegacy` из основного пакета `decort-sdk`, для избежания проблем с именами, пакету можно присвоить алиас `decort`. Функция принимает конфигурацию, возвращает структуру `DecortClient`, с помощью которой можно взаимодействовать с платформой.
@ -625,8 +760,8 @@ func main(){
package main
import (
decort "github.com/rudecs/decort-sdk"
decort "repository.basistech.ru/BASIS/decort-golang-sdk"
func main() {
@ -651,8 +786,8 @@ package main
import (
decort "github.com/rudecs/decort-sdk"
decort "repository.basistech.ru/BASIS/decort-golang-sdk"
func main() {
@ -685,4 +820,3 @@ func main() {

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Also the library have structures for responses.
## Install
go get -u github.com/rudecs/decort-sdk
go get -u repository.basistech.ru/BASIS/decort-golang-sdk
## API List
@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ import (
func main() {

@ -1,39 +1,95 @@
package config
import (
// Configuration for creating request to platform
type Config struct {
// JWT platform token
// Required: false
// Example: "qwqwdfwv68979we0q9bfv7e9sbvd89798qrwv97ff"
Token string
Token string `json:"token" yaml:"token"`
// Application (client) identifier for authorization
// in the cloud platform controller in oauth2 mode.
// Required: true
// Example: "ewqfrvea7s890avw804389qwguf234h0otfi3w4eiu"
AppID string
AppID string `json:"appId" yaml:"appId" validate:"required"`
// Application (client) secret code for authorization
// in the cloud platform controller in oauth2 mode.
// Example: "frvet09rvesfis0c9erv9fsov0vsdfi09ovds0f"
AppSecret string
AppSecret string `json:"appSecret" yaml:"appSecret" validate:"required"`
// Platform authentication service address
// Required: true
// Example: "https://sso.digitalenergy.online"
SSOURL string
SSOURL string `json:"ssoUrl" yaml:"ssoUrl" validate:"url"`
// The address of the platform on which the actions are planned
// Required: true
// Example: "https://mr4.digitalenergy.online"
DecortURL string
DecortURL string `json:"decortUrl" yaml:"decortUrl" validate:"url"`
// Amount platform request attempts
// Default value: 5
// Required: false
Retries uint64
Retries uint64 `json:"retries" yaml:"retries"`
// Skip verify, true by default
// Required: false
SSLSkipVerify bool
SSLSkipVerify bool `json:"sslSkipVerify" yaml:"sslSkipVerify"`
// ParseConfigJSON parses Config from specified JSON-formatted file.
func ParseConfigJSON(path string) (Config, error) {
file, err := os.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
return Config{}, err
var config Config
err = json.Unmarshal(file, &config)
if err != nil {
return Config{}, err
err = validators.ValidateConfig(config)
if err != nil {
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return Config{}, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
return config, nil
// ParseConfigYAML parses Config from specified YAML-formatted file.
func ParseConfigYAML(path string) (Config, error) {
file, err := os.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
return Config{}, err
var config Config
err = yaml.Unmarshal(file, &config)
if err != nil {
return Config{}, err
err = validators.ValidateConfig(config)
if err != nil {
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return Config{}, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
return config, nil

@ -1,33 +1,89 @@
package config
import (
// Legacy client configuration
type LegacyConfig struct {
// ServiceAccount username
// Required: true
// Example : "osh_mikoev"
Username string
Username string `json:"username" yaml:"username" validate:"required"`
// ServiceAccount password
// Required: true
// Example: "[1o>hYkjnJr)HI78q7t&#%8Lm"
Password string
Password string `json:"password" yaml:"password" validate:"required"`
// Platform token
// Required: false
// Example: "158e76424b0d4810b6086hgbhj928fc4a6bc06e"
Token string
Token string `json:"token" yaml:"token"`
// Address of the platform on which the actions are planned
// Required: true
// Example: "https://mr4.digitalenergy.online"
DecortURL string
DecortURL string `json:"decortUrl" yaml:"decortUrl" validate:"url"`
// Amount platform request attempts
// Default value: 5
// Required: false
Retries uint64
Retries uint64 `json:"retries" yaml:"retries"`
// Skip verify, true by default
// Required: false
SSLSkipVerify bool
SSLSkipVerify bool `json:"sslSkipVerify" yaml:"sslSkipVerify"`
// ParseLegacyConfigJSON parses LegacyConfig from specified JSON-formatted file.
func ParseLegacyConfigJSON(path string) (LegacyConfig, error) {
file, err := os.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
return LegacyConfig{}, err
var config LegacyConfig
err = json.Unmarshal(file, &config)
if err != nil {
return LegacyConfig{}, err
err = validators.ValidateConfig(config)
if err != nil {
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return LegacyConfig{}, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
return config, nil
// ParseLegacyConfigYAML parses LegacyConfig from specified YAML-formatted file.
func ParseLegacyConfigYAML(path string) (LegacyConfig, error) {
file, err := os.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
return LegacyConfig{}, err
var config LegacyConfig
err = yaml.Unmarshal(file, &config)
if err != nil {
return LegacyConfig{}, err
err = validators.ValidateConfig(config)
if err != nil {
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return LegacyConfig{}, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
return config, nil

@ -14,4 +14,5 @@ require (
golang.org/x/crypto v0.5.0 // indirect
golang.org/x/sys v0.4.0 // indirect
golang.org/x/text v0.6.0 // indirect
gopkg.in/yaml.v3 v3.0.1 // indirect

@ -28,3 +28,4 @@ golang.org/x/xerrors v0.0.0-20191204190536-9bdfabe68543/go.mod h1:I/5z698sn9Ka8T
gopkg.in/check.v1 v0.0.0-20161208181325-20d25e280405/go.mod h1:Co6ibVJAznAaIkqp8huTwlJQCZ016jof/cbN4VW5Yz0=
gopkg.in/yaml.v3 v3.0.0-20200313102051-9f266ea9e77c/go.mod h1:K4uyk7z7BCEPqu6E+C64Yfv1cQ7kz7rIZviUmN+EgEM=
gopkg.in/yaml.v3 v3.0.1 h1:fxVm/GzAzEWqLHuvctI91KS9hhNmmWOoWu0XTYJS7CA=
gopkg.in/yaml.v3 v3.0.1/go.mod h1:K4uyk7z7BCEPqu6E+C64Yfv1cQ7kz7rIZviUmN+EgEM=

@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ func (t *transport) RoundTrip(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
body := fmt.Sprintf("grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=%s&client_secret=%s&response_type=id_token", t.clientID, t.clientSecret)
bodyReader := strings.NewReader(body)
t.ssoURL = strings.TrimSuffix(t.ssoURL, "/")
req, _ := http.NewRequestWithContext(req.Context(), "POST", t.ssoURL+"/v1/oauth/access_token", bodyReader)
req.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")

@ -2,25 +2,48 @@ package validators
import "github.com/go-playground/validator/v10"
// accountCUTypeValidator is used to validate CUType field.
func accountCUTypeValidator(fe validator.FieldLevel) bool {
// protoValidator is used to validate Proto fields.
func protoValidator(fe validator.FieldLevel) bool {
fieldValue := fe.Field().String()
return StringInSlice(fieldValue, accountCUTypeValues)
return StringInSlice(fieldValue, protoValues)
// accountAccessTypeValidator is used to validate AccessType field.
func accountAccessTypeValidator(fe validator.FieldLevel) bool {
// accessTypeValidator is used to validate AccessType fields.
func accessTypeValidator(fe validator.FieldLevel) bool {
fieldValue := fe.Field().String()
return StringInSlice(fieldValue, accountAccessTypeValues)
return StringInSlice(fieldValue, accessTypeValues)
// bserviceDriverValidator is used to validate Driver field.
func bserviceDriverValidator(fe validator.FieldLevel) bool {
// resTypesValidator is used to validate ResTypes fields.
func resTypesValidator(fe validator.FieldLevel) bool {
fieldSlice, ok := fe.Field().Interface().([]string)
if !ok {
return false
for _, value := range fieldSlice {
if !StringInSlice(value, resTypesValues) {
return false
return true
// driverValidator is used to validate Driver fields.
func driverValidator(fe validator.FieldLevel) bool {
fieldValue := fe.Field().String()
return StringInSlice(fieldValue, bserviceDriverValues)
return StringInSlice(fieldValue, driverValues)
// accountCUTypeValidator is used to validate CUType field.
func accountCUTypeValidator(fe validator.FieldLevel) bool {
fieldValue := fe.Field().String()
return StringInSlice(fieldValue, accountCUTypeValues)
// bserviceModeValidator is used to validate Mode field.
@ -65,11 +88,76 @@ func computeNetTypeValidator(fe validator.FieldLevel) bool {
return StringInSlice(fieldValue, computeNetTypeValues)
// computeProtoValidator is used to validate Proto field.
func computeProtoValidator(fe validator.FieldLevel) bool {
// computeOrderValidator is used to validate Order field.
func computeOrderValidator(fe validator.FieldLevel) bool {
fieldSlice, ok := fe.Field().Interface().([]string)
if !ok {
return false
for _, value := range fieldSlice {
if !StringInSlice(value, computeOrderValues) {
return false
return true
// computeDataDisksValidator is used to validate DataDisks field.
func computeDataDisksValidator(fe validator.FieldLevel) bool {
fieldValue := fe.Field().String()
return StringInSlice(fieldValue, computeDataDisksValues)
// diskTypeValidator is used to validate Type field.
func diskTypeValidator(fe validator.FieldLevel) bool {
fieldValue := fe.Field().String()
return StringInSlice(fieldValue, diskTypeValues)
// flipgroupClientTypeValidator is used to validate ClientType field.
func flipgroupClientTypeValidator(fe validator.FieldLevel) bool {
fieldValue := fe.Field().String()
return StringInSlice(fieldValue, flipgroupClientTypeValues)
// kvmNetTypeValidator is used to validate NetType field.
func kvmNetTypeValidator(fe validator.FieldLevel) bool {
fieldValue := fe.Field().String()
return StringInSlice(fieldValue, kvmNetTypeValues)
// lbAlgorithmValidator is used to validate Algorithm field.
func lbAlgorithmValidator(fe validator.FieldLevel) bool {
fieldValue := fe.Field().String()
return StringInSlice(fieldValue, computeProtoValues)
return StringInSlice(fieldValue, lbAlgorithmValues)
// rgDefNetValidator is used to validate DefNet field.
func rgDefNetValidator(fe validator.FieldLevel) bool {
fieldValue := fe.Field().String()
return StringInSlice(fieldValue, rgDefNetValues)
// rgNetTypeValidator is used to validate NetType field.
func rgNetTypeValidator(fe validator.FieldLevel) bool {
fieldValue := fe.Field().String()
return StringInSlice(fieldValue, rgNetTypeValues)
// vinsTypeValidator is used to validate Type field.
func vinsTypeValidator(fe validator.FieldLevel) bool {
fieldValue := fe.Field().String()
return StringInSlice(fieldValue, vinsTypeValues)
// imageBootTypeValidator is used to validate BootType field.
@ -108,3 +196,10 @@ func imageArchitectureValidator(fe validator.FieldLevel) bool {
return StringInSlice(fieldValue, imageArchitectureValues)
// sepFieldTypeValidator is used to validate FieldType field.
func sepFieldTypeValidator(fe validator.FieldLevel) bool {
fieldValue := fe.Field().String()
return StringInSlice(fieldValue, sepFieldTypeValues)

@ -11,6 +11,11 @@ func ValidateRequest(req interface{}) error {
return validate.Struct(req)
func ValidateConfig(cfg interface{}) error {
validate := getDecortValidator()
return validate.Struct(cfg)
func ValidationError(fe validator.FieldError) error {
return errors.New(errorMessage(fe))

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ func errorMessage(fe validator.FieldError) string {
switch fe.Tag() {
// Default Validators
// Common Validators
case "required":
return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s is required", prefix, fe.Field())
case "gt":
@ -26,26 +26,38 @@ func errorMessage(fe validator.FieldError) string {
case "email":
return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s: unexpected E-Mail format", prefix, fe.Field())
// Account Validators
case "accountAccessType":
return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s must be one of the followng: %s",
case "driver":
return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s must be one of the following: %s",
case "accountCUType":
case "accessType":
return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s must be one of the following: %s",
// BService Validators
case "bserviceDriver":
case "resTypes":
return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s can contain only the following values: %s",
case "proto":
return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s must be one of the following: %s",
// Account Validators
case "accountCUType":
return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s must be one of the following: %s",
// BService Validators
case "bserviceMode":
return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s must be one of the following: %s",
@ -83,14 +95,68 @@ func errorMessage(fe validator.FieldError) string {
case "computeProto":
case "computeOrder":
return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s can contain only the following values: %s",
case "computeDataDisks":
return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s must be one of the following: %s",
// Disk Validators
case "diskType":
return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s must be one of the following: %s",
// Flipgroup Validators
case "flipgroupClientType":
return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s must be one of the following: %s",
// KVM_X86/KVM_PPC Validators
case "kvmNetType":
return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s must be one of the following: %s",
// LB Validators
case "lbAlgorithm":
return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s must be one of the following: %s",
// RG Validators
case "rgDefNet":
return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s must be one of the following: %s",
case "rgNetType":
return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s must be one of the following: %s",
// ViNS Validators
case "vinsType":
return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s must be one of the following: %s",
// Image Validators
case "bootType":
case "imageBootType":
return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s must be one of the following: %s",
@ -114,6 +180,13 @@ func errorMessage(fe validator.FieldError) string {
// SEP Validators
case "sepFieldType":
return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s must be one of the following: %s",
return fe.Error()

@ -34,37 +34,47 @@ func getDecortValidator() *validator.Validate {
// registerAllValidators registers all custom validators in DecortValidator.
func registerAllValidators(validate *validator.Validate) error {
err := validate.RegisterValidation("bootType", imageBootTypeValidator)
err := validate.RegisterValidation("proto", protoValidator)
if err != nil {
return err
err = validate.RegisterValidation("imageType", imageTypeValidator)
err = validate.RegisterValidation("accessType", accessTypeValidator)
if err != nil {
return err
err = validate.RegisterValidation("imageDrivers", imageDriversValidator)
err = validate.RegisterValidation("resTypes", resTypesValidator)
if err != nil {
return err
err = validate.RegisterValidation("imageArchitecture", imageArchitectureValidator)
err = validate.RegisterValidation("driver", driverValidator)
if err != nil {
return err
err = validate.RegisterValidation("accountAccessType", accountAccessTypeValidator)
err = validate.RegisterValidation("imageBootType", imageBootTypeValidator)
if err != nil {
return err
err = validate.RegisterValidation("accountCUType", accountCUTypeValidator)
err = validate.RegisterValidation("imageType", imageTypeValidator)
if err != nil {
return err
err = validate.RegisterValidation("imageDrivers", imageDriversValidator)
if err != nil {
return err
err = validate.RegisterValidation("imageArchitecture", imageArchitectureValidator)
if err != nil {
return err
err = validate.RegisterValidation("bserviceDriver", bserviceDriverValidator)
err = validate.RegisterValidation("accountCUType", accountCUTypeValidator)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -99,7 +109,52 @@ func registerAllValidators(validate *validator.Validate) error {
return err
err = validate.RegisterValidation("computeProto", computeProtoValidator)
err = validate.RegisterValidation("computeOrder", computeOrderValidator)
if err != nil {
return err
err = validate.RegisterValidation("computeDataDisks", computeDataDisksValidator)
if err != nil {
return err
err = validate.RegisterValidation("diskType", diskTypeValidator)
if err != nil {
return err
err = validate.RegisterValidation("flipgroupClientType", flipgroupClientTypeValidator)
if err != nil {
return err
err = validate.RegisterValidation("kvmNetType", kvmNetTypeValidator)
if err != nil {
return err
err = validate.RegisterValidation("lbAlgorithm", lbAlgorithmValidator)
if err != nil {
return err
err = validate.RegisterValidation("rgDefNet", rgDefNetValidator)
if err != nil {
return err
err = validate.RegisterValidation("rgNetType", rgNetTypeValidator)
if err != nil {
return err
err = validate.RegisterValidation("vinsType", vinsTypeValidator)
if err != nil {
return err
err = validate.RegisterValidation("sepFieldType", sepFieldTypeValidator)
if err != nil {
return err

@ -1,21 +1,40 @@
package validators
var (
accountAccessTypeValues = []string{"R", "RCX", "ARCXDU"}
accountCUTypeValues = []string{"CU_M", "CU_C", "CU_D", "CU_S", "CU_A", "CU_NO", "CU_I", "CU_NP"}
driverValues = []string{"KVM_X86", "KVM_PPC"}
accessTypeValues = []string{"R", "RCX", "ARCXDU"}
resTypesValues = []string{"compute", "vins", "k8s", "openshift", "lb", "flipgroup"}
protoValues = []string{"tcp", "udp"}
bserviceDriverValues = []string{"KVM_X86, KVM_PPC"}
bserviceModeValues = []string{"ABSOLUTE", "RELATIVE"}
accountCUTypeValues = []string{"CU_M", "CU_C", "CU_D", "CU_S", "CU_A", "CU_NO", "CU_I", "CU_NP"}
computeTopologyValues = []string{"compute", "node"}
computePolicyValues = []string{"RECOMMENDED", "REQUIRED"}
computeModeValues = []string{"EQ", "EN", "ANY"}
computeDiskTypeValues = []string{"D", "B"}
computeNetTypeValues = []string{"EXTNET", "VINS"}
computeProtoValues = []string{"tcp", "udp"}
bserviceModeValues = []string{"ABSOLUTE", "RELATIVE"}
computeTopologyValues = []string{"compute", "node"}
computePolicyValues = []string{"RECOMMENDED", "REQUIRED"}
computeModeValues = []string{"EQ", "EN", "ANY"}
computeDiskTypeValues = []string{"D", "B"}
computeNetTypeValues = []string{"EXTNET", "VINS"}
computeOrderValues = []string{"cdrom", "network", "hd"}
computeDataDisksValues = []string{"KEEP", "DETACH", "DESTROY"}
diskTypeValues = []string{"B", "T", "D"}
flipgroupClientTypeValues = []string{"compute", "vins"}
kvmNetTypeValues = []string{"EXTNET", "VINS", "NONE"}
lbAlgorithmValues = []string{"roundrobin", "static-rr", "leastconn"}
rgDefNetValues = []string{"PRIVATE", "PUBLIC", "NONE"}
rgNetTypeValues = []string{"PUBLIC", "PRIVATE"}
vinsTypeValues = []string{"DHCP", "VIP", "EXCLUDE"}
imageBootTypeValues = []string{"uefi", "bios"}
imageTypeValues = []string{"windows", "linux", "other"}
imageDriversValues = []string{"KVM_X86"}
imageArchitectureValues = []string{"X86_64", "PPC64_LE"}
sepFieldTypeValues = []string{"int", "str", "bool", "list", "dict"}

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ type AddUserRequest struct {
// - 'RCX' for Write
// - 'ARCXDU' for Admin
// Required: true
AccessType string `url:"accesstype" json:"accesstype" validate:"required,accountAccessType"`
AccessType string `url:"accesstype" json:"accesstype" validate:"required,accessType"`
// AddUser gives a user access rights.

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ type UpdateUserRequest struct {
// - 'RCX' for Write
// - 'ARCXDU' for Admin
// Required: true
AccessType string `url:"accesstype" json:"accesstype" validate:"required,accountAccessType"`
AccessType string `url:"accesstype" json:"accesstype" validate:"required,accessType"`
// UpdateUser updates user access rights

@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ type GroupAddRequest struct {
// - KVM_X86
// - KVM_PPC
// Required: true
Driver string `url:"driver" json:"driver" validate:"bserviceDriver"`
Driver string `url:"driver" json:"driver" validate:"driver"`
// Storage endpoint provider ID
// Required: false

@ -1,5 +1,13 @@
package compute
import (
// FilterByID returns ListComputes with specified ID.
func (lc ListComputes) FilterByID(id uint64) ListComputes {
predicate := func(ic ItemCompute) bool {
@ -36,7 +44,7 @@ func (lc ListComputes) FilterByTechStatus(techStatus string) ListComputes {
return lc.FilterFunc(predicate)
// FilterByDiskID return ListComputes with specified DiskID.
// FilterByDiskID returns ListComputes with specified DiskID.
func (lc ListComputes) FilterByDiskID(diskID uint64) ListComputes {
predicate := func(ic ItemCompute) bool {
for _, disk := range ic.Disks {
@ -50,6 +58,88 @@ func (lc ListComputes) FilterByDiskID(diskID uint64) ListComputes {
return lc.FilterFunc(predicate)
// FilterByK8SID returns master and worker nodes (ListComputes) inside specified K8S cluster.
func (lc ListComputes) FilterByK8SID(ctx context.Context, k8sID uint64, decortClient interfaces.Caller) (ListComputes, error) {
caller := k8s.New(decortClient)
req := k8s.GetRequest{
K8SID: k8sID,
cluster, err := caller.Get(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
predicate := func(ic ItemCompute) bool {
for _, info := range cluster.K8SGroups.Masters.DetailedInfo {
if info.ID == ic.ID {
return true
for _, worker := range cluster.K8SGroups.Workers {
for _, info := range worker.DetailedInfo {
if info.ID == ic.ID {
return true
return false
return lc.FilterFunc(predicate), nil
// K8SMasters is used to filter master nodes. Best used after FilterByK8SID function.
func (lc ListComputes) FilterByK8SMasters() ListComputes {
predicate := func(ic ItemCompute) bool {
for _, rule := range ic.AntiAffinityRules {
if rule.Value == "master" {
return true
return false
return lc.FilterFunc(predicate)
// K8SMasters is used to filter worker nodes. Best used after FilterByK8SID function.
func (lc ListComputes) FilterByK8SWorkers() ListComputes {
predicate := func(ic ItemCompute) bool {
for _, rule := range ic.AntiAffinityRules {
if rule.Value == "worker" {
return true
return false
return lc.FilterFunc(predicate)
// FilterByLBID returns ListComputes used by specified Load Balancer.
func (lc ListComputes) FilterByLBID(ctx context.Context, lbID uint64, decortClient interfaces.Caller) (ListComputes, error) {
caller := lb.New(decortClient)
req := lb.GetRequest{
foundLB, err := caller.Get(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
predicate := func(ic ItemCompute) bool {
return ic.ID == foundLB.PrimaryNode.ComputeID || ic.ID == foundLB.SecondaryNode.ComputeID
return lc.FilterFunc(predicate), nil
// FilterFunc allows filtering ListComputes based on a user-specified predicate.
func (lc ListComputes) FilterFunc(predicate func(ItemCompute) bool) ListComputes {
var result ListComputes

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ type PFWAddRequest struct {
// Network protocol
// either "tcp" or "udp"
// Required: true
Proto string `url:"proto" json:"proto" validate:"computeProto"`
Proto string `url:"proto" json:"proto" validate:"proto"`
// PFWAdd add port forward rule

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ type UserGrantRequest struct {
// - 'RCX' for Write
// - 'ARCXDU' for Admin
// Required: true
AccessType string `url:"accesstype" json:"accesstype" validate:"accountAccessType"`
AccessType string `url:"accesstype" json:"accesstype" validate:"accessType"`
// UserGrant grant user access to the compute

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ type UserUpdateRequest struct {
// - 'RCX' for Write
// - 'ARCXDU' for Admin
// Required: true
AccessType string `url:"accesstype" json:"accesstype" validate:"accountAccessType"`
AccessType string `url:"accesstype" json:"accesstype" validate:"accessType"`
// UserUpdate updates user access to the compute

@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ package disks
import (
@ -13,15 +12,15 @@ import (
type CreateRequest struct {
// ID of the account
// Required: true
AccountID uint64 `url:"accountId" json:"accountId"`
AccountID uint64 `url:"accountId" json:"accountId" validate:"required"`
// ID of the grid (platform)
// Required: true
GID uint64 `url:"gid" json:"gid"`
GID uint64 `url:"gid" json:"gid" validate:"required"`
// Name of disk
// Required: true
Name string `url:"name" json:"name"`
Name string `url:"name" json:"name" validate:"required"`
// Description of disk
// Required: false
@ -36,7 +35,7 @@ type CreateRequest struct {
// - D=Data
// - T=Temp
// Required: true
Type string `url:"type" json:"type"`
Type string `url:"type" json:"type" validate:"diskType"`
// Size in GB default is 0
// Required: false
@ -55,29 +54,13 @@ type CreateRequest struct {
Pool string `url:"pool,omitempty" json:"pool,omitempty"`
func (drq CreateRequest) validate() error {
if drq.AccountID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field AccountID can not be empty or equal to 0")
if drq.GID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field GID can not be empty or equal to 0")
if drq.Name == "" {
return errors.New("validation-error: field Name can not be empty")
validType := validators.StringInSlice(drq.Type, []string{"B", "D", "T"})
if !validType {
return errors.New("validation-error: field Type must be set as B, D or T")
return nil
// Create creates a disk
func (d Disks) Create(ctx context.Context, req CreateRequest) (uint64, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return 0, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/disks/create"

@ -2,16 +2,17 @@ package disks
import (
// Request for delete disk
type DeleteRequest struct {
// ID of disk to delete
// Required: true
DiskID uint64 `url:"diskId" json:"diskId"`
DiskID uint64 `url:"diskId" json:"diskId" validate:"required"`
// Detach disk from machine first
// Required: false
@ -26,19 +27,13 @@ type DeleteRequest struct {
Reason string `url:"reason,omitempty" json:"reason,omitempty"`
func (d DeleteRequest) validate() error {
if d.DiskID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field DiskID must be set")
return nil
// Delete deletes disk by ID
func (d Disks) Delete(ctx context.Context, req DeleteRequest) (bool, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return false, err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return false, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/disks/delete"

@ -2,42 +2,34 @@ package disks
import (
// Request struct for multiple disks
type DisksDeleteRequest struct {
// List of disk ids to delete
// Required: true
DisksIDs []uint64 `url:"diskIds" json:"diskIds"`
DisksIDs []uint64 `url:"diskIds" json:"diskIds" validate:"required"`
// Reason for deleting the disks
// Required: true
Reason string `url:"reason" json:"reason"`
Reason string `url:"reason" json:"reason" validate:"required"`
// Whether to completely delete the disks, works only with non attached disks
// Required: false
Permanently bool `url:"permanently,omitempty" json:"permanently,omitempty"`
func (drq DisksDeleteRequest) validate() error {
if len(drq.DisksIDs) == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field DisksIDs must include one or more disks ids")
if drq.Reason == "" {
return errors.New("validation-error: field Reason must be set")
return nil
// DeleteDisks deletes multiple disks permanently
func (d Disks) DeleteDisks(ctx context.Context, req DisksDeleteRequest) (bool, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return false, err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return false, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/disks/deleteDisks"

@ -1,5 +1,14 @@
package disks
import (
// FilterByID returns ListDisks with specified ID.
func (ld ListDisks) FilterByID(id uint64) ListDisks {
predicate := func(idisk ItemDisk) bool {
@ -36,6 +45,69 @@ func (ld ListDisks) FilterByTechStatus(techStatus string) ListDisks {
return ld.FilterFunc(predicate)
// FilterByComputeID is used to filter ListDisks attached to specified compute.
func (ld ListDisks) FilterByComputeID(computeID uint64) ListDisks {
predicate := func(idisk ItemDisk) bool {
for k := range idisk.Computes {
if k == strconv.FormatUint(computeID, 10) {
return true
return false
return ld.FilterFunc(predicate)
// FilterByK8SID is used to filter ListDisks by specified K8S cluster.
func (ld ListDisks) FilterByK8SID(ctx context.Context, k8sID uint64, decortClient interfaces.Caller) (ListDisks, error) {
caller := k8s.New(decortClient)
req := k8s.GetRequest{
K8SID: k8sID,
cluster, err := caller.Get(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var result ListDisks
for _, masterCompute := range cluster.K8SGroups.Masters.DetailedInfo {
result = append(result, ld.FilterByComputeID(masterCompute.ID)...)
for _, workerGroup := range cluster.K8SGroups.Workers {
for _, workerCompute := range workerGroup.DetailedInfo {
result = append(result, ld.FilterByComputeID(workerCompute.ID)...)
return result, nil
// FilterByLBID is used to filter ListDisks used by computes inside specified Load Balancer.
func (ld ListDisks) FilterByLBID(ctx context.Context, lbID uint64, decortClient interfaces.Caller) (ListDisks, error) {
caller := lb.New(decortClient)
req := lb.GetRequest{
foundLB, err := caller.Get(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var result ListDisks
result = append(result, ld.FilterByComputeID(foundLB.PrimaryNode.ComputeID)...)
result = append(result, ld.FilterByComputeID(foundLB.SecondaryNode.ComputeID)...)
return result, nil
// FilterFunc allows filtering ListDisks based on a user-specified predicate.
func (ld ListDisks) FilterFunc(predicate func(ItemDisk) bool) ListDisks {
var result ListDisks

@ -3,31 +3,26 @@ package disks
import (
// Request struct for get information about disk
type GetRequest struct {
// ID of the disk
// Required: true
DiskID uint64 `url:"diskId" json:"diskId"`
func (drq GetRequest) validate() error {
if drq.DiskID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field DiskID can not be empty or equal to 0")
return nil
DiskID uint64 `url:"diskId" json:"diskId" validate:"required"`
// Get gets disk details
// Notice: the devicename field is the name as it is passed to the kernel (kname in linux) for unattached disks this field has no relevant value
func (d Disks) Get(ctx context.Context, req GetRequest) (*RecordDisk, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return nil, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/disks/get"

@ -2,16 +2,17 @@ package disks
import (
// Request struct for limit IO
type LimitIORequest struct {
// ID of the disk to limit
// Required: true
DiskID uint64 `url:"diskId" json:"diskId"`
DiskID uint64 `url:"diskId" json:"diskId" validate:"required"`
// Alias for total_iops_sec for backwards compatibility
// Required: false
@ -70,21 +71,15 @@ type LimitIORequest struct {
SizeIOPSSec uint64 `url:"size_iops_sec,omitempty" json:"size_iops_sec,omitempty"`
func (drq LimitIORequest) validate() error {
if drq.DiskID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field DiskID can not be empty or equal to 0")
return nil
// LimitIO limit IO for a certain disk
// total and read/write options are not allowed to be combined
// see http://libvirt.org/formatdomain.html#elementsDisks iotune section for more details
func (d Disks) LimitIO(ctx context.Context, req LimitIORequest) (bool, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return false, err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return false, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/disks/limitIO"

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import (
type ListTypesRequest struct {
// Show detailed disk types by seps
// Required: false
Detailed bool `url:"detailed" json:"detailed"`
Detailed bool `url:"detailed,omitempty" json:"detailed,omitempty"`
// ListTypes gets list defined disk types

@ -2,38 +2,30 @@ package disks
import (
// Request struct for rename disk
type RenameRequest struct {
// ID of the disk to rename
// Required: true
DiskID uint64 `url:"diskId" json:"diskId"`
DiskID uint64 `url:"diskId" json:"diskId" validate:"required"`
// New name of disk
// Required: true
Name string `url:"name" json:"name"`
func (drq RenameRequest) validate() error {
if drq.DiskID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field DiskID can not be empty or equal to 0")
if drq.Name == "" {
return errors.New("validation-error: field Name can not be empty")
return nil
Name string `url:"name" json:"name" validate:"required"`
// Rename rename disk
func (d Disks) Rename(ctx context.Context, req RenameRequest) (bool, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return false, err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return false, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/disks/rename"

@ -2,31 +2,21 @@ package disks
import (
// Request struct for resize disk
type ResizeRequest struct {
// ID of the disk to resize
// Required: true
DiskID uint64 `url:"diskId" json:"diskId"`
DiskID uint64 `url:"diskId" json:"diskId" validate:"required"`
// New size of the disk in GB
// Required: true
Size uint64 `url:"size" json:"size"`
func (drq ResizeRequest) validate() error {
if drq.DiskID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field DiskID can not be empty or equal to 0")
if drq.Size == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field Size can not be empty or equal to 0")
return nil
Size uint64 `url:"size" json:"size" validate:"required"`
// Resize resize disk
@ -34,9 +24,11 @@ func (drq ResizeRequest) validate() error {
// in that case please stop and start your machine after changing the disk size, for your changes to be reflected.
// This method will not be used for disks, assigned to computes. Only unassigned disks and disks, assigned with "old" virtual machines.
func (d Disks) Resize(ctx context.Context, req ResizeRequest) (bool, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return false, err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return false, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/disks/resize"
@ -59,9 +51,11 @@ func (d Disks) Resize(ctx context.Context, req ResizeRequest) (bool, error) {
// in that case please stop and start your machine after changing the disk size, for your changes to be reflected.
// This method will not be used for disks, assigned to "old" virtual machines. Only unassigned disks and disks, assigned with computes.
func (d Disks) Resize2(ctx context.Context, req ResizeRequest) (bool, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return false, err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return false, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/disks/resize2"

@ -2,38 +2,30 @@ package disks
import (
// Request struct for restore a deleted unattached disk
type RestoreRequest struct {
// ID of the disk to restore
// Required: true
DiskID uint64 `url:"diskId" json:"diskId"`
DiskID uint64 `url:"diskId" json:"diskId" validate:"required"`
// Reason for restoring the disk
// Required: true
Reason string `url:"reason" json:"reason"`
func (drq RestoreRequest) validate() error {
if drq.DiskID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field DiskID can not be empty or equal to 0")
if drq.Reason == "" {
return errors.New("validation-error: field Reason can not be empty")
return nil
Reason string `url:"reason" json:"reason" validate:"required"`
// Restore restore a deleted unattached disk from recycle bin
func (d Disks) Restore(ctx context.Context, req RestoreRequest) (bool, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return false, err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return false, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/disks/restore"

@ -2,31 +2,26 @@ package disks
import (
// Request struct for share data disk
type ShareRequest struct {
// ID of the disk to share
// Required: true
DiskID uint64 `url:"diskId" json:"diskId"`
func (drq ShareRequest) validate() error {
if drq.DiskID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field DiskID can not be empty or equal to 0")
return nil
DiskID uint64 `url:"diskId" json:"diskId" validate:"required"`
// Share shares data disk
func (d Disks) Share(ctx context.Context, req ShareRequest) (bool, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return false, err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return false, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/disks/share"

@ -2,39 +2,30 @@ package disks
import (
// Request struct for delete snapshot
type SnapshotDeleteRequest struct {
// ID of disk to delete
// Required: true
DiskID uint64 `url:"diskId" json:"diskId"`
DiskID uint64 `url:"diskId" json:"diskId" validate:"required"`
// Label of the snapshot to delete
// Required: false
Label string `url:"label" json:"label"`
func (drq SnapshotDeleteRequest) validate() error {
if drq.DiskID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field DiskID can not be empty or equal to 0")
if drq.Label == "" {
return errors.New("validation-error: field Label can not be empty")
return nil
// Required: true
Label string `url:"label" json:"label" validate:"required"`
// SnapshotDelete deletes a snapshot
func (d Disks) SnapshotDelete(ctx context.Context, req SnapshotDeleteRequest) (bool, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return false, err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return false, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/disks/snapshotDelete"

@ -2,42 +2,34 @@ package disks
import (
// Request struct for rollback snapshot
type SnapshotRollbackRequest struct {
// ID of the disk
// Required: true
DiskID uint64 `url:"diskId" json:"diskId"`
DiskID uint64 `url:"diskId" json:"diskId" validate:"required"`
// Label of the snapshot to rollback
// Required: true
Label string `url:"label" json:"label"`
// Required: false
Label string `url:"label,omitempty" json:"label,omitempty"`
// Timestamp of the snapshot to rollback
// Required: true
TimeStamp uint64 `url:"timestamp" json:"timestamp"`
func (drq SnapshotRollbackRequest) validate() error {
if drq.DiskID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field DiskID can not be empty or equal to 0")
if drq.Label == "" && drq.TimeStamp == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field Label or field TimeStamp can not be empty")
return nil
// Required: false
TimeStamp uint64 `url:"timestamp,omitempty" json:"timestamp,omitempty"`
// SnapshotRollback rollback an individual disk snapshot
func (d Disks) SnapshotRollback(ctx context.Context, req SnapshotRollbackRequest) (bool, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return false, err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return false, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/disks/snapshotRollback"

@ -2,31 +2,26 @@ package disks
import (
// Request struct for unshare data disk
type UnshareRequest struct {
// ID of the disk to unshare
// Required: true
DiskID uint64 `url:"diskId" json:"diskId"`
func (drq UnshareRequest) validate() error {
if drq.DiskID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field DiskID can not be empty or equal to 0")
return nil
DiskID uint64 `url:"diskId" json:"diskId" validate:"required"`
// Unshare unshares data disk
func (d Disks) Unshare(ctx context.Context, req UnshareRequest) (bool, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return false, err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return false, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/disks/unshare"

@ -3,30 +3,25 @@ package extnet
import (
// Request struct for get detailed information about external network
type GetRequest struct {
// ID of external network
// Required: true
NetID uint64 `url:"net_id" json:"net_id"`
func (erq GetRequest) validate() error {
if erq.NetID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field NetID can not be empty or equal to 0")
return nil
NetID uint64 `url:"net_id" json:"net_id" validate:"required"`
// Get gets detailed information about external network
func (e ExtNet) Get(ctx context.Context, req GetRequest) (*RecordExtNet, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return nil, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/extnet/get"

@ -3,30 +3,25 @@ package extnet
import (
// Request struct for get list computes
type ListComputesRequest struct {
// Filter by account ID
// Required: true
AccountID uint64 `url:"accountId" json:"accountId"`
func (erq ListComputesRequest) validate() error {
if erq.AccountID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field AccountID can not be empty or equal to 0")
return nil
AccountID uint64 `url:"accountId" json:"accountId" validate:"required"`
// ListComputes gets computes from account with extnets
func (e ExtNet) ListComputes(ctx context.Context, req ListComputesRequest) (ListExtNetComputes, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return nil, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/extnet/listComputes"

@ -2,38 +2,30 @@ package flipgroup
import (
// Request struct for add compute instance
type ComputeAddRequest struct {
// ID of the Floating IP group to add compute instance to
// Required: true
FLIPGroupID uint64 `url:"flipgroupId" json:"flipgroupId"`
FLIPGroupID uint64 `url:"flipgroupId" json:"flipgroupId" validate:"required"`
// ID of the compute instance to add to this group
// Required: true
ComputeID uint64 `url:"computeId" json:"computeId"`
func (frq ComputeAddRequest) validate() error {
if frq.FLIPGroupID == 0 {
return errors.New("field FLIPGroupID can not be empty or equal to 0")
if frq.ComputeID == 0 {
return errors.New("field ComputeID can not be empty or equal to 0")
return nil
ComputeID uint64 `url:"computeId" json:"computeId" validate:"required"`
// ComputeAdd add compute instance to the Floating IP group
func (f FLIPGroup) ComputeAdd(ctx context.Context, req ComputeAddRequest) (bool, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return false, err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return false, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/flipgroup/computeAdd"

@ -2,38 +2,30 @@ package flipgroup
import (
// Request struct for remove compute instance
type ComputeRemoveRequest struct {
// ID of the Floating IP group to remove compute instance from
// Required: true
FLIPGroupID uint64 `url:"flipgroupId" json:"flipgroupId"`
FLIPGroupID uint64 `url:"flipgroupId" json:"flipgroupId" validate:"required"`
// ID of the compute instance to remove
// Required: true
ComputeID uint64 `url:"computeId" json:"computeId"`
func (frq ComputeRemoveRequest) validate() error {
if frq.FLIPGroupID == 0 {
return errors.New("field FLIPGroupID can not be empty or equal to 0")
if frq.ComputeID == 0 {
return errors.New("field ComputeID can not be empty or equal to 0")
return nil
ComputeID uint64 `url:"computeId" json:"computeId" validate:"required"`
// ComputeRemove remove compute instance from the Floating IP group
func (f FLIPGroup) ComputeRemove(ctx context.Context, req ComputeRemoveRequest) (bool, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return false, err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return false, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/flipgroup/computeRemove"

@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ package flipgroup
import (
@ -13,28 +12,28 @@ import (
type CreateRequest struct {
// Account ID
// Required: true
AccountID uint64 `url:"accountId" json:"accountId"`
AccountID uint64 `url:"accountId" json:"accountId" validate:"required"`
// FLIPGroup name
// Required: true
Name string `url:"name" json:"name"`
Name string `url:"name" json:"name" validate:"required"`
// Network type
// Should be one of:
// - VINS
// Required: true
NetType string `url:"netType" json:"netType"`
NetType string `url:"netType" json:"netType" validate:"computeNetType"`
// ID of external network or VINS
// Required: true
NetID uint64 `url:"netId" json:"netId"`
NetID uint64 `url:"netId" json:"netId" validate:"required"`
// Type of client
// - 'compute'
// - 'vins' (will be later)
// Required: true
ClientType string `url:"clientType" json:"clientType"`
ClientType string `url:"clientType" json:"clientType" validate:"flipgroupClientType"`
// IP address to associate with this group. If empty, the platform will autoselect IP address
// Required: false
@ -45,33 +44,13 @@ type CreateRequest struct {
Description string `url:"desc,omitempty" json:"desc,omitempty"`
func (frq CreateRequest) validate() error {
if frq.AccountID == 0 {
return errors.New("field AccountID can not be empty or equal to 0")
if frq.NetID == 0 {
return errors.New("field NetID can not be empty or equal to 0")
if frq.Name == "" {
return errors.New("field Name can not be empty")
validator := validators.StringInSlice(frq.NetType, []string{"EXTNET", "VINS"})
if !validator {
return errors.New("field Name can be only EXTNET or VINS")
validator = validators.StringInSlice(frq.ClientType, []string{"compute", "node"})
if !validator {
return errors.New("field Name can be only compute or node")
return nil
// Create method will create a new FLIPGorup in the specified Account
func (f FLIPGroup) Create(ctx context.Context, req CreateRequest) (*RecordFLIPGroup, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return nil, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/flipgroup/create"

@ -2,31 +2,26 @@ package flipgroup
import (
// Request struct for delete FLIPGroup
type DeleteRequest struct {
// FLIPGroup ID
// Required: true
FLIPGroupID uint64 `url:"flipgroupId" json:"flipgroupId"`
func (frq DeleteRequest) validate() error {
if frq.FLIPGroupID == 0 {
return errors.New("field FLIPGroupID can not be empty or equal to 0")
return nil
FLIPGroupID uint64 `url:"flipgroupId" json:"flipgroupId" validate:"required"`
// Delete method wil delete Floating IP group
func (f FLIPGroup) Delete(ctx context.Context, req DeleteRequest) (bool, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return false, err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return false, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/flipgroup/delete"

@ -2,39 +2,34 @@ package flipgroup
import (
// Request struct for edit FLIPGroup
type EditRequest struct {
// FLIPGroup ID
// Required: true
FLIPGroupID uint64 `url:"flipgroupId" json:"flipgroupId"`
FLIPGroupID uint64 `url:"flipgroupId" json:"flipgroupId" validate:"required"`
// FLIPGroup name
// Required: true
// Required: false
Name string `url:"name,omitempty" json:"name,omitempty"`
// FLIPGroup description
// Required: true
// Required: false
Description string `url:"desc,omitempty" json:"desc,omitempty"`
func (frq EditRequest) validate() error {
if frq.FLIPGroupID == 0 {
return errors.New("field FLIPGroupID can not be empty or equal to 0")
return nil
// Edit edits FLIPGroup fields
func (f FLIPGroup) Edit(ctx context.Context, req EditRequest) (bool, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return false, err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return false, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/flipgroup/edit"

@ -3,30 +3,25 @@ package flipgroup
import (
// Request struct for get information about FLIPGroup
type GetRequest struct {
// FLIPGroup ID
// Required: true
FLIPGroupID uint64 `url:"flipgroupId" json:"flipgroupId"`
func (frq GetRequest) validate() error {
if frq.FLIPGroupID == 0 {
return errors.New("field FLIPGroupID can not be empty or equal to 0")
return nil
FLIPGroupID uint64 `url:"flipgroupId" json:"flipgroupId" validate:"required"`
// Get gets details of the specified Floating IP group
func (f FLIPGroup) Get(ctx context.Context, req GetRequest) (*ItemFLIPGroup, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return nil, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/flipgroup/get"

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ type CreateRequest struct {
// Boot type of image bios or UEFI
// Required: true
BootType string `url:"boottype" json:"boottype" validate:"required,bootType"`
BootType string `url:"boottype" json:"boottype" validate:"required,imageBootType"`
// Image type
// Should be:

@ -3,29 +3,25 @@ package k8ci
import (
// Request struct for get information about K8CI
type GetRequest struct {
// ID of the K8 catalog item to get
// Required: true
K8CIID uint64 `url:"k8ciId" json:"k8ciId"`
func (krq GetRequest) validate() error {
if krq.K8CIID == 0 {
return errors.New("field K8CIID can not be empty or equal to 0")
return nil
K8CIID uint64 `url:"k8ciId" json:"k8ciId" validate:"required"`
// Get gets details of the specified K8 catalog item
func (k K8CI) Get(ctx context.Context, req GetRequest) (*RecordK8CI, error) {
if err := req.validate(); err != nil {
return nil, err
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return nil, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/k8ci/get"

@ -2,28 +2,29 @@ package k8s
import (
// Request struct for create kubernetes cluster
type CreateRequest struct {
// Name of Kubernetes cluster
// Required: true
Name string `url:"name" json:"name"`
Name string `url:"name" json:"name" validate:"required"`
// Resource Group ID for cluster placement
// Required: true
RGID uint64 `url:"rgId" json:"rgId"`
RGID uint64 `url:"rgId" json:"rgId" validate:"required"`
// ID of Kubernetes catalog item (k8sci) for cluster
// Required: true
K8SCIID uint64 `url:"k8ciId" json:"k8ciId"`
K8SCIID uint64 `url:"k8ciId" json:"k8ciId" validate:"required"`
// Name for first worker group created with cluster
// Required: true
WorkerGroupName string `url:"workerGroupName" json:"workerGroupName"`
WorkerGroupName string `url:"workerGroupName" json:"workerGroupName" validate:"required"`
// ID of SEP to create boot disks for master nodes. Uses images SEP ID if not set
// Required: false
@ -102,28 +103,13 @@ type CreateRequest struct {
Description string `url:"desc,omitempty" json:"desc,omitempty"`
func (krq CreateRequest) validate() error {
if krq.Name == "" {
return errors.New("validation-error: field Name can not be empty")
if krq.RGID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field RGID can not be empty or equal to 0")
if krq.K8SCIID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field K8SCIID can not be empty or equal to 0")
if krq.WorkerGroupName == "" {
return errors.New("validation-error: field WorkerGroupName can not be empty")
return nil
// Create creates a new Kubernetes cluster in the specified Resource Group
func (k8s K8S) Create(ctx context.Context, req CreateRequest) (string, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return "", err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return "", validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/k8s/create"

@ -2,36 +2,31 @@ package k8s
import (
// Request struct for delete kubernetes cluster
type DeleteRequest struct {
// Kubernetes cluster ID
// Required: true
K8SID uint64 `url:"k8sId" json:"k8sId"`
K8SID uint64 `url:"k8sId" json:"k8sId" validate:"required"`
// True if cluster is destroyed permanently.
// Otherwise it can be restored from Recycle Bin
// Required: true
Permanently bool `url:"permanently" json:"permanently"`
func (krq DeleteRequest) validate() error {
if krq.K8SID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field K8SID can not be empty or equal to 0")
return nil
Permanently bool `url:"permanently" json:"permanently" validate:"required"`
// Delete deletes kubernetes cluster
func (k8s K8S) Delete(ctx context.Context, req DeleteRequest) (bool, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return false, err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return false, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/k8s/delete"

@ -2,45 +2,34 @@ package k8s
import (
// Request struct for delete master from group
type DeleteMasterFromGroupRequest struct {
// Kubernetes cluster ID
// Required: true
K8SID uint64 `url:"k8sId" json:"k8sId"`
K8SID uint64 `url:"k8sId" json:"k8sId" validate:"required"`
// ID of the masters compute group
// Required: true
MasterGroupID uint64 `url:"masterGroupId" json:"masterGroupId"`
MasterGroupID uint64 `url:"masterGroupId" json:"masterGroupId" validate:"required"`
// List of Compute IDs of master nodes to delete
// Required: true
MasterIDs []string `url:"masterIds" json:"masterIds"`
func (krq DeleteMasterFromGroupRequest) validate() error {
if krq.K8SID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field K8SID can not be empty or equal to 0")
if krq.MasterGroupID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field MasterGroupID can not be empty or equal to 0")
if len(krq.MasterIDs) == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field MasterIDs can not be empty")
return nil
MasterIDs []string `url:"masterIds" json:"masterIds" validate:"min=1"`
// DeleteMasterFromGroup deletes compute from masters group in selected Kubernetes cluster
func (k8s K8S) DeleteMasterFromGroup(ctx context.Context, req DeleteMasterFromGroupRequest) (bool, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return false, err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return false, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/k8s/deleteMasterFromGroup"

@ -2,45 +2,34 @@ package k8s
import (
// Request struct for delete worker from group
type DeleteWorkerFromGroupRequest struct {
// Kubernetes cluster ID
// Required: true
K8SID uint64 `url:"k8sId" json:"k8sId"`
K8SID uint64 `url:"k8sId" json:"k8sId" validate:"required"`
// ID of the workers compute group
// Required: true
WorkersGroupID uint64 `url:"workersGroupId" json:"workersGroupId"`
WorkersGroupID uint64 `url:"workersGroupId" json:"workersGroupId" validate:"required"`
// Compute ID of worker node to delete
// Required: true
WorkerID uint64 `url:"workerId" json:"workerId"`
func (krq DeleteWorkerFromGroupRequest) validate() error {
if krq.K8SID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field K8SID can not be empty or equal to 0")
if krq.WorkersGroupID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field WorkersGroupID can not be empty or equal to 0")
if krq.WorkerID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field WorkerID can not be empty or equal to 0")
return nil
WorkerID uint64 `url:"workerId" json:"workerId" validate:"required"`
// DeleteWorkerFromGroup deletes worker compute from workers group in selected Kubernetes cluster
func (k8s K8S) DeleteWorkerFromGroup(ctx context.Context, req DeleteWorkerFromGroupRequest) (bool, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return false, err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return false, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/k8s/deleteWorkerFromGroup"

@ -2,31 +2,26 @@ package k8s
import (
// Request struct for disable/enable kubernetes cluster
type DisabelEnableRequest struct {
// Kubernetes cluster ID
// Required: true
K8SID uint64 `url:"k8sId" json:"k8sId"`
func (krq DisabelEnableRequest) validate() error {
if krq.K8SID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field K8SID can not be empty or equal to 0")
return nil
K8SID uint64 `url:"k8sId" json:"k8sId" validate:"required"`
// Disable disables kubernetes cluster by ID
func (k8s K8S) Disable(ctx context.Context, req DisabelEnableRequest) (bool, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return false, err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return false, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/k8s/disable"
@ -46,9 +41,11 @@ func (k8s K8S) Disable(ctx context.Context, req DisabelEnableRequest) (bool, err
// Enable enables kubernetes cluster by ID
func (k8s K8S) Enable(ctx context.Context, req DisabelEnableRequest) (bool, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return false, err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return false, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/k8s/enable"

@ -3,42 +3,34 @@ package k8s
import (
// Request struct for get information about group of kubernetes cluster
type FindGroupByLabelRequest struct {
// Kubernetes cluster ID
// Required: true
K8SID uint64 `url:"k8sId" json:"k8sId"`
K8SID uint64 `url:"k8sId" json:"k8sId" validate:"required"`
// List of labels to search
// Required: true
Labels []string `url:"labels" json:"labels"`
Labels []string `url:"labels" json:"labels" validate:"min=1"`
// If true and more than one label provided, select only groups that have all provided labels.
// If false - groups that have at least one label
// Required: true
Strict bool `url:"strict" json:"strict"`
func (krq FindGroupByLabelRequest) validate() error {
if krq.K8SID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field K8SID can not be empty or equal to 0")
if len(krq.Labels) == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field Labels can not be empty")
return nil
// Required: false
Strict bool `url:"strict,omitempty" json:"strict,omitempty"`
// FindGroupByLabel find worker group information by one on more labels
func (k8s K8S) FindGroupByLabel(ctx context.Context, req FindGroupByLabelRequest) (ListK8SGroups, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return nil, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/k8s/findGroupByLabel"

@ -3,30 +3,25 @@ package k8s
import (
// Request struct for get detailed information about kubernetes cluster
type GetRequest struct {
// Kubernetes cluster ID
// Required: true
K8SID uint64 `url:"k8sId" json:"k8sId"`
func (krq GetRequest) validate() error {
if krq.K8SID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field K8SID can not be empty or equal to 0")
return nil
K8SID uint64 `url:"k8sId" json:"k8sId" validate:"required"`
// Get gets information about Kubernetes cluster
func (k8s K8S) Get(ctx context.Context, req GetRequest) (*RecordK8S, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return nil, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/k8s/get"

@ -2,30 +2,25 @@ package k8s
import (
// Request struct for get configuration of kubernetes cluster
type GetConfigRequest struct {
// Kubernetes cluster ID
// Required: true
K8SID uint64 `url:"k8sId" json:"k8sId"`
func (krq GetConfigRequest) validate() error {
if krq.K8SID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field K8SID can not be empty or equal to 0")
return nil
K8SID uint64 `url:"k8sId" json:"k8sId" validate:"required"`
// GetConfig gets configuration data to access Kubernetes cluster
func (k8s K8S) GetConfig(ctx context.Context, req GetConfigRequest) (string, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return "", err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return "", validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/k8s/getConfig"

@ -2,37 +2,29 @@ package k8s
import (
// Request struct for get node annotations
type GetNodeAnnotationsRequest struct {
// Kubernetes cluster ID
// Required: true
K8SID uint64 `url:"k8sId" json:"k8sId"`
K8SID uint64 `url:"k8sId" json:"k8sId" validate:"required"`
// Node ID
// Required: true
NodeID uint64 `url:"nodeId" json:"nodeId"`
func (krq GetNodeAnnotationsRequest) validate() error {
if krq.K8SID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field K8SID can not be empty or equal to 0")
if krq.NodeID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field NodeID can not be empty or equal to 0")
return nil
NodeID uint64 `url:"nodeId" json:"nodeId" validate:"required"`
// GetNodeAnnotations gets kubernetes cluster worker node annotations
func (k8s K8S) GetNodeAnnotations(ctx context.Context, req GetNodeAnnotationsRequest) (string, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return "", err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return "", validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/k8s/getNodeAnnotations"

@ -2,37 +2,29 @@ package k8s
import (
// Request struct for get node labels
type GetNodeLabelsRequest struct {
// Kubernetes cluster ID
// Required: true
K8SID uint64 `url:"k8sId" json:"k8sId"`
K8SID uint64 `url:"k8sId" json:"k8sId" validate:"required"`
// Node ID
// Required: false
NodeID uint64 `url:"nodeId" json:"nodeId"`
func (krq GetNodeLabelsRequest) validate() error {
if krq.K8SID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field K8SID can not be empty or equal to 0")
if krq.NodeID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field NodeID can not be empty or equal to 0")
return nil
// Required: true
NodeID uint64 `url:"nodeId" json:"nodeId" validate:"required"`
// GetNodeLabels gets kubernetes cluster worker node labels
func (k8s K8S) GetNodeLabels(ctx context.Context, req GetNodeLabelsRequest) (string, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return "", err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return "", validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/k8s/getNodeLabels"

@ -2,37 +2,29 @@ package k8s
import (
// Request struct for get node taints
type GetNodeTaintsRequest struct {
// Kubernetes cluster ID
// Required: true
K8SID uint64 `url:"k8sId" json:"k8sId"`
K8SID uint64 `url:"k8sId" json:"k8sId" validate:"required"`
// Node ID
// Required: false
NodeID uint64 `url:"nodeId" json:"nodeId"`
func (krq GetNodeTaintsRequest) validate() error {
if krq.K8SID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field K8SID can not be empty or equal to 0")
if krq.NodeID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field NodeID can not be empty or equal to 0")
return nil
// Required: true
NodeID uint64 `url:"nodeId" json:"nodeId" validate:"required"`
// GetNodeTaints gets kubernetes cluster worker node taints
func (k8s K8S) GetNodeTaints(ctx context.Context, req GetNodeTaintsRequest) (string, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return "", err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return "", validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/k8s/getNodeTaints"

@ -2,31 +2,26 @@ package k8s
import (
// Request struct for restore kubernetes cluster
type RestoreRequest struct {
// Kubernetes cluster ID
// Required: true
K8SID uint64 `url:"k8sId" json:"k8sId"`
func (krq RestoreRequest) validate() error {
if krq.K8SID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field K8SID can not be empty or equal to 0")
return nil
K8SID uint64 `url:"k8sId" json:"k8sId" validate:"required"`
// Restore restore kubernetes cluster from Recycle Bin
func (k8s K8S) Restore(ctx context.Context, req RestoreRequest) (bool, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return false, err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return false, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/k8s/restore"

@ -2,31 +2,26 @@ package k8s
import (
// Request struct for start kubernetes cluster
type StartRequest struct {
// Kubernetes cluster ID
// Required: true
K8SID uint64 `url:"k8sId" json:"k8sId"`
func (krq StartRequest) validate() error {
if krq.K8SID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field K8SID can not be empty or equal to 0")
return nil
K8SID uint64 `url:"k8sId" json:"k8sId" validate:"required"`
// Start starts kubernetes cluster by ID
func (k8s K8S) Start(ctx context.Context, req StartRequest) (bool, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return false, err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return false, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/k8s/start"

@ -2,31 +2,26 @@ package k8s
import (
// Request struct for stop kubernetes cluster
type StopRequest struct {
// Kubernetes cluster ID
// Required: true
K8SID uint64 `url:"k8sId" json:"k8sId"`
func (krq StopRequest) validate() error {
if krq.K8SID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field K8SID can not be empty or equal to 0")
return nil
K8SID uint64 `url:"k8sId" json:"k8sId" validate:"required"`
// Stop stops kubernetes cluster by ID
func (k8s K8S) Stop(ctx context.Context, req StopRequest) (bool, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return false, err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return false, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/k8s/stop"

@ -2,16 +2,17 @@ package k8s
import (
// Request struct for update kubernetes cluster
type UpdateRequest struct {
// Kubernetes cluster ID
// Required: true
K8SID uint64 `url:"k8sId" json:"k8sId"`
K8SID uint64 `url:"k8sId" json:"k8sId" validate:"required"`
// New name to set.
// If empty string is passed, name is not updated
@ -24,19 +25,13 @@ type UpdateRequest struct {
Description string `url:"desc,omitempty" json:"desc,omitempty"`
func (krq UpdateRequest) validate() error {
if krq.K8SID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field K8SID can not be empty or equal to 0")
return nil
// Update updates name or description of Kubernetes cluster
func (k8s K8S) Update(ctx context.Context, req UpdateRequest) (bool, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return false, err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return false, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/k8s/update"

@ -2,45 +2,34 @@ package k8s
import (
// Request struct for add worker to a kubernetes cluster
type WorkerAddRequest struct {
// Kubernetes cluster ID
// Required: true
K8SID uint64 `url:"k8sId" json:"k8sId"`
K8SID uint64 `url:"k8sId" json:"k8sId" validate:"required"`
// ID of the workers compute group
// Required: true
WorkersGroupID uint64 `url:"workersGroupId" json:"workersGroupId"`
WorkersGroupID uint64 `url:"workersGroupId" json:"workersGroupId" validate:"required"`
// How many worker nodes to add
// Required: true
Num uint64 `url:"num" json:"num"`
func (krq WorkerAddRequest) validate() error {
if krq.K8SID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field K8SID can not be empty or equal to 0")
if krq.WorkersGroupID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field WorkersGroupID can not be empty or equal to 0")
if krq.Num == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field Num can not be empty or equal to 0")
return nil
Num uint64 `url:"num" json:"num" validate:"required"`
// WorkerAdd add worker nodes to a Kubernetes cluster
func (k8s K8S) WorkerAdd(ctx context.Context, req WorkerAddRequest) (bool, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return false, err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return false, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/k8s/workerAdd"

@ -2,45 +2,34 @@ package k8s
import (
// Request struct for hard reset kubernetes cluster
type WorkerResetRequest struct {
// Kubernetes cluster ID
// Required: true
K8SID uint64 `url:"k8sId" json:"k8sId"`
K8SID uint64 `url:"k8sId" json:"k8sId" validate:"required"`
// ID of the workers compute group
// Required: true
WorkersGroupID uint64 `url:"workersGroupId" json:"workersGroupId"`
WorkersGroupID uint64 `url:"workersGroupId" json:"workersGroupId" validate:"required"`
// Compute ID of worker node to reset
// Required: true
WorkerID uint64 `url:"workerId" json:"workerId"`
func (krq WorkerResetRequest) validate() error {
if krq.K8SID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field K8SID can not be empty or equal to 0")
if krq.WorkersGroupID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field WorkersGroupID can not be empty or equal to 0")
if krq.WorkerID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field WorkerID can not be empty or equal to 0")
return nil
WorkerID uint64 `url:"workerId" json:"workerId" validate:"required"`
// WorkerReset hard reset (compute start + stop) worker node of the Kubernetes cluster
func (k8s K8S) WorkerReset(ctx context.Context, req WorkerResetRequest) (bool, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return false, err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return false, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/k8s/workerReset"

@ -2,45 +2,34 @@ package k8s
import (
// Request struct for restart worker node
type WorkerRestartRequest struct {
// Kubernetes cluster ID
// Required: true
K8SID uint64 `url:"k8sId" json:"k8sId"`
K8SID uint64 `url:"k8sId" json:"k8sId" validate:"required"`
// ID of the workers compute group
// Required: true
WorkersGroupID uint64 `url:"workersGroupId" json:"workersGroupId"`
WorkersGroupID uint64 `url:"workersGroupId" json:"workersGroupId" validate:"required"`
// Compute ID of worker node to restart
// Required: true
WorkerID uint64 `url:"workerId" json:"workerId"`
func (krq WorkerRestartRequest) validate() error {
if krq.K8SID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field K8SID can not be empty or equal to 0")
if krq.WorkersGroupID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field WorkersGroupID can not be empty or equal to 0")
if krq.WorkerID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field WorkerID can not be empty or equal to 0")
return nil
WorkerID uint64 `url:"workerId" json:"workerId" validate:"required"`
// WorkerRestart soft restart (reboot OS) worker node of the Kubernetes cluster
func (k8s K8S) WorkerRestart(ctx context.Context, req WorkerRestartRequest) (bool, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return false, err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return false, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/k8s/workerRestart"

@ -2,20 +2,21 @@ package k8s
import (
// Request struct for add workers group
type WorkersGroupAddRequest struct {
// Kubernetes cluster ID
// Required: true
K8SID uint64 `url:"k8sId" json:"k8sId"`
K8SID uint64 `url:"k8sId" json:"k8sId" validate:"required"`
// Worker group name
// Required: true
Name string `url:"name" json:"name"`
Name string `url:"name" json:"name" validate:"required"`
// ID of SEP to create boot disks for default worker nodes group. Uses images SEP ID if not set
// Required: false
@ -57,21 +58,13 @@ type WorkersGroupAddRequest struct {
WorkerDisk uint64 `url:"workerDisk,omitempty" json:"workerDisk,omitempty"`
func (krq WorkersGroupAddRequest) validate() error {
if krq.K8SID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field K8SID can not be empty or equal to 0")
if krq.Name == "" {
return errors.New("validation-error: field Name must be set")
return nil
// WorkersGroupAdd adds workers group to Kubernetes cluster
func (k8s K8S) WorkersGroupAdd(ctx context.Context, req WorkersGroupAddRequest) (bool, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return false, err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return false, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/k8s/workersGroupAdd"

@ -2,38 +2,30 @@ package k8s
import (
// Request struct for delete workers group
type WorkersGroupDeleteRequest struct {
// Kubernetes cluster ID
// Required: true
K8SID uint64 `url:"k8sId" json:"k8sId"`
K8SID uint64 `url:"k8sId" json:"k8sId" validate:"required"`
// Worker group ID
// Required: true
WorkersGroupID uint64 `url:"workersGroupId" json:"workersGroupId"`
func (krq WorkersGroupDeleteRequest) validate() error {
if krq.K8SID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field K8SID can not be empty or equal to 0")
if krq.WorkersGroupID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field WorkersGroupID can not be empty or equal to 0")
return nil
WorkersGroupID uint64 `url:"workersGroupId" json:"workersGroupId" validate:"required"`
// WorkersGroupDelete deletes workers group from Kubernetes cluster
func (k8s K8S) WorkersGroupDelete(ctx context.Context, req WorkersGroupDeleteRequest) (bool, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return false, err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return false, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/k8s/workersGroupDelete"

@ -3,37 +3,29 @@ package k8s
import (
// Request struct for get information about worker group
type WorkersGroupGetByNameRequest struct {
// Kubernetes cluster ID
// Required: true
K8SID uint64 `url:"k8sId" json:"k8sId"`
K8SID uint64 `url:"k8sId" json:"k8sId" validate:"required"`
// Worker group name
// Required: true
GroupName string `url:"groupName" json:"groupName"`
func (krq WorkersGroupGetByNameRequest) validate() error {
if krq.K8SID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field K8SID can not be empty or equal to 0")
if krq.GroupName == "" {
return errors.New("validation-error: field WorkersGroupID can not be empty")
return nil
GroupName string `url:"groupName" json:"groupName" validate:"required"`
// WorkersGroupGetByName gets worker group metadata by name
func (k8s K8S) WorkersGroupGetByName(ctx context.Context, req WorkersGroupGetByNameRequest) (*RecordK8SGroups, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return nil, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/k8s/workersGroupGetByName"

@ -2,34 +2,35 @@ package kvmppc
import (
// Request struct for create KVM PowerPC VM
type CreateRequest struct {
// ID of the resource group, which will own this VM
// Required: true
RGID uint64 `url:"rgId" json:"rgId"`
RGID uint64 `url:"rgId" json:"rgId" validate:"required"`
// Name of this VM.
// Must be unique among all VMs (including those in DELETED state) in target resource group
// Required: true
Name string `url:"name" json:"name"`
Name string `url:"name" json:"name" validate:"required"`
// Number CPUs to allocate to this VM
// Required: true
CPU uint64 `url:"cpu" json:"cpu"`
CPU uint64 `url:"cpu" json:"cpu" validate:"required"`
// Volume of RAM in MB to allocate to this VM
// Required: true
RAM uint64 `url:"ram" json:"ram"`
RAM uint64 `url:"ram" json:"ram" validate:"required"`
// ID of the OS image to base this VM on;
// Could be boot disk image or CD-ROM image
// Required: true
ImageID uint64 `url:"imageId" json:"imageId"`
ImageID uint64 `url:"imageId" json:"imageId" validate:"required"`
// Size of the boot disk in GB
// Required: false
@ -50,7 +51,7 @@ type CreateRequest struct {
// - NONE
// Required: false
NetType string `url:"netType,omitempty" json:"netType,omitempty"`
NetType string `url:"netType,omitempty" json:"netType,omitempty" validate:"omitempty,kvmNetType"`
// Network ID for connect to,
// for EXTNET - external network ID,
@ -84,31 +85,13 @@ type CreateRequest struct {
IPAType string `url:"ipaType,omitempty" json:"ipaType,omitempty"`
func (krq CreateRequest) validate() error {
if krq.RGID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field RGID can not be empty or equal to 0")
if krq.Name == "" {
return errors.New("validation-error: field Name can not be empty")
if krq.CPU == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field CPU can not be empty or equal to 0")
if krq.RAM == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field RAM can not be empty or equal to 0")
if krq.ImageID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field ImageID can not be empty or equal to 0")
return nil
// Create creates KVM PowerPC VM based on specified OS image
func (k KVMPPC) Create(ctx context.Context, req CreateRequest) (uint64, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return 0, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/kvmppc/create"

@ -2,42 +2,43 @@ package kvmppc
import (
// Request struct for create KVM PowerPC VM from scratch
type CreateBlankRequest struct {
// ID of the resource group, which will own this VM
// Required: true
RGID uint64 `url:"rgId" json:"rgId"`
RGID uint64 `url:"rgId" json:"rgId" validate:"required"`
// Name of this VM.
// Must be unique among all VMs (including those in DELETED state) in target resource group
// Required: true
Name string `url:"name" json:"name"`
Name string `url:"name" json:"name" validate:"required"`
// Number CPUs to allocate to this VM
// Required: true
CPU uint64 `url:"cpu" json:"cpu"`
CPU uint64 `url:"cpu" json:"cpu" validate:"required"`
// Volume of RAM in MB to allocate to this VM
// Required: true
RAM uint64 `url:"ram" json:"ram"`
RAM uint64 `url:"ram" json:"ram" validate:"required"`
// Size of the boot disk in GB
// Required: true
BootDisk uint64 `url:"bootDisk" json:"bootDisk"`
BootDisk uint64 `url:"bootDisk" json:"bootDisk" validate:"required"`
// ID of SEP to create boot disk on.
// Uses images SEP ID if not set
// Required: true
SEPID uint64 `url:"sepId" json:"sepId"`
SEPID uint64 `url:"sepId" json:"sepId" validate:"required"`
// Pool to use if SEP ID is set, can be also empty if needed to be chosen by system
// Required: true
Pool string `url:"pool" json:"pool"`
Pool string `url:"pool" json:"pool" validate:"required"`
// Network type
// Should be one of:
@ -45,7 +46,7 @@ type CreateBlankRequest struct {
// - NONE
// Required: false
NetType string `url:"netType,omitempty" json:"netType,omitempty"`
NetType string `url:"netType,omitempty" json:"netType,omitempty" validate:"omitempty,kvmNetType"`
// Network ID for connect to,
// for EXTNET - external network ID,
@ -63,37 +64,13 @@ type CreateBlankRequest struct {
Description string `url:"desc,omitempty" json:"desc,omitempty"`
func (krq CreateBlankRequest) validate() error {
if krq.RGID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field RGID can not be empty or equal to 0")
if krq.Name == "" {
return errors.New("validation-error: field Name can not be empty")
if krq.CPU == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field CPU can not be empty or equal to 0")
if krq.RAM == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field RAM can not be empty or equal to 0")
if krq.BootDisk == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field BootDisk can not be empty or equal to 0")
if krq.SEPID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field SepID can not be empty or equal to 0")
if krq.Pool == "" {
return errors.New("validation-error: field Pool can not be empty")
return nil
// CreateBlank creates KVM PowerPC VM from scratch
func (k KVMPPC) CreateBlank(ctx context.Context, req CreateBlankRequest) (uint64, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return 0, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/kvmppc/createBlank"

@ -2,34 +2,35 @@ package kvmx86
import (
// Request struct for create KVM x86 VM
type CreateRequest struct {
// ID of the resource group, which will own this VM
// Required: true
RGID uint64 `url:"rgId" json:"rgId"`
RGID uint64 `url:"rgId" json:"rgId" validate:"required"`
// Name of this VM.
// Must be unique among all VMs (including those in DELETED state) in target resource group
// Required: true
Name string `url:"name" json:"name"`
Name string `url:"name" json:"name" validate:"required"`
// Number CPUs to allocate to this VM
// Required: true
CPU uint64 `url:"cpu" json:"cpu"`
CPU uint64 `url:"cpu" json:"cpu" validate:"required"`
// Volume of RAM in MB to allocate to this VM
// Required: true
RAM uint64 `url:"ram" json:"ram"`
RAM uint64 `url:"ram" json:"ram" validate:"required"`
// ID of the OS image to base this VM on;
// Could be boot disk image or CD-ROM image
// Required: true
ImageID uint64 `url:"imageId" json:"imageId"`
ImageID uint64 `url:"imageId" json:"imageId" validate:"required"`
// Size of the boot disk in GB
// Required: false
@ -50,7 +51,7 @@ type CreateRequest struct {
// - NONE
// Required: false
NetType string `url:"netType,omitempty" json:"netType,omitempty"`
NetType string `url:"netType,omitempty" json:"netType,omitempty" validate:"omitempty,kvmNetType"`
// Network ID for connect to,
// for EXTNET - external network ID,
@ -84,31 +85,13 @@ type CreateRequest struct {
IPAType string `url:"ipaType,omitempty" json:"ipaType,omitempty"`
func (krq CreateRequest) validate() error {
if krq.RGID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field RGID can not be empty or equal to 0")
if krq.Name == "" {
return errors.New("validation-error: field Name can not be empty")
if krq.CPU == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field CPU can not be empty or equal to 0")
if krq.RAM == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field RAM can not be empty or equal to 0")
if krq.ImageID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field ImageID can not be empty or equal to 0")
return nil
// Create creates KVM x86 VM based on specified OS image
func (k KVMX86) Create(ctx context.Context, req CreateRequest) (uint64, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return 0, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/kvmx86/create"

@ -2,42 +2,43 @@ package kvmx86
import (
// Request struct for create KVM x86 VM from scratch
type CreateBlankRequest struct {
// ID of the resource group, which will own this VM
// Required: true
RGID uint64 `url:"rgId" json:"rgId"`
RGID uint64 `url:"rgId" json:"rgId" validate:"required"`
// Name of this VM.
// Must be unique among all VMs (including those in DELETED state) in target resource group
// Required: true
Name string `url:"name" json:"name"`
Name string `url:"name" json:"name" validate:"required"`
// Number CPUs to allocate to this VM
// Required: true
CPU uint64 `url:"cpu" json:"cpu"`
CPU uint64 `url:"cpu" json:"cpu" validate:"required"`
// Volume of RAM in MB to allocate to this VM
// Required: true
RAM uint64 `url:"ram" json:"ram"`
RAM uint64 `url:"ram" json:"ram" validate:"required"`
// Size of the boot disk in GB
// Required: true
BootDisk uint64 `url:"bootDisk" json:"bootDisk"`
BootDisk uint64 `url:"bootDisk" json:"bootDisk" validate:"required"`
// ID of SEP to create boot disk on.
// Uses images SEP ID if not set
// Required: true
SEPID uint64 `url:"sepId" json:"sepId"`
SEPID uint64 `url:"sepId" json:"sepId" validate:"required"`
// Pool to use if sepId is set, can be also empty if needed to be chosen by system
// Required: true
Pool string `url:"pool" json:"pool"`
Pool string `url:"pool" json:"pool" validate:"required"`
// Network type
// Should be one of:
@ -45,7 +46,7 @@ type CreateBlankRequest struct {
// - NONE
// Required: false
NetType string `url:"netType,omitempty" json:"netType,omitempty"`
NetType string `url:"netType,omitempty" json:"netType,omitempty" validate:"omitempty,kvmNetType"`
// Network ID for connect to,
// for EXTNET - external network ID,
@ -63,37 +64,13 @@ type CreateBlankRequest struct {
Description string `url:"desc,omitempty" json:"desc,omitempty"`
func (krq CreateBlankRequest) validate() error {
if krq.RGID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field RGID can not be empty or equal to 0")
if krq.Name == "" {
return errors.New("validation-error: field Name can not be empty")
if krq.CPU == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field CPU can not be empty or equal to 0")
if krq.RAM == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field RAM can not be empty or equal to 0")
if krq.BootDisk == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field BootDisk can not be empty or equal to 0")
if krq.SEPID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field SepID can not be empty or equal to 0")
if krq.Pool == "" {
return errors.New("validation-error: field Pool can not be empty")
return nil
// CreateBlank creates KVM x86 VM from scratch
func (k KVMX86) CreateBlank(ctx context.Context, req CreateBlankRequest) (uint64, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return 0, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/kvmx86/createBlank"

@ -2,20 +2,21 @@ package lb
import (
// Request struct for create backend
type BackendCreateRequest struct {
// ID of the load balancer instance to backendCreate
// Required: true
LBID uint64 `url:"lbId" json:"lbId"`
LBID uint64 `url:"lbId" json:"lbId" validate:"required"`
// Must be unique among all backends of this load balancer - name of the new backend to create
// Required: true
BackendName string `url:"backendName" json:"backendName"`
BackendName string `url:"backendName" json:"backendName" validate:"required"`
// Algorithm
// Should be one of:
@ -23,7 +24,7 @@ type BackendCreateRequest struct {
// - static-rr
// - leastconn
// Required: false
Algorithm string `url:"algorithm,omitempty" json:"algorithm,omitempty"`
Algorithm string `url:"algorithm,omitempty" json:"algorithm,omitempty" validate:"omitempty,lbAlgorithm"`
// Interval in milliseconds between two consecutive availability
// checks of the server that is considered available
@ -66,22 +67,13 @@ type BackendCreateRequest struct {
Weight uint64 `url:"weight,omitempty" json:"weight,omitempty"`
func (lbrq BackendCreateRequest) validate() error {
if lbrq.LBID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field LBID can not be empty or equal to 0")
if lbrq.BackendName == "" {
return errors.New("validation-error: field BackendName can not be empty")
return nil
// BackendCreate creates new backend on the specified load balancer
func (l LB) BackendCreate(ctx context.Context, req BackendCreateRequest) (bool, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return false, err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return false, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/lb/backendCreate"

@ -2,39 +2,31 @@ package lb
import (
// Request struct for delete backend
type BackendDeleteRequest struct {
// ID of the load balancer instance to BackendDelete
// Required: true
LBID uint64 `url:"lbId" json:"lbId"`
LBID uint64 `url:"lbId" json:"lbId" validate:"required"`
// Cannot be emtpy string - name of the backend to delete
// Required: true
BackendName string `url:"backendName" json:"backendName"`
func (lbrq BackendDeleteRequest) validate() error {
if lbrq.LBID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field LBID can not be empty or equal to 0")
if lbrq.BackendName == "" {
return errors.New("validation-error: field BackendName can not be empty")
return nil
BackendName string `url:"backendName" json:"backendName" validate:"required"`
// BackendDelete deletes backend from the specified load balancer.
// Warning: you cannot undo this action!
func (l LB) BackendDelete(ctx context.Context, req BackendDeleteRequest) (bool, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return false, err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return false, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/lb/backendDelete"

@ -2,32 +2,33 @@ package lb
import (
// Request struct for add server definition to the backend
type BackendServerAddRequest struct {
// ID of the load balancer instance to BackendServerAdd
// Required: true
LBID uint64 `url:"lbId" json:"lbId"`
LBID uint64 `url:"lbId" json:"lbId" validate:"required"`
// Must match one of the existing backens - name of the backend to add servers to
// Required: true
BackendName string `url:"backendName" json:"backendName"`
BackendName string `url:"backendName" json:"backendName" validate:"required"`
// Must be unique among all servers defined for this backend - name of the server definition to add
// Required: true
ServerName string `url:"serverName" json:"serverName"`
ServerName string `url:"serverName" json:"serverName" validate:"required"`
// IP address of the server
// Required: true
Address string `url:"address" json:"address"`
Address string `url:"address" json:"address" validate:"required"`
// Port number on the server
// Required: true
Port uint64 `url:"port" json:"port"`
Port uint64 `url:"port" json:"port" validate:"required"`
// Set to disabled if this server should be used regardless of its state
// Required: false
@ -71,31 +72,13 @@ type BackendServerAddRequest struct {
Weight uint64 `url:"weight,omitempty" json:"weight,omitempty"`
func (lbrq BackendServerAddRequest) validate() error {
if lbrq.LBID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field LBID can not be empty or equal to 0")
if lbrq.BackendName == "" {
return errors.New("validation-error: field BackendName can not be empty")
if lbrq.ServerName == "" {
return errors.New("validation-error: field ServerName can not be empty")
if lbrq.Address == "" {
return errors.New("validation-error: field Address can not be empty")
if lbrq.Port == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field Port can not be empty or equal to 0")
return nil
// BackendServerAdd adds server definition to the backend on the specified load balancer
func (l LB) BackendServerAdd(ctx context.Context, req BackendServerAddRequest) (bool, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return false, err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return false, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/lb/backendServerAdd"

@ -2,46 +2,35 @@ package lb
import (
// Request struct for delete server definition
type BackendServerDeleteRequest struct {
// ID of the load balancer instance to BackendServerDelete
// Required: true
LBID uint64 `url:"lbId" json:"lbId"`
LBID uint64 `url:"lbId" json:"lbId" validate:"required"`
// Must match one of the existing backens - name of the backend to add servers to
// Required: true
BackendName string `url:"backendName" json:"backendName"`
BackendName string `url:"backendName" json:"backendName" validate:"required"`
// Must be unique among all servers defined for this backend - name of the server definition to add
// Required: true
ServerName string `url:"serverName" json:"serverName"`
func (lbrq BackendServerDeleteRequest) validate() error {
if lbrq.LBID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field LBID can not be empty or equal to 0")
if lbrq.BackendName == "" {
return errors.New("validation-error: field BackendName can not be empty")
if lbrq.ServerName == "" {
return errors.New("validation-error: field ServerName can not be empty")
return nil
ServerName string `url:"serverName" json:"serverName" validate:"required"`
// BackendServerDelete deletes server definition from the backend on the specified load balancer.
// Warning: you cannot undo this action!
func (l LB) BackendServerDelete(ctx context.Context, req BackendServerDeleteRequest) (bool, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return false, err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return false, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/lb/backendServerDelete"

@ -2,32 +2,33 @@ package lb
import (
// Request struct for update server
type BackendServerUpdateRequest struct {
// ID of the load balancer instance to BackendServerAdd
// Required: true
LBID uint64 `url:"lbId" json:"lbId"`
LBID uint64 `url:"lbId" json:"lbId" validate:"required"`
// Must match one of the existing backens - name of the backend to add servers to
// Required: true
BackendName string `url:"backendName" json:"backendName"`
BackendName string `url:"backendName" json:"backendName" validate:"required"`
// Must be unique among all servers defined for this backend - name of the server definition to add
// Required: true
ServerName string `url:"serverName" json:"serverName"`
ServerName string `url:"serverName" json:"serverName" validate:"required"`
// IP address of the server
// Required: true
Address string `url:"address" json:"address"`
Address string `url:"address" json:"address" validate:"required"`
// Port number on the server
// Required: true
Port uint64 `url:"port" json:"port"`
Port uint64 `url:"port" json:"port" validate:"required"`
// Set to disabled if this server should be used regardless of its state
// Required: false
@ -71,31 +72,13 @@ type BackendServerUpdateRequest struct {
Weight uint64 `url:"weight,omitempty" json:"weight,omitempty"`
func (lbrq BackendServerUpdateRequest) validate() error {
if lbrq.LBID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field LBID can not be empty or equal to 0")
if lbrq.BackendName == "" {
return errors.New("validation-error: field BackendName can not be empty")
if lbrq.ServerName == "" {
return errors.New("validation-error: field ServerName can not be empty")
if lbrq.Address == "" {
return errors.New("validation-error: field Address can not be empty")
if lbrq.Port == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field Port can not be empty or equal to 0")
return nil
// BackendServerUpdate updates server definition on the backend of load balancer
func (l LB) BackendServerUpdate(ctx context.Context, req BackendServerUpdateRequest) (bool, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return false, err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return false, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/lb/backendServerUpdate"

@ -2,20 +2,21 @@ package lb
import (
// Request struct for update backend
type BackendUpdateRequest struct {
// ID of the load balancer instance to backendCreate
// Required: true
LBID uint64 `url:"lbId" json:"lbId"`
LBID uint64 `url:"lbId" json:"lbId" validate:"required"`
// Must be unique among all backends of this load balancer - name of the new backend to create
// Required: true
BackendName string `url:"backendName" json:"backendName"`
BackendName string `url:"backendName" json:"backendName" validate:"required"`
// Algorithm
// Should be one of:
@ -23,7 +24,7 @@ type BackendUpdateRequest struct {
// - static-rr
// - leastconn
// Required: false
Algorithm string `url:"algorithm,omitempty" json:"algorithm,omitempty"`
Algorithm string `url:"algorithm,omitempty" json:"algorithm,omitempty" validate:"omitempty,lbAlgorithm"`
// Interval in milliseconds between two consecutive availability
// checks of the server that is considered available
@ -66,22 +67,13 @@ type BackendUpdateRequest struct {
Weight uint64 `url:"weight,omitempty" json:"weight,omitempty"`
func (lbrq BackendUpdateRequest) validate() error {
if lbrq.LBID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field LBID can not be empty or equal to 0")
if lbrq.BackendName == "" {
return errors.New("validation-error: field BackendName can not be empty")
return nil
// BackendUpdate updates existing backend on the specified load balancer. Note that backend name cannot be changed
func (l LB) BackendUpdate(ctx context.Context, req BackendUpdateRequest) (bool, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return false, err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return false, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/lb/backendUpdate"

@ -2,32 +2,27 @@ package lb
import (
// Request struct for reset config
type ConfigResetRequest struct {
// ID of the load balancer instance to ConfigReset
// Required: true
LBID uint64 `url:"lbId" json:"lbId"`
func (lbrq ConfigResetRequest) validate() error {
if lbrq.LBID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field LBID can not be empty or equal to 0")
return nil
LBID uint64 `url:"lbId" json:"lbId" validate:"required"`
// ConfigReset reset current software configuration of the specified load balancer.
// Warning: this action cannot be undone!
func (l LB) ConfigReset(ctx context.Context, req ConfigResetRequest) (bool, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return false, err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return false, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/lb/configReset"

@ -2,61 +2,47 @@ package lb
import (
// Request struct for create load balancer
type CreateRequest struct {
// ID of the resource group where this load balancer instance will be located
// Required: true
RGID uint64 `url:"rgId" json:"rgId"`
RGID uint64 `url:"rgId" json:"rgId" validate:"required"`
// Name of the load balancer.
// Must be unique among all load balancers in this Resource Group
// Required: true
Name string `url:"name" json:"name"`
Name string `url:"name" json:"name" validate:"required"`
// External network to connect this load balancer to
// Required: true
ExtNetID uint64 `url:"extnetId" json:"extnetId"`
ExtNetID uint64 `url:"extnetId" json:"extnetId" validate:"required"`
// Internal network (VINS) to connect this load balancer to
// Required: true
VINSID uint64 `url:"vinsId" json:"vinsId"`
VINSID uint64 `url:"vinsId" json:"vinsId" validate:"required"`
// Start now Load balancer
// Required: false
Start bool `url:"start" json:"start"`
// Required: true
Start bool `url:"start" json:"start" validate:"required"`
// Text description of this load balancer
// Required: false
Description string `url:"desc,omitempty" json:"desc,omitempty"`
func (lbrq CreateRequest) validate() error {
if lbrq.RGID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field RGID can not be empty or equal to 0")
if lbrq.Name == "" {
return errors.New("validation-error: field Name can not be empty")
if lbrq.ExtNetID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field ExtNetID can not be empty or equal to 0")
if lbrq.VINSID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field VINSID can not be empty or equal to 0")
return nil
// Create method will create a new load balancer instance
func (l LB) Create(ctx context.Context, req CreateRequest) (string, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return "", err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return "", validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/lb/create"

@ -2,35 +2,30 @@ package lb
import (
// Request struct for delete load balancer
type DeleteRequest struct {
// ID of the load balancer instance to delete
// Required: true
LBID uint64 `url:"lbId" json:"lbId"`
LBID uint64 `url:"lbId" json:"lbId" validate:"required"`
// Set to true to delete load balancer immediately bypassing recycle bin
// Required: false
Permanently bool `url:"permanently,omitempty" json:"permanently,omitempty"`
func (lbrq DeleteRequest) validate() error {
if lbrq.LBID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field LBID can not be empty or equal to 0")
return nil
// Delete deletes specified load balancer
func (l LB) Delete(ctx context.Context, req DeleteRequest) (bool, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return false, err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return false, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/lb/delete"

@ -2,31 +2,26 @@ package lb
import (
// Request struct for disable/enable load balancer
type DisableEnableRequest struct {
// ID of the load balancer instance to disable/enable
// Required: true
LBID uint64 `url:"lbId" json:"lbId"`
func (lbrq DisableEnableRequest) validate() error {
if lbrq.LBID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field LBID can not be empty or equal to 0")
return nil
LBID uint64 `url:"lbId" json:"lbId" validate:"required"`
// Disable disables specified load balancer instance
func (l LB) Disable(ctx context.Context, req DisableEnableRequest) (bool, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return false, err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return false, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/lb/disable"
@ -46,9 +41,11 @@ func (l LB) Disable(ctx context.Context, req DisableEnableRequest) (bool, error)
// Enable enables specified load balancer instance
func (l LB) Enable(ctx context.Context, req DisableEnableRequest) (bool, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return false, err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return false, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/lb/enable"

@ -1,5 +1,12 @@
package lb
import (
// FilterByID returns ListLB with specified ID.
func (ll ListLB) FilterByID(id uint64) ListLB {
predicate := func(ill ItemLoadBalancer) bool {
@ -36,6 +43,26 @@ func (ll ListLB) FilterByImageID(imageID uint64) ListLB {
return ll.FilterFunc(predicate)
// FilterByK8SID returns ListLB used by specified K8S cluster.
func (ll ListLB) FilterByK8SID(ctx context.Context, k8sID uint64, decortClient interfaces.Caller) (ListLB, error) {
caller := k8s.New(decortClient)
req := k8s.GetRequest{
K8SID: k8sID,
cluster, err := caller.Get(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
predicate := func(ill ItemLoadBalancer) bool {
return cluster.LBID == ill.ID
return ll.FilterFunc(predicate), nil
// FilterFunc allows filtering ListLB based on a user-specified predicate.
func (ll ListLB) FilterFunc(predicate func(ItemLoadBalancer) bool) ListLB {
var result ListLB

@ -2,20 +2,21 @@ package lb
import (
// Request struct for frontend bind
type FrontendBindRequest struct {
// ID of the load balancer instance to FrontendBind
// Required: true
LBID uint64 `url:"lbId" json:"lbId"`
LBID uint64 `url:"lbId" json:"lbId" validate:"required"`
// Name of the frontend to update
// Required: true
FrontendName string `url:"frontendName" json:"frontendName"`
FrontendName string `url:"frontendName" json:"frontendName" validate:"required"`
// Name of the binding to update
// Required: true
@ -33,25 +34,13 @@ type FrontendBindRequest struct {
BindingPort uint64 `url:"bindingPort,omitempty" json:"bindingPort,omitempty"`
func (lbrq FrontendBindRequest) validate() error {
if lbrq.LBID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field LBID can not be empty or equal to 0")
if lbrq.FrontendName == "" {
return errors.New("validation-error: field FrontendName can not be empty")
if lbrq.BindingName == "" {
return errors.New("validation-error: field BindingName can not be empty")
return nil
// FrontendBind bind frontend from specified load balancer instance
func (l LB) FrontendBind(ctx context.Context, req FrontendBindRequest) (string, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return "", err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return "", validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/lb/frontendBind"

@ -2,45 +2,34 @@ package lb
import (
// Request struct for delete bind
type FrontendBindDeleteRequest struct {
// ID of the load balancer instance to FrontendBindDelete
// Required: true
LBID uint64 `url:"lbId" json:"lbId"`
LBID uint64 `url:"lbId" json:"lbId" validate:"required"`
// Name of the frontend to delete
// Required: true
FrontendName string `url:"frontendName" json:"frontendName"`
FrontendName string `url:"frontendName" json:"frontendName" validate:"required"`
// Name of the binding to delete
// Required: true
BindingName string `url:"bindingName" json:"bindingName"`
func (lbrq FrontendBindDeleteRequest) validate() error {
if lbrq.LBID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field LBID can not be empty or equal to 0")
if lbrq.FrontendName == "" {
return errors.New("validation-error: field FrontendName can not be empty")
if lbrq.BindingName == "" {
return errors.New("validation-error: field BindingName can not be empty")
return nil
BindingName string `url:"bindingName" json:"bindingName" validate:"required"`
// FrontendBindDelete deletes binding from the specified load balancer frontend
func (l LB) FrontendBindDelete(ctx context.Context, req FrontendBindDeleteRequest) (string, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return "", err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return "", validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/lb/frontendBindDelete"

@ -2,24 +2,25 @@ package lb
import (
// Request struct for update binding
type FrontendBindUpdateRequest struct {
// ID of the load balancer instance to FrontendBindUpdate
// Required: true
LBID uint64 `url:"lbId" json:"lbId"`
LBID uint64 `url:"lbId" json:"lbId" validate:"required"`
// Name of the frontend to update
// Required: true
FrontendName string `url:"frontendName" json:"frontendName"`
FrontendName string `url:"frontendName" json:"frontendName" validate:"required"`
// Name of the binding to update
// Required: true
BindingName string `url:"bindingName" json:"bindingName"`
BindingName string `url:"bindingName" json:"bindingName" validate:"required"`
// If specified must be within the IP range of either Ext Net or ViNS,
// where this load balancer is connected - new IP address to use for this binding.
@ -33,25 +34,13 @@ type FrontendBindUpdateRequest struct {
BindingPort uint64 `url:"bindingPort,omitempty" json:"bindingPort,omitempty"`
func (lbrq FrontendBindUpdateRequest) validate() error {
if lbrq.LBID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field LBID can not be empty or equal to 0")
if lbrq.FrontendName == "" {
return errors.New("validation-error: field FrontendName can not be empty")
if lbrq.BindingName == "" {
return errors.New("validation-error: field BindingName can not be empty")
return nil
// FrontendBindUpdate updates binding for the specified load balancer frontend
func (l LB) FrontendBindUpdate(ctx context.Context, req FrontendBindUpdateRequest) (string, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return "", err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return "", validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/lb/frontendBindingUpdate"

@ -2,47 +2,36 @@ package lb
import (
// Request struct for create frontend
type FrontendCreateRequest struct {
// ID of the load balancer instance to FrontendCreate
// Required: true
LBID uint64 `url:"lbId" json:"lbId"`
LBID uint64 `url:"lbId" json:"lbId" validate:"required"`
// Must be unique among all frontends of
// this load balancer - name of the new frontend to create
// Required: true
FrontendName string `url:"frontendName" json:"frontendName"`
FrontendName string `url:"frontendName" json:"frontendName" validate:"required"`
// Should be one of the backends existing on
// this load balancer - name of the backend to use
// Required: true
BackendName string `url:"backendName" json:"backendName"`
func (lbrq FrontendCreateRequest) validate() error {
if lbrq.LBID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field LBID can not be empty or equal to 0")
if lbrq.FrontendName == "" {
return errors.New("validation-error: field FrontendName can not be empty")
if lbrq.BackendName == "" {
return errors.New("validation-error: field BackendName can not be empty")
return nil
BackendName string `url:"backendName" json:"backendName" validate:"required"`
// FrontendCreate creates new frontend on the specified load balancer
func (l LB) FrontendCreate(ctx context.Context, req FrontendCreateRequest) (bool, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return false, err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return false, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/lb/frontendCreate"

@ -2,39 +2,31 @@ package lb
import (
// Request struct for delete frontend
type FrontendDeleteRequest struct {
// ID of the load balancer instance to FrontendDelete
// Required: true
LBID uint64 `url:"lbId" json:"lbId"`
LBID uint64 `url:"lbId" json:"lbId" validate:"required"`
// Name of the frontend to delete
// Required: true
FrontendName string `url:"frontendName" json:"frontendName"`
func (lbrq FrontendDeleteRequest) validate() error {
if lbrq.LBID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field LBID can not be empty or equal to 0")
if lbrq.FrontendName == "" {
return errors.New("validation-error: field FrontendName can not be empty")
return nil
FrontendName string `url:"frontendName" json:"frontendName" validate:"required"`
// FrontendDelete deletes frontend from the specified load balancer.
// Warning: you cannot undo this action!
func (l LB) FrontendDelete(ctx context.Context, req FrontendDeleteRequest) (bool, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return false, err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return false, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/lb/frontendDelete"

@ -3,30 +3,25 @@ package lb
import (
// Request struct for get detailed information about load balancer
type GetRequest struct {
// ID of the load balancer to get details for
// Required: true
LBID uint64 `url:"lbId" json:"lbId"`
func (lbrq GetRequest) validate() error {
if lbrq.LBID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field LBID can not be empty or equal to 0")
return nil
LBID uint64 `url:"lbId" json:"lbId" validate:"required"`
// Get gets detailed information about load balancer
func (l LB) Get(ctx context.Context, req GetRequest) (*RecordLB, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return nil, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/lb/get"

@ -2,31 +2,26 @@ package lb
import (
// Request struct for restart load balancer
type RestartRequest struct {
// ID of the load balancer instance to restart
// Required: true
LBID uint64 `url:"lbId" json:"lbId"`
func (lbrq RestartRequest) validate() error {
if lbrq.LBID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field LBID can not be empty or equal to 0")
return nil
LBID uint64 `url:"lbId" json:"lbId" validate:"required"`
// Restart restarts specified load balancer instance
func (l LB) Restart(ctx context.Context, req RestartRequest) (bool, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return false, err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return false, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/lb/restart"

@ -2,31 +2,26 @@ package lb
import (
// Request struct for restore load balancer
type RestoreRequest struct {
// ID of the load balancer instance to restore
// Required: true
LBID uint64 `url:"lbId" json:"lbId"`
func (lbrq RestoreRequest) validate() error {
if lbrq.LBID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field LBID can not be empty or equal to 0")
return nil
LBID uint64 `url:"lbId" json:"lbId" validate:"required"`
// Restore restore load balancer from recycle bin
func (l LB) Restore(ctx context.Context, req RestoreRequest) (bool, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return false, err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return false, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/lb/restore"

@ -2,31 +2,26 @@ package lb
import (
// Request struct for start load balancer
type StartRequest struct {
// ID of the load balancer instance to start
// Required: true
LBID uint64 `url:"lbId" json:"lbId"`
func (lbrq StartRequest) validate() error {
if lbrq.LBID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field LBID can not be empty or equal to 0")
return nil
LBID uint64 `url:"lbId" json:"lbId" validate:"required"`
// Start starts specified load balancer instance
func (l LB) Start(ctx context.Context, req StartRequest) (bool, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return false, err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return false, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/lb/start"

@ -2,31 +2,26 @@ package lb
import (
// Request struct for stop load balancer
type StopRequest struct {
// ID of the load balancer instance to stop
// Required: true
LBID uint64 `url:"lbId" json:"lbId"`
func (lbrq StopRequest) validate() error {
if lbrq.LBID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field LBID can not be empty or equal to 0")
return nil
LBID uint64 `url:"lbId" json:"lbId" validate:"required"`
// Stop stops specified load balancer instance
func (l LB) Stop(ctx context.Context, req StopRequest) (bool, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return false, err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return false, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/lb/start"

@ -2,39 +2,31 @@ package lb
import (
// Request struct for update load balancer
type UpdateRequest struct {
// ID of the load balancer to update
// Required: true
LBID uint64 `url:"lbId" json:"lbId"`
LBID uint64 `url:"lbId" json:"lbId" validate:"required"`
// New description of this load balancer.
// If omitted, current description is retained
// Required: true
Description string `url:"desc" json:"desc"`
func (lbrq UpdateRequest) validate() error {
if lbrq.LBID == 0 {
return errors.New("validation-error: field LBID can not be empty or equal to 0")
if lbrq.Description == "" {
return errors.New("validation-error: field Description can not be empty")
return nil
Description string `url:"desc" json:"desc" validate:"required"`
// Update updates some of load balancer attributes
func (l LB) Update(ctx context.Context, req UpdateRequest) (bool, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return false, err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return false, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/lb/update"

@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ package rg
import (
@ -13,44 +12,31 @@ import (
type AccessGrantRequest struct {
// Resource group ID
// Required: true
RGID uint64 `url:"rgId" json:"rgId"`
RGID uint64 `url:"rgId" json:"rgId" validate:"required"`
// User or group name to grant access
// Required: true
User string `url:"user" json:"user"`
User string `url:"user" json:"user" validate:"required"`
// Access rights to set, one of:
// - "R"
// - "RCX"
// - "ARCXDU"
// Required: true
Right string `url:"right" json:"right"`
Right string `url:"right" json:"right" validate:"accessType"`
// Reason for action
// Required: false
Reason string `url:"reason,omitempty" json:"reason,omitempty"`
func (rgrq AccessGrantRequest) validate() error {
if rgrq.RGID == 0 {
return errors.New("field RGID can not be empty or equal to 0")
if rgrq.User == "" {
return errors.New("field User can not be empty")
validate := validators.StringInSlice(rgrq.Right, []string{"R", "RCX", "ARCXDU"})
if !validate {
return errors.New("field Right can only be one of 'R', 'RCX' or 'ARCXDU'")
return nil
// AccessGrant grants user or group access to the resource group as specified
func (r RG) AccessGrant(ctx context.Context, req AccessGrantRequest) (bool, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return false, err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return false, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/rg/accessGrant"

@ -2,42 +2,34 @@ package rg
import (
// Request struct for revoke access
type AccessRevokeRequest struct {
// Resource group ID
// Required: true
RGID uint64 `url:"rgId" json:"rgId"`
RGID uint64 `url:"rgId" json:"rgId" validate:"required"`
// User or group name to revoke access
// Required: true
User string `url:"user" json:"user"`
User string `url:"user" json:"user" validate:"required"`
// Reason for action
// Required: false
Reason string `url:"reason,omitempty" json:"reason,omitempty"`
func (rgrq AccessRevokeRequest) validate() error {
if rgrq.RGID == 0 {
return errors.New("field RGID can not be empty or equal to 0")
if rgrq.User == "" {
return errors.New("field User can not be empty")
return nil
// AccessRevoke revokes specified user or group access from the resource group
func (r RG) AccessRevoke(ctx context.Context, req AccessRevokeRequest) (bool, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return false, err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return false, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/rg/accessRevoke"

@ -3,37 +3,29 @@ package rg
import (
// Request struct for get list of all computes with their relationships
type AffinityGroupComputesRequest struct {
// Resource group ID
// Required: true
RGID uint64 `url:"rgId" json:"rgId"`
RGID uint64 `url:"rgId" json:"rgId" validate:"required"`
// Affinity group label
// Required: true
AffinityGroup string `url:"affinityGroup" json:"affinityGroup"`
func (rgrq AffinityGroupComputesRequest) validate() error {
if rgrq.RGID == 0 {
return errors.New("field RGID can not be empty or equal to 0")
if rgrq.AffinityGroup == "" {
return errors.New("field AffinityGroup cat not be empty")
return nil
AffinityGroup string `url:"affinityGroup" json:"affinityGroup" validate:"required"`
// AffinityGroupComputes gets list of all computes with their relationships to another computes
func (r RG) AffinityGroupComputes(ctx context.Context, req AffinityGroupComputesRequest) (ListAffinityGroups, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return nil, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/rg/affinityGroupComputes"

@ -3,37 +3,29 @@ package rg
import (
// Request struct for get list computes from affinity group
type AffinityGroupsGetRequest struct {
// Resource group ID
// Required: true
RGID uint64 `url:"rgId" json:"rgId"`
RGID uint64 `url:"rgId" json:"rgId" validate:"required"`
// Label affinity group
// Required: true
AffinityGroup string `url:"affinityGroup" json:"affinityGroup"`
func (rgrq AffinityGroupsGetRequest) validate() error {
if rgrq.RGID == 0 {
return errors.New("field RGID can not be empty or equal to 0")
if rgrq.AffinityGroup == "" {
return errors.New("field AffinityGroup cat not be empty")
return nil
AffinityGroup string `url:"affinityGroup" json:"affinityGroup" validate:"required"`
// AffinityGroupsGet gets list computes in the specified affinity group
func (r RG) AffinityGroupsGet(ctx context.Context, req AffinityGroupsGetRequest) ([]uint64, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return nil, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/rg/affinityGroupsGet"

@ -3,30 +3,25 @@ package rg
import (
// Request struct for get list of affinity groups from resource group
type AffinityGroupsListRequest struct {
// Resource group ID
// Required: true
RGID uint64 `url:"rgId" json:"rgId"`
func (rgrq AffinityGroupsListRequest) validate() error {
if rgrq.RGID == 0 {
return errors.New("field RGID can not be empty or equal to 0")
return nil
RGID uint64 `url:"rgId" json:"rgId" validate:"required"`
// AffinityGroupsList gets all currently defined affinity groups in this resource group with compute IDs
func (r RG) AffinityGroupsList(ctx context.Context, req AffinityGroupsListRequest) (map[string][]uint64, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return nil, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/rg/affinityGroupsList"

@ -3,30 +3,25 @@ package rg
import (
// Request struct for get audit
type AuditsRequest struct {
// Resource group ID
// Required: true
RGID uint64 `url:"rgId" json:"rgId"`
func (rgrq AuditsRequest) validate() error {
if rgrq.RGID == 0 {
return errors.New("field RGID can not be empty or equal to 0")
return nil
RGID uint64 `url:"rgId" json:"rgId" validate:"required"`
// Audits gets audit records for the specified resource group object
func (r RG) Audits(ctx context.Context, req AuditsRequest) (ListAudits, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return nil, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/rg/audits"

@ -2,24 +2,25 @@ package rg
import (
// Request struct for create resource group
type CreateRequest struct {
// Account, which will own this resource group
// Required: true
AccountID uint64 `url:"accountId" json:"accountId"`
AccountID uint64 `url:"accountId" json:"accountId" validate:"required"`
// Grid ID
// Required: true
GID uint64 `url:"gid" json:"gid"`
GID uint64 `url:"gid" json:"gid" validate:"required"`
// Name of this resource group. Must be unique within the account
// Required: true
Name string `url:"name" json:"name"`
Name string `url:"name" json:"name" validate:"required,min=2"`
// Max size of memory in MB
// Required: false
@ -53,7 +54,7 @@ type CreateRequest struct {
// - NONE
// Required: false
DefNet string `url:"def_net,omitempty" json:"def_net,omitempty"`
DefNet string `url:"def_net,omitempty" json:"def_net,omitempty" validate:"omitempty,rgDefNet"`
// Private network IP CIDR if default network PRIVATE
// Required: false
@ -80,25 +81,13 @@ type CreateRequest struct {
RegisterComputes bool `url:"registerComputes,omitempty" json:"registerComputes,omitempty"`
func (rgrq CreateRequest) validate() error {
if rgrq.AccountID == 0 {
return errors.New("field AccountID can not be empty or equal to 0")
if rgrq.GID == 0 {
return errors.New("field GID can not be empty or equal to 0")
if len(rgrq.Name) < 2 {
return errors.New("field Name can not be shorter than two bytes")
return nil
// Create creates resource group
func (r RG) Create(ctx context.Context, req CreateRequest) (uint64, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return 0, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/rg/create"

@ -2,16 +2,17 @@ package rg
import (
// Request struct for delete resource group
type DeleteRequest struct {
// Resource group ID
// Required: true
RGID uint64 `url:"rgId" json:"rgId"`
RGID uint64 `url:"rgId" json:"rgId" validate:"required"`
// Set to True if you want force delete non-empty resource group
// Required: false
@ -27,19 +28,13 @@ type DeleteRequest struct {
Reason string `url:"reason,omitempty" json:"reason,omitempty"`
func (rgrq DeleteRequest) validate() error {
if rgrq.RGID == 0 {
return errors.New("field RGID can not be empty or equal to 0")
return nil
// Delete deletes resource group
func (r RG) Delete(ctx context.Context, req DeleteRequest) (bool, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return false, err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return false, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/rg/delete"

@ -2,35 +2,30 @@ package rg
import (
// Request struct for disable resource group
type DisableRequest struct {
// Resource group ID
// Required: true
RGID uint64 `url:"rgId" json:"rgId"`
RGID uint64 `url:"rgId" json:"rgId" validate:"required"`
// Reason for action
// Required: false
Reason string `url:"reason,omitempty" json:"reason,omitempty"`
func (rgrq DisableRequest) validate() error {
if rgrq.RGID == 0 {
return errors.New("field RGID can not be empty or equal to 0")
return nil
// Disable disables resource group
func (r RG) Disable(ctx context.Context, req DisableRequest) (bool, error) {
err := req.validate()
err := validators.ValidateRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return false, err
for _, validationError := range validators.GetErrors(err) {
return false, validators.ValidationError(validationError)
url := "/cloudapi/rg/disable"

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